Membership object

Membership is an object that refers to a single user-channel relationship in a chat.


The Membership interface has the following properties:

interface Membership {
val chat: Chat
val channel: Channel
val user: User
val custom: Map<String, Any?>?
val updated: String?
val eTag: String?
val lastReadMessageTimetoken: Long?

chatChatReference to the main Chat object.
channelChannelChannel object.
userUserUser object.
customMap<String, Any?>Any custom properties or metadata associated with the user-channel relationship in the form of a map of key-value pairs. App Context filtering language doesn’t support filtering by custom properties.
updatedStringLast time the Membership object was changed.
eTagStringCaching value that changes whenever the Membership object changes.
lastReadMessageTimetokenLongTimetoken of the last message a user read on a given channel.
API limits

To learn about the maximum length of parameters used to set channel membership metadata, refer to REST API docs.


You can call the following methods and properties on the Membership object.

Click on each method or property for more details.

Use case

For example, you can use the Membership object methods to:

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