PubNub Unreal Engine Chat API & SDK Docs 0.2.2

This SDK offers a set of handy methods to create your own feature-rich chat or add a chat to your existing application.


Usage in Blueprints and C++

It relies on the existing C-Core SDK and exposes various PubNub APIs to Unreal with twists:

  • Tailored specifically to the chat use case by offering easy-to-use methods that let you do exactly what you want, like StartTyping() (a message) or Join() (a channel).
  • Meant to be easy & intuitive to use as it focuses on features you would most likely build in your chat app, not PubNub APIs and all the technicalities behind them.
  • Offers new chat options like quotes, mentions, channel references, threads, anti-spam configuration, or read receipts, to name just a few, that let you build a full-fledged app quickly.

Go to the Learn section to find out more about:

Get started

Assuming you have read the Learn section and understand the idea behind the Unreal Chat SDK's architecture, you can move to the Build section and start creating your own chat.

Follow these steps:

  1. Create a PubNub account in Admin Portal and a sample app. You'll need the publish and subscribe keys from your app's keyset to start building a chat.

  2. Once you have checked what Unreal Chat SDK has to offer, start building your own chat app:

    a. Initialize Unreal Chat SDK and configure it for the features you want to implement.

    b. Create channels, users, messages, and all other chat features.

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