How to

Virtual Events

How to Throttle or Aggregate Messages with PubNub

Applications that send messages at a high frequency need to consider how readable those messages are for recipients. This how-to will describe how you can either throttle or aggregate messages for a large audience

How to Add a Friend List to Your Unity Game

Learn how to add a friend list to your Unity Game with PubNub. Understand how to construct friend groups, listen for online status changes and messages from friends, and how to add/remove friends.

How to Add a Scoreboard and Leaderboard to Your Unity Game

Learn how to add a scoreboard and leaderboard to your Unity Game with PubNub. Walkthrough how to update player scores during a match and display a global ranking leaderboard, all in real time.

How to Add Moderation and Translation to Your Unity Game

Learn how to add Moderation and Language Translation to your Unity Game with PubNub. Moderating your chat is an essential feature in protecting your players from harmful behaviors and translating messages allows for more players to access your game.

How to Add Presence to Your Unity Game

Learn how to add Presence to your Unity Game to track the online and custom status of players. You'll learn about the different Presence Events, as well as implementing custom state to manage the exact location and activity of players in your game.

How to Add Real-time Chat to Your Unity Game

Learn how to add real-time chat to your Unity video game with PubNub. Understand how to set up different channel patterns, send/receive messages, and then enhance/secure your in-game chat with advanced features.

How to Implement IoT Predictive Maintenance

Why are IoT and Predictive Maintenance a Big Deal?
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PubNub portal

Understand your PubNub data better - and fast - using Analyse with AI

PubNub Insights is a valuable tool for understanding your data, but analyzing the data and deciding what actions to take can be harder - which is where the new "Analyze with AI" feature can help
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PubNub portal

How to make the most of PubNub’s Dashboards

This How-to guide will explain the different dashboards PubNub offers, what metrics they contain, when you would use them, and where you can find them.