Learn about new PubNub releases, industry trends, and app development tips.
BuildJan 7, 2011
node js Supercharged by PubNub
node js is an exciting and promising new server-side application platform for building apps using JavaScript. However, not everyone knows that node js can be supercharged using PubNub to connect a human audience. PubNub believes in node js as a powerful app server and that’s why we have created...
BuildAug 9, 2010
Facebook “Meh” Button : JavaScript
Yesterday, BoingBoing posted an article with a new Facebook Icon for “Meh” Button, opposed to “Like”. Inspired by this, PubNub developers built the Facebook “Meh” Button and added real-time functionality to it. This button can be used with the Facebook “Like”...
News Jul 20, 2010
PHP Push API Walkthrough
PubNub adds Publish and Subscribe for PHP developers. Developers can use Publish/Subscribe from a terminal or web server.
BuildJun 17, 2010
Enable jQuery Push Notifications API
The new PubNub JavaScript Push API 2.0 now with jQuery Plugin! If you are a jQuery user and have wanted a Push API with Publish and Subscribe, then hurray! Here is the fastest and lightest jQuery Push API. It is compatible with mobile phone devices such as iPhone, iPad, Blackberry, Android, Symbian and...
BuildJun 11, 2010
Fastest JS Google Closure, gzip -9, Memcache, CDN, Headers
At PubNub, we use Google Closure Advanced Optimizations Mode, Max Gzipping -9 and Memcache for best possible performance delivery of our JavaScripts. Closure + gzip -9 and Memcache Research, Benchmarks and Stress Tests has lead to create the best JavaScript delivery method to date. If you are looking...
BuildMay 10, 2010
PubNub + jQTouch
May 20th, 2010: This page reacts with multiple devices. An Orientation Event will trigger a push notification publish(). When one device changes Orientation, all devices with the opposite Orientation will shift magenta! This requires at least one iPhone. What is PubNub? PubNub = communication between...
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