
How PubNub Delivers Real-Time Visibility: Case Studies

Michelle Steffes on Feb 20, 2024
How PubNub Delivers Real-Time Visibility

Supply chain and fleet management solutions are complex and contain many moving parts.

Real-time visibility offers a detailed view of supply chains, but building and maintaining the right tech stack for it can be challenging. This is where data streaming partners like PubNub come in. Our developer API platform offers reliable, scalable functionality to power real-time capabilities on supply chain and logistics platforms as well as web and mobile applications. And PubNub Insights allows you to identify and monitor metrics like trends, patterns & anomalies over time and by location so that you can make data-driven decisions on the spot.

But don’t just take our word for it.

Let’s look at real-world use cases of businesses that used PubNub to power their real-time capabilities. 

Case study #1: Real-time visibility for construction companies

Tenna is a construction technology platform specializing in equipment fleet operations. Construction companies can manage and track assets and fleets using real-time data. 

Tenna wanted to introduce real-time geolocation tracking on its platform. It needed a reliable partner that could easily integrate and scale with its existing tech stack to make this happen. Its search eventually led to PubNub. 

PubNub’s SDKs were ideal for integrating real-time geolocation tracking with Tenna's existing infrastructure. Moreover, PubNub’s reliable backend solution made it possible to scale operations depending on real-time requirements.

How Tenna benefits from PubNub

Using PubNub allows Tenna to:

  • Develop new features quickly: PubNub's easy-to-use solution, reliable backend, and SDKs enable Tenna to quickly develop new and scalable features.

  • Offer a more reliable solution: PubNub's 99.999% uptime SLA gives Tenna’s end users access to real-time geolocation data without connectivity issues or outages. 

  • Make data-driven decisions: Real-time geolocation maps enable more informed decision-making, with insights about not just the fleet but also smaller assets like tools, materials, and inventory. 

You can learn more about how Tenna powers real-time visibility for construction companies here.

Case study #2: Syncing and streaming real-time vehicle fleet data 

Decisiv’s real-time fleet service platform lets users track fleet service events using a variety of case attributes like stage status, service location, estimated value, asset type, etc.

The company processed thousands of event updates at any given time. This meant it needed a reliable real-time edge messaging network to handle the increasing traffic at the backend while updating the dashboard in real-time. 

Decisiv decided to go with PubNub’s edge messaging network to deliver real-time updates synced to the backend. 

How Decisiv benefited from PubNub

With PubNub, Decisiv can offer:

  • Real-time updates: Decisiv delivers real-time fleet updates automatically. Users don't have to manually refresh the page or run new reports. 

  • Better user experience: Users can access real-time event and fleet tracking data via interactive dashboards.

Read more about how Decisiv syncs and streams real-time vehicle fleet data here.

Case study #3: Modernizing freight shipping with real-time data

Mothership offers an all-in-one shipment management platform that benefits both customers and carriers. Customers can track shipments in real-time while carriers can manage their schedules to maximize efficiency and earnings. 

Usage spikes left Mothership needing a reliable backend solution that could push real-time data to clients. And because the company was looking to grow, scalability was also a concern, bringing it to PubNub.

The software development team at Mothership built a proof-of-concept mobile app with a backend hosted on PubNub’s servers. The team found it easy to integrate PubNub with their existing tech stack—Mothership also uses Kafka at their backend.

How Mothership benefits from PubNub

PubNub helps Mothership with:   

  • Scalability: PubNub’s scalable solution allows Mothership to meet its growth goals.

  • Real-time visibility: Users can actively track shipments and intervene in case of problems.

  • Quick backend resolution: Access to Datadog’s real-time dashboards makes it easy to identify and solve any issues in the backend. 

Learn more about how Mothership leveraged PubNub here.

Ensuring the supply chain and logistics solutions you build are really real-time

Real-time visibility makes it easier to manage operations. It makes an organization more resilient, simplifies and optimizes workflows, reduces operational costs, and offers insights so all relevant stakeholders are always in the loop. However, developing a system that can support increasing traffic without disruptions, delays, or downtime can be a challenge.

Furthermore, you’ll soon be running against scalability, compliance, and reliability issues when serving markets worldwide without a global technological infrastructure. Operating large-scale, real-time messaging is a very complex — and resource-intensive — challenge. Having to build, maintain, and improve the infrastructure yourself means you’re not focusing on your core mission and risk losing your competitive edge.

Get in touch or sign up for a free trial to explore how PubNub can enable real-time capabilities on your platform.