PubNub Guides
What is React?
React is an open-source JavaScript library popular for building user interfaces (UI) for web and mobile applications.
What is HTTP Streaming?
HTTP Streaming allows a web server to continuously send data to a client over a single HTTP connection that remains open indefinitely.
What is OAuth?
OAuth is an open standard authorization framework that allows third-party apps to access user data without requiring login credentials.
What is gRPC?
gRPC, which stands for Google Remote Procedure Call, allows developers to build high-performance, language-agnostic APIs for distributed systems.
What is HTTP/3?
HTTP/3 (HTTP-over-QUIC) is the foundational protocol for the Web. App layer protocol for communication between web browsers and servers.
What is MQTT Protocol?
MQTT (Message Queuing Telemetry Transport) is a lightweight messaging protocol for efficient real-time communication between devices.
What are Server-Sent Events (SSE)?
Server-Sent Events (SSE) is one technology approach that allows backend servers to push real-time client updates over a single HTTP connection.
What are WebSockets?
In this guide, we discuss WebSockets and other types of client-server connections.
What is a HIPAA-Compliant App?
App development for building and launching healthcare applications is different from other industries. Why? Compliance and security.