How to

Smooth location data

How to Smooth Your Location Data & Snap to the Nearest Road

"How do I stop location fixes from ‘jumping around’?”, “How do I snap the vehicle to the road?”, “What if the vehicle GPS location is bad? Can I smooth that data?”. This how-to aims to answer all these questions.
Header banner for How to Call Access Manager from PubNub Functions

How to Call Access Manager from PubNub Functions

Access Manager allows you to set rules that grant read & write access to specific channels and user metadata and define permissions for who can read, write, and modify that data. This guide discusses how to implement Access Manager within a PubNub Function.
Virtual Events

How to Throttle or Aggregate Messages with PubNub

Applications that send messages at a high frequency need to consider how readable those messages are for recipients. This how-to will describe how you can either throttle or aggregate messages for a large audience
How-to develop a real-time streaming application

How to Develop a real-time streaming application with PubNub

Learn how to develop a real-time streaming application with PubNub, allowing you to stream a continuous firehose of data to any number of recipients
Virtual Events

How to Build Chat for Virtual Events

Virtual events need chat to keep users engaged, but it's often a challenge to build a chat solution that works at scale and can handle the network load surges that occur during popular events. As a developer, you need to select a robust backend API provider capable of transmitting and receiving the high volume of messages that your viewers and participants generate.
How to Create a Real-Time Delivery application

How to Create a Real-Time Delivery Application

For any delivery solution, the end user experience will depend on providing real-time updates on vehicle location, delivery time and delivery status

How to Build a Real-Time Counter of Active Users

This how-to will explain how to add a real-time counter of active users to any application, what to consider while building this type of feature, and how PubNub can make it easy.

How to Explore Real-time Geolocation Solutions

This how-to will explain real-time geolocation services for developers, what to consider while building geolocation features, and how PubNub can make it easy to stream and use real-time location data.