
Product UpdatesFeb 4, 2019

Tisane Block for Natural Language Processing in 27 Languages

An introduction to the Tisane Labs Block for serverless natural language processing on text in 27 different lanaguages, all in real time.

Developer Relations Team
Developer Relations Team
InsightsJan 22, 2019

How NativeScript is Used and Benefits the Enterprise

Defining NativeScript, its use cases, and how it can benefit developers and companies small and large for building cross-platform mobile apps.

Michael Carroll
Michael Carroll
BuildDec 6, 2018

Live and In Color: Real-time Pub/Sub Messaging

Our newest demo showcases PubNub in its simplest form, blazing-fast pub/sub messaging to any number of connected users.

Developer Relations Team
Developer Relations Team
BuildNov 1, 2018

Send Transactional Template Emails in JS, SendGrid + PubNub

How to utilize the SendGrid Block with Functions to trigger transactional email based on an event.

Jordan Schuetz
Jordan Schuetz
Developer Advocate, MuleSoft
BuildOct 10, 2018

Connected Car Basics: Functions and the Smartcar API

How to use the Smartcar API and Functions to build a connected car dashboard including door control, real-time odometer tracking, and geolocation.

Syed Ahmed
Syed Ahmed
Developer Relations, PubNub
GamingAug 16, 2018

A/B Testing Your Game with PubNub and Optimizely

How to run A/B testing for your multiplayer game to identify how players are performing on different types of levels.

Jordan Schuetz
Jordan Schuetz
Developer Advocate, MuleSoft
GamingAug 15, 2018

Build a Multiplayer Browser-based VR Game: A-Frame and WebVR

How to create a multiplayer VR bowling game for Google Cardboard with A-Frame, WebVR, Glitch, and PubNub.

Namratha Subramanya
Namratha Subramanya
ChatJul 13, 2018

Build an 80’s Chatbot with an NPM Package

How to build a voice-controlled intelligent chatbot who comprehends human speech and responses accordingly and naturally!

Stephen Blum
Stephen Blum
CTO, PubNub
BuildJul 2, 2018

An Introduction to Voice-controlled Apps in JavaScript

Learn how to build your own voice-powered app and control devices remotely in JavaScript with the Spoken SDK and PubNub.

Stephen Blum
Stephen Blum
CTO, PubNub