How to

Smooth location data

How to Smooth Your Location Data & Snap to the Nearest Road

"How do I stop location fixes from ‘jumping around’?”, “How do I snap the vehicle to the road?”, “What if the vehicle GPS location is bad? Can I smooth that data?”. This how-to aims to answer all these questions.
Virtual Events

How to Throttle or Aggregate Messages with PubNub

Applications that send messages at a high frequency need to consider how readable those messages are for recipients. This how-to will describe how you can either throttle or aggregate messages for a large audience

How to Implement IoT Predictive Maintenance

Why are IoT and Predictive Maintenance a Big Deal?
Virtual Events

How to Build Chat for Virtual Events

Virtual events need chat to keep users engaged, but it's often a challenge to build a chat solution that works at scale and can handle the network load surges that occur during popular events. As a developer, you need to select a robust backend API provider capable of transmitting and receiving the high volume of messages that your viewers and participants generate.

How to Explore Real-time Geolocation Solutions

This how-to will explain real-time geolocation services for developers, what to consider while building geolocation features, and how PubNub can make it easy to stream and use real-time location data.
How to IoT solution

How to develop an IoT solution with PubNub

Learn how to develop an IoT solution with PubNub, allowing you to monitor and control a global fleet of IoT devices in real-time