Moderation Dashboard
The Moderation Dashboard moderates chat messages and images in real-time for any of your PubNub API keys; It’s also open source and free for you to use. The Moderation Dashboard is loaded with features, such as profanity filtering and channel moderation, that any chat developer needs to moderate user activity and enforce community guidelines.

About this demo
The Moderation Dashboard provides powerful tools to moderate chat messages and images in real-time for any of your PubNub API keys; It’s also open source and free for you to use.
The Moderation Dashboard is loaded with features, such as profanity filtering and channel moderation, that any chat developer needs to moderate user activity and enforce community guidelines. Chat administrators can also view a live stream of chat messages, manually moderate them, as well as revoke user permissions in a channel.
Automatic Message Moderation - For moderating text and images.
Administrator Message Moderation - For after-the-fact editing and removal of messages.
Administrator User Management - Ban users when needed.