Learn about new PubNub releases, industry trends, and app development tips.
NewsJul 20, 2010
PHP Data Push API Walkthrough | PubNub
PubNub adds Publish and Subscribe for PHP developers. Developers can use Publish/Subscribe from a terminal or web server.
BuildJun 17, 2010
Query Push Notifications API
PubNub JavaScript Push API 2.0 now with jQuery Plugin! If you are a jQuery user and wanted a Push API with Publish and Subscribe, then hurray!
BuildJun 11, 2010
Fastest JS Google Closure + gzip -9 + Memcache
At PubNub, we use Google Closure Advanced Optimizations Mode, Max Gzipping -9 and Memcache for best possible performance of JavaScript.
BuildMay 10, 2010
How does PubNub and jQTouch work together?
This page reacts with multiple devices. An Orientation Event will trigger a push notification publish().
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