How to

How to Add Real-time Chat to Your Unreal Engine Game

How to Add Real-time Chat to Your Unreal Engine Game

Learn how to add Real-time Chat to your Unreal Engine Game with PubNub. Real-time chat or in-game chat increases player engagement and aids user retention. It allows players to communicate with each other, fostering a sense of community and providing a platform for social interaction that makes a more enjoyable gaming experience.
How to Add Language Translation and Abusive Language Filtering to Your Unreal Engine Game

How to Add Language Translation and Abusive Language Filtering to Your Unreal Engine Game

Learn how to add Language Translation and Abusive Language Filtering to your Unreal Engine Game with PubNub. Moderating your chat is an essential feature in protecting your players from harmful behaviors and translating messages allows for more players to access your game.
How to Add Presence to Your Unreal Engine Game

How to Add Presence to Your Unreal Engine Game

Learn how to add Presence to your Unreal Engine Game to track the online and custom status of players. You'll learn about the different Presence Events, as well as implementing custom state to manage the exact location and activity of players in your game.
Smooth location data

How to Smooth Your Location Data & Snap to the Nearest Road

"How do I stop location fixes from ‘jumping around’?”, “How do I snap the vehicle to the road?”, “What if the vehicle GPS location is bad? Can I smooth that data?”. This how-to aims to answer all these questions.
How to use the E&A API
PubNub portal

How to Use the Events & Actions API

The Events & Actions API provides programmatic access to PubNub's E&A feature, allowing you to manage all the events in your application's ecosystem and send real-time data to third-party systems.
How to use App Context
PubNub portal

How to Use App Context

App Context is an easy-to-use, serverless storage for user, channel, and membership information. App Context triggers events whenever the data changes, enabling your apps to update in real time.
Securely Moderate Chat with BizOps Workspace
PubNub portal

How to Securely Moderate Chat and Users with BizOps Workspace

How to use PubNub's Channel Monitor and Access Manager to create a secure and moderated chat application
How to Set Up Illuminate for Your Game

How to Set up Illuminate for Your Game

Learn how to improve the monetization and balancing for your game in real time with Illuminate, an in-the-moment decision-making and actionability solution based on live analytics tracking of your online game data.
How to enable and configure PubNub Presence
PubNub portal

How to Enable and Configure PubNub Presence

Follow this how-to to enable Presence in the Admin Portal to track the online and offline status of users and devices in real time.