
Introduction to Babel: JavaScript Compiler for ES6

1 min read Michael Carroll on Jul 30, 2015

“JavaScript is not finished. It’s a living, breathing thing, constantly evolving.”

Babel Javascript compilerBabel is a JavaScript compiler for ECMAScript 6, the upcoming version of the ECMAScript standard. ES6 includes a ton of new updates to the JavaScript language, the first since 2009. Basically, if you’re writing code in ES6 syntax now, you won’t have to worry about any compatibility issues.

In the talk below from the San Francisco JavaScript meetup, Sebastian McKenzie and James Kyle of Babel give an introduction to the Babel compiler, the future of JavaScript, JavaScript standards, and a review of how Babel works, including its architecture.

What is JavaScript becoming?

So what are these changes? In a few months, the ES6 standard will be finished and released, and a number of new features will come with it. In fact, there are a lot of new APIs and syntax…

new javascript ES6 features

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