
Learn about new PubNub releases, industry trends, and app development tips.

GamingOct 8, 2018

Build Multiplayer Apps with Apple ARKit and World Mapping

An ARKit-focused interview and code walkthrough on building multiplayer experiences with Apple ARKit and World Mapping.

Jordan Schuetz
Jordan Schuetz
Developer Advocate, MuleSoft
GamingOct 8, 2018

Getting Started with Magic Leap and Unity - Developer Guide

A getting started guide for building real-time, multi-user experiences for Magic Leap using Unity Game Engine and PubNub.

Chandler Mayo
Chandler Mayo
Solution Engineer, PubNub
InsightsSep 19, 2018

Your Guide To Messaging APIs Web 3.0 Internet Communication

A comparison of HTTP, REST, WebSockets, pub/sub, MQTT and the other messaging apis enabling Web 3.0 communication.

Shyam Purkayastha
Shyam Purkayastha
CTO & Co-Founder, IoTracX
InsightsSep 18, 2018

Magic Leap vs. Microsoft HoloLens: Which One Should You Buy?

We tested both the Magic Leap and Microsoft HoloLens augmented reality headsets and walkthrough the pros and cons of each.

Jordan Schuetz
Jordan Schuetz
Developer Advocate, MuleSoft
HealthcareSep 10, 2018

HIPAA Compliant End-to-End Encrypted Chat: Virgil Security

How to add an extra-layer of end-to-end encryption to a ChatEngine-powered chat app with Virgil Security.

Michael Carroll
Michael Carroll
Build a HIPAA Compliant App for Healthcare.jpg
HealthcareSep 4, 2018

Build a HIPAA Compliant App for Healthcare

An overview of HIPAA-compliance for healthcare applications including messaging, BAAs, ePHI, and how to get started.

Chandler Mayo
Chandler Mayo
Solution Engineer, PubNub
ChatAug 31, 2018

eCommerce Transformed: Cognitive Services and the Future

How cognitive services – artificial intelligence, machine learning, and automation, are changing the eCommerce landscape.

Developer Relations Team
Developer Relations Team
ChatAug 31, 2018

Challenges, Opportunities, and Future Trends in eCommerce

The current challenges eCommerce companies are facing, and what the future holds for them from a technology standpoint.

Chandler Mayo
Chandler Mayo
Solution Engineer, PubNub
GamingAug 20, 2018

Build a Multiplayer Game in Go with PubNub Platform

How to create your own mutliplayer race game with PubNub and the Go programming language.

Chandler Mayo
Chandler Mayo
Solution Engineer, PubNub