Learn about new PubNub releases, industry trends, and app development tips.
IoTJul 10, 2015
Raspberry Pi TTS + Windows 10 SpeechSynthesizer
How to build a Raspberry Pi text-to-speech app where text is entered remotely and played back as audio using Windows 10 IoT SpeechSynthesizer.
IoTJul 9, 2015
Raspberry Pi Humidity/Temperature Sensor, Dashboard
How to collect humidity and temperature data using a Raspberry Pi humidity sensor (DHT 22), and stream the data to a real-time, live-updating dashboard.
Jul 8, 2015
Building a Real-time Music Sync Collaboration App
How to build a collaboration app that allows multiple users to play music with one another, where notes and beats are recorded and synced in real time
ChatJul 6, 2015
Chat Security UserID, Digital Signature Verification
How to build chat user identification with digital signature message verification, an important part of chat security for protecting users & privacy.
Jul 1, 2015
Getting Started with Swift PubNub History & Presence
How to get started with Storage & Playback, History, and Presence using the PubNub Objective-C SDK for Swift for real-time iOS apps.
NewsJul 1, 2015
$20M Series C to Transform Real-time Communications
We’re excited to announce $20 million in Series C funding led by Sapphire Ventures, joined by prior investors Scale Venture Partners and Relay Ventures.
Jul 1, 2015
Real-time iOS Apps: Getting Started with Swift and PubNub
This tutorial gets you up and running with Swift and PubNub publish/subscribe messaging to build real-time iOS apps.
IoTJun 30, 2015
Create a Raspberry Pi Security Camera w/ Parse
How to build a real-time Raspberry Pi security camera system that streams video and sends real-time alerts when motion is triggered.
NewsJun 29, 2015
White Paper: A New Approach to IoT Security | PubNub
Download our brand new, free white paper, A New Approach to IoT Security: 5 Key Requirements to Securing IoT Communications, and learn about IoT security!