Unread messages
The Unread Message Count feature shows users how many messages they missed while offline. Once they reconnect or log into the app again, they can get the number of messages published in a given channel while they were gone.
Unity Chat SDK stores info about the timetoken of the last message the current user read on a given channel on the lastReadMessageTimetoken
property which is available on the C++ parent object of the Membership
This property is automatically set for a user when they first join (Join()
) a given channel or are invited to it (Invite()
and InviteMultiple()
). For all further updates of this property, you must decide what user actions will trigger methods that mark messages as read in your chat app - whether that's some user interaction on UI, like scrolling, your app going offline, or any other behavior.
Requires App Context and Message Persistence
To store message timetokens on the user-channel membership relationship at PubNub, you must enable App Context and Message Persistence for your app's keyset in the Admin Portal.
Get last read message
lets you check what is the timetoken of the last message a user read on a given channel.
This method returns the last read message timetoken stored in the membership data between the channel and the current user. Use it to display markers on the message list denoting which messages haven't been read by the user yet.
Method signature
This method has the following signature:
This method doesn't take any parameters.
Type | Description |
string | Retrieved timetoken of the last message a user read on a given channel. |
Basic usage
Get the timetoken of the last message read by the support_agent_15
user on the support
// reference the "support_agent_15" user
if (chat.TryGetUser("support_agent_15", out var user))
Console.WriteLine($"Found user with name {user.Name}");
// get the list of all user memberships
var membershipsResponse = await user.GetMemberships();
// extract the actual memberships (support channel only) from the response
var memberships = membershipsResponse.Memberships.Where(x => x.ChannelId == "support").ToList();
// since we filtered for the "support" channel, we should find it directly
var membership = memberships.FirstOrDefault();
if (membership != null)
show all 29 linesGet unread messages count (one channel)
returns the number of messages you didn't read on a given channel. You can display this number on UI in the channel list of your chat app.
Method signature
This method has the following signature:
This method doesn't take any parameters.
Type | Description |
Task<int> | Retrieves from Message Persistence the number of all messages unread by a given user on a given channel from the last read message. |
Basic usage
Get the number of all messages unread by the support_agent_15
user on the support
// reference the "support_agent_15" user
if (chat.TryGetUser("support_agent_15", out var user))
Console.WriteLine($"Found user with name {user.Name}");
// get the list of all user memberships using the GetMemberships method
var membershipsResponse = await user.GetMemberships();
// extract the actual memberships from the response
var memberships = membershipsResponse.Memberships;
// filter out the membership for the "support" channel
var membership = memberships.FirstOrDefault(m => m.ChannelId == "support");
if (membership != null)
show all 29 linesGet unread messages count (all channels)
returns info on all messages you didn't read on all joined channels. You can display this number on UI in the channel list of your chat app.
Method signature
This method has the following signature:
string filter = "",
string sort = "",
int limit = 0,
Page page = null
Parameter | Type | Required | Default | Description |
filter | string | No | empty string | Expression used to filter the results. Returns only these unread messages whose properties satisfy the given expression. The filter language is defined here. |
sort | string | No | empty string | Key-value pair of a property to sort by, and a sort direction. Available options are id , name , and updated . Use asc or desc to specify the sorting direction, or specify null to take the default sorting direction (ascending). For example: {name: "asc"} . By default, the items are sorted by the last updated date. |
limit | number | No | 0 | Number of objects to return in response. |
page | Page | No | null | Object used for pagination to define which previous or next result page you want to fetch. |
Type | Description |
Task<List<UnreadMessageWrapper>> | An awaitable Task with a list of UnreadMessageWrapper objects containing the filtered, sorted, and paginated unread message counts. |
Basic usage
Get the number of all messages unread by the current user.
// retrieve the current user
if (chat.TryGetCurrentUser(out User currentUser))
Console.WriteLine($"Current user is {currentUser.Name}");
// retrieve the unread message counts for the current user with default parameters
var unreadMessageCounts = await chat.GetUnreadMessagesCounts();
// process and display the retrieved unread message counts
foreach (var unreadMessage in unreadMessageCounts)
Console.WriteLine($"Channel ID: {unreadMessage.ChannelId}, Unread Messages: {unreadMessage.Count}");
show all 18 linesMark messages as read (one channel)
and SetLastReadMessageTimeToken()
let you set the timetoken of the last read message on a given channel to set a timeline from which you can count unread messages. You choose on your own which user action it is bound to.
Setting the last read message for users lets you implement the Read Receipts feature and monitor which channel member read which message.
Method signature
These methods take the following parameters:
membership.SetLastReadMessage(Message message)
membership.SetLastReadMessageTimeToken(string timeToken)
Parameter | Type | Required by SetLastReadMessage() | Required by SetLastReadMessageTimeToken() | Default | Description |
message | Message | Yes | No | n/a | Last read message on a given channel with the timestamp that gets added as the lastReadMessageTimetoken property to the C++ parent object from which the Membership object inherits. |
timeToken | string | No | Yes | n/a | Timetoken of the last read message on a given channel that gets added as the lastReadMessageTimetoken property to the C++ parent object from which the Membership object inherits. |
An awaitable Task
Basic usage
Set the message with the 16200000000000001
timetoken as the last read message for the support_agent_15
user on the support
show all 47 lines// reference the "support_agent_15" user
if (chat.TryGetUser("support_agent_15", out var user))
Console.WriteLine($"Found user with name {user.Name}");
// get the list of all user memberships
var memberships = await user.GetMemberships();
// filter out the right channel
var membership = memberships.FirstOrDefault(m => m.ChannelId == "support");
if (membership != null)
Console.WriteLine($"Found membership for channel: {membership.Channel.Name}");
// reference the "support" channel -
show all 38 lines// reference the "support_agent_15" user
if (chat.TryGetUser("support_agent_15", out var user))
Console.WriteLine($"Found user with name {user.Name}");
// get the list of all user memberships
var memberships = await user.GetMemberships();
// filter out the right channel
var membership = memberships.FirstOrDefault(m => m.ChannelId == "support");
if (membership != null)
Console.WriteLine($"Found membership for channel: {membership.ChannelId}");
// reference the "support" channel
Mark messages as read (all channels)
lets you mark as read all messages you didn't read on all joined channels.
Method signature
This method has the following signature:
string filter = "",
string sort = "",
int limit = 0,
Page page = null
Parameter | Type | Required | Default | Description |
filter | string | No | empty string | Expression used to filter the results. Returns only these unread messages whose properties satisfy the given expression. The filter language is defined here. |
sort | string | No | empty string | Key-value pair of a property to sort by, and a sort direction. Available options are id , name , and updated . Use asc or desc to specify the sorting direction, or specify null to take the default sorting direction (ascending). For example: {name: "asc"} . By default, the items are sorted by the last updated date. |
limit | number | No | 0 | Number of objects to return in response. |
page | Page | No | null | Object used for pagination to define which previous or next result page you want to fetch. |
Type | Description |
Task<MarkMessagesAsReadWrapper> | An awaitable Task with a wrapper object containing the filtered, sorted, and paginated list of user memberships. |
Basic usage
Mark the total number of 50 messages as read and specify you want to fetch the results from the next page using a string that was previously returned from the PubNub server.
// simulating a previously retrieved page token from the PubNub server
string previouslyReturnedNextPageToken = "NPT";
// create an instance of the Page class with the previously returned next page token
Page nextPage = new Page
Next = previouslyReturnedNextPageToken
// mark a total of 50 messages as read from the next page
var result = await chat.MarkAllMessagesAsRead(limit: 50, page: nextPage);
// process the result as needed
Console.WriteLine("Messages marked as read successfully");