
The Most Important Tech Trend Shaping the Human Experience

In this talk we will show you why the human experience has reached this next stage of transformation - due to real-time technology.
The Most Important Tech Trend Shaping the Human Experience

The human experience is radically changing, altering the way we interact, collaborate, learn, move, and understand others, the world around us, and ourselves.

The real-time technological trend is changing every industry, product, and app out there today, and driving forward the ones of tomorrow. Rideshare and food delivery apps, the nature of work, and more, are all being affected by real-time technology.

Driven by low-latency, high-reliability connectivity, the real world and the virtual world are merging, and the separation between the two continues to blend more and more. Find out what this means for real-time innovation in this webinar.

The PubNub PubCast

Joe Hanson
Joe Hanson
Sr. Content Strategist, PubNub

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