Cameron Akhavan

Developer Relations Engineer, PubNub

FaceTracking Desktop Security: OpenCV, React Native
Aug 7, 2019

FaceTracking Desktop Security: OpenCV, React Native

Step-by-step guide to building your own React Native desktop security system with facial recognition using OpenCV, ClickSend, SendGrid and Cloudinary.
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Cameron Akhavan
Real-time Machine Learning: Online Learning w/PubNub
Jul 25, 2019

Real-time Machine Learning: Online Learning w/PubNub

Exploring machine learning algorithms in real-time data streaming, online learning, including theory and building a machine learning model.
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Cameron Akhavan
How To Turbocharge Your Machine Learning Algorithm
Jan 7, 2019

How To Turbocharge Your Machine Learning Algorithm

What is Machine Learning: the various tradeoffs engineers must make in devising, developing, and improving effective and useful ML algorithms.
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Cameron Akhavan
PubNub is a Valuable Skill for Developers
Aug 15, 2018

PubNub is a Valuable Skill for Developers

Why PubNub is valuable for your developer toolbox, and how to kick off your PubNub education.
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Cameron Akhavan
Build an Irrigation System with Raspberry Pi
IoTAug 6, 2018

Build an Irrigation System with Raspberry Pi

Use PubNub and a Raspberry Pi to build an IoT smart irrigation system with real-time sensor data monitoring.
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Cameron Akhavan
Cloud State Machines: Future of IoT & Edge Computing
IoTAug 2, 2018

Cloud State Machines: Future of IoT & Edge Computing

What is edge computing compared with Cloud Computing? Learn what makes a cloud state machine so great and how it can better your business.
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Cameron Akhavan
Create an IoT Twitter Bot in 5 Easy Steps
IoTJul 10, 2018

Create an IoT Twitter Bot in 5 Easy Steps

Learn how to build an IoT Twitter bot using Functions. Learn to publish and subscribe temperature/humidity sensor readings from a Raspberry Pi.
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Cameron Akhavan
Build: Cloud Server State Machine with Functions
PubNub PortalJun 26, 2018

Build: Cloud Server State Machine with Functions

How to build a cloud server state machine with Functions, and a tutorial for a PubNub state machine demonstration for an IoT smart lock.
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Cameron Akhavan
Implementing PubNub with the Ethereum Blockchain
Jun 12, 2018

Implementing PubNub with the Ethereum Blockchain

How to implement PubNub with the Ethereum blockchain to create a PubNub-powered DApp with Truffle, Infura and the Ropsten Test Network.
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Cameron Akhavan