Developer Relations Team
GuidesJan 6, 2021
How Chat Services Make it Easy to Deliver Live Messaging
Chat services let you add live messaging to your app without spending the time or resources to maintain any real-time infrastructure.
InsightsAug 5, 2019
Scaling: The Challenge Building Real-time Apps
As user expectations and data-intensity grow, scale is a key hurdle for any app, product, or technology business. Here's why.
InsightsJun 14, 2019
Technological Trends Shaping the On-demand Economy
A major shift in in-app user experiences and expectations is driving a new technological trend that's shaping the on-demand economy.
Product UpdatesFeb 4, 2019
Tisane Block: NLP and Translation, 27 Languages
An introduction to the Tisane Labs Block for serverless natural language processing on text in 27 different lanaguages, all in real time.
BuildDec 6, 2018
Real-time Pub/Sub Messaging In Its Simplest Form
Our newest demo showcases PubNub in its simplest form, blazing-fast pub/sub messaging to any number of connected users.
BuildOct 23, 2018
PubNub Sentiment Machine: Real-time Tweet Analysis
PubNub, Amazon Comprehend, and Initial State, the real-time dashboard delivers up-to-millisecond analysis based on filtered keywords and topics.
ChatAug 31, 2018
eCommerce: Cognitive Services & the Future
How cognitive services - artificial intelligence, machine learning, and automation, are changing the eCommerce landscape.
InsightsJul 31, 2018
Every Millisecond Counts: Why Time is Everything
We want new data, and we want it 10 minutes ago. Why time is everything for a business, and what you lose by not taking advantage of time.
ChatJun 11, 2018
eBook: Chat is More Than Hot Air
Chat has hit the mainstream. Our eBook provides 360-degree view of chat app development, deployment, and scale—and why chat is eating the world.