Diffbot: Content Analysis
Analyze and extract content and webdata from websites and pages
Diffbot extracts web data and content from articles, products, discussions, images, and more. Using AI, computer vision, and natural language processing, the API understands objects from any webpage and retrieves clean, structured data. The Diffbot block for analyzing and extracting web data allows you to process incoming real-time messages with attached URLs, and amend website contextual information to that stream.

This block analyzes incoming messages with attached URLs using Diffbot to give amend website contextual information to the stream.
To learn more about Diffbot API and getting your production keys, visit DiffBot Registration
Input Channel: diffbot-channel (configurable) If the message contains an "url" field, the block will use the URL in the "url" field to send to Diffbot for analysis.
The Diffbot block sends the url to Diffbot for analysis and appends the returned analysis into the message payload