
Find about what's happening at PubNub and around the industry.

PubNub Patches Bash Bug 'Shellshock' Vulnerability
NewsSep 29, 2014

PubNub Patches Bash Bug 'Shellshock' Vulnerability

PubNub had applied patches to address the Bash Bug Shellshock vulnerability across our entire data stream infrastructure.
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Stephen Blum
Real-time Analytics Dashboard - Greater Visibility
NewsSep 25, 2014

Real-time Analytics Dashboard - Greater Visibility

Announcing PubNub Real-time Analytics dashboard with new metrics for PubNub data streams.
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Darryn Campbell
Google Cloud Messaging (GCM) Support for Android
NewsJul 9, 2014

Google Cloud Messaging (GCM) Support for Android

PubNub now supports Google Cloud Messaging (GCM) for Android push notifications.
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Developer Relations Team
MQTT for Embedded Devices Now Supported by PubNub
NewsJul 8, 2014

MQTT for Embedded Devices Now Supported by PubNub

The MQTT protocol for embedded Internet of Things devices now supported by PubNub.
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Michael Carroll
Go Programming Language SDK Available on PubNub
NewsJun 4, 2014

Go Programming Language SDK Available on PubNub

The Go Programming Language (Golang) SDK is now available on PubNub, the world's leadsing real-time communication platform.
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Mathew Jenkinson
Build real-time dashboards: monitor IoT devices
NewsMay 20, 2014

Build real-time dashboards: monitor IoT devices

Build customizable and interactive user interfaces and a real-time dashboard to monitor your IoT connected devices with freeboard from Bug Labs.
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Developer Relations Team
Bower Power! AngularJS Now PubNub-Enabled
NewsMay 15, 2014

Bower Power! AngularJS Now PubNub-Enabled

Bower power! AngularJS is now PubNub-enabled. This blog shows you how to integrate your AngularJS library with your web or mobile app.
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Michael Carroll
Real-Time, Real Fast: Meet Seti, PubNub's Sponsored Skier
NewsJan 13, 2014

Real-Time, Real Fast: Meet Seti, PubNub's Sponsored Skier

Meet the newest member of the PubNub team. No, she's not a programmer, and actually, she isn't even in high school yet. In fact, she's an 8 year old competi
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Developer Relations Team
Dan Ristic, WebRTC Summit: The WebRTC Data Channel
NewsNov 21, 2013

Dan Ristic, WebRTC Summit: The WebRTC Data Channel

At last week's WebRTC Summit in Santa Clara, PubNub's Dan Ristic spoke in front of a full house on "The WebRTC Data Channel."
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Michael Carroll