
Learn about new PubNub releases, industry trends, and app development tips.

GamingJul 24, 2014

Node to Node Communication for Online Game Server Hosting

NodeCraft Hosting uses PubNub for node to node communication for online game server hosting and to power their interactive control console.

Developer Relations Team
Developer Relations Team
ChatJul 23, 2014

Building a Key Exchange System to Send Encrypted Messages

How to build a key exchange system using PubNub, enabling users to send encrypted, self destructing chat messages in real time.

Michael Carroll
Michael Carroll
ChatJul 22, 2014

Key Exchange and Self Destructing Messages Overview

Part One on building an open source, self destructing chat widget enabling you to send and receive self destructing, encrypted messages.

Michael Carroll
Michael Carroll
BuildJul 18, 2014

Using PubNub and Google Dart to Subscribe to a Bitcoin Feed

Earlier this year we received a question about how to use the PubNub Data Stream Network without an SLA officially supported SDK provided by PubNub. This specific case regarded using Google Dart and PubNub to subscribe to a bitcoin feed. We don’t recommend doing this, and we recommend using the...
Stephen Blum
Stephen Blum
CTO, PubNub
GamingJul 17, 2014

Online Users in a Chatroom Tutorial

We’ll show you how to get a list of online users in an online chatroom, creating a buddy list that updates as users join and leave the chatroom.

Michael Carroll
Michael Carroll
GamingJul 10, 2014

Adding Usernames in a Chatroom Tutorial – MemeWarz #2

How to automatically add unique users and usernames to a multiplayer game chatroom

Michael Carroll
Michael Carroll
PubNub Now Supports Google Cloud Messaging (GCM).jpg
News Jul 9, 2014

PubNub Now Supports Google Cloud Messaging (GCM) for Android

PubNub now supports Google Cloud Messaging (GCM) for Android push notifications.

Developer Relations Team
Developer Relations Team
News Jul 8, 2014

MQTT for Embedded Devices Now Supported by PubNub

PubNub now supports the MQTT protocol, enabling you to communicate using the MQTT protocol while still leveraging the PubNub Data Stream Network. Here’s how:

Michael Carroll
Michael Carroll
InsightsJul 3, 2014

Real-time Tech: Crowd Participation and Second-Screen Apps

A look at how real-time tech is changing the way we interact and engage audiences with crowd participation and second-screen apps.

Todd Greene
Todd Greene