Learn about new PubNub releases, industry trends, and app development tips.
IoTApr 20, 2015
Building an Earthquake Warning and Monitoring System | PubNub
How to build an earthquake warning and monitoring system with Ruby, littleBits, and PubNub to send alerts and notifications in real time.
Apr 17, 2015
2015 Arduino Board Comparisons: Picking the Right Board
This blog post looks at different Arduino boards to help you pick the right board for whatever your Internet of Things use case is.
Apr 16, 2015
Bringing Modular, LEGO-thinking to the IOT
An overview of RubyBits, a blog series on teaching about hardware programming for modular IOTprojects using the Ruby language and littleBits
IoTApr 16, 2015
How to Build an Android Beacon Emitter [3/3]
A tutorial for how to build an Android iBeacon (beacon) emitter, the app that publishes signals to Android iBeacon detectors to trigger action.
IoTApr 15, 2015
How to Build an Android Beacon (iBeacon) Detector
A tutorial of how to build an Android beacon (aka iBeacon) detector, the app that listens for signals from the emitter and triggers an action.
IoTApr 13, 2015
Embedded Devices: Raspberry Pi, Arduino, & more
A collection of tutorials and code walkthroughs on connecting embedded boards to the Internet, and a number of IoT projects as well.
IoTApr 10, 2015
Smart Cities Will Use 1.1 Billion Connected Devices
The Internet of Things drives the new city, and smart cities are estimated to use 1.1 billion connected devices in 2015.
IoTApr 9, 2015
Triggering littleBits with Node.js using Johnny-Five
How to trigger a littleBits LED light in real time whenever a tweet is sent through the Twitter firehose with Node.js using Johnny-Five.
IoTApr 9, 2015
Tessel iBeacon Tutorial: Building the Broadcast Emitter | PubNub
How to build a Tessel iBeacon emitter to publish data to a Tessel Beacon emitter. Part 3 of our series on building Tessel iBeacon technology with PubNub.