
Tutorials, demos, and code walkthroughs for a wide variety of real-time web, mobile, and IoT projects.

BuildJan 12, 2024

Python Socket Programming: Server-Client Connection

A comprehensive guide to Python Network Programming.
Darryn Campbell
Darryn Campbell
Developer Advocate, PubNub
arduino gsm shield 1380x600.png
BuildJan 12, 2024

Connect an Arduino GSM Shield with Cellular Networks

In this tutorial, we guide you through the process of connecting an Arduino GMS/GPRS shield with cellular networks. This allows for bidirectional data streaming between devices without requiring a WiFi connection.
Darryn Campbell
Darryn Campbell
Developer Advocate, PubNub
Node.js WebSocket Programming Examples.jpg
BuildJan 11, 2024

Node JS WebSocket Server & Programming Examples

A comprehensive guide to modern Node.js and WebSocket programming.
Darryn Campbell
Darryn Campbell
Developer Advocate, PubNub
BuildJan 11, 2024

Intelligent Parking System with Live Space Tracking

Discover how to develop an intelligent parking system with live tracking using modern technologies like PubNub, Soracom, and Raspberry Pi.
Kaushik Ravikumar
Kaushik Ravikumar
BuildDec 27, 2023

Do I Have to Store My Data with PubNub?

PubNub is flexible. You do not have to store data with us to implement a production application with real-time messaging features. Still, if you choose to, you get access to additional features and benefits, which we can only provide if we understand your data in context. The choice is entirely yours,...
Darryn Campbell
Darryn Campbell
Developer Advocate, PubNub
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BuildDec 13, 2023

The Evolution of HTTP Streaming

In the third quarter of 2022, a staggering 7.2 billion hours of content were consumed through live streaming, a statistic that highlights the immense popularity of streaming media and underlines the critical role of HTTP streaming technologies in shaping our viewing experiences.
Michael Carroll
Michael Carroll
Content Writer, PubNub
BuildSep 27, 2023

Announcing the New PubNub Chat SDK

We are excited to announce the new PubNub Chat SDK, the easiest way for developers to create new chat applications or add in-app chat to existing applications.
Darryn Campbell
Darryn Campbell
Developer Advocate, PubNub
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BuildSep 26, 2023

WebRTC vs. WebSockets

In this post, we will dive into WebRTC and WebSockets, comparing and contrasting the two communication protocols, and guide you through making the right choice for your application needs.
Chandler Mayo
Chandler Mayo
Solution Engineer, PubNub
A title image for presence webhooks
BuildSep 22, 2023

Is Anyone Home? An Intro to Presence Webhooks

In this guide to Presence, we’ll talk about real-time Presence events, show how you can use them with your existing user database, and examine some practical use-cases.
Mathew Jenkinson
Mathew Jenkinson
Principal Solutions Architect