Cocoa Swift API & SDK Docs 9.0.0

This SDK has been replaced by a new PubNub Swift SDK written purely in Swift. Check it out here.

SDK version

Always use the latest SDK version to have access to the newest features and avoid security vulnerabilities, bugs, and performance issues.

Get Code: CocoaPods

CocoaPods is a dependency manager and this is by far the easiest and quickest way to get started with PubNub SDK! (If you don't have pods installed yet you can check CocoaPods installation section for installation guide).

Be sure you are running CocoaPods 1.0.0 or above! You can install the latest cocopods gem:

gem install cocoapods

If you've already installed you can upgrade to the latest CocoaPods gem using:

gem update cocoapods

Get Code: Framework

The PubNub framework project allows you to build standalone framework bundles which can be copied right into your application.

To build the framework as a standalone bundle and integrate into project, perform the following:

  1. Clone the PubNub master repository

    git clone
  2. Navigate to root of the cloned repository

  3. Run the CocoaPods pod install command to pull out all required dependencies

    pod install
  4. Open the PubNub.xcworkspace from the PubNub repository in Xcode.

  5. Select the Framework or Universal Framework target for target platform and hit Cmd+B to build the selected type of framework. Select Framework target

  6. Navigate to the Framework directory and find the Products directory. Navigate to Framework bundle

  7. Drag&Drop PubNub.framework bundle from the Products directory to your application. Drag & drop Framework bundle Swift

  8. Select the Copy items if needed checkbox and click Finish. Copy Framework bundle

  9. Open your project's General tab and scroll to Embedded Binaries. Open embedded binaries group Swift

  10. Click on + and select PubNub.framework file. Add Framework bundle to embedded binaries group


If the PubNub target has been used, then the framework will be generated only for the selected platform (device or simulator.) If you try to use the framework to compile for another platform, it will crash during run-time Using the PubNub-Universal build target (which can be used on both device and simulator) will help mitigate any sort of crash scenarios during development.

Now that these steps are complete, let's learn more about how to use the framework in your app.

Using the framework with your app

At this point, you should have the framework added to your application project, we'll need to make your project aware of the PubNub framework.

You need to import the PubNub module in files where it will be used.

import PubNubSDK

Get Code: Carthage

To build the framework as a standalone bundle and integrate into project, perform the following:

  1. Install latest Carthage (if required).

  2. Create a Cartfile any location can be used) or use existing file.

    touch Cartfile
  3. Add next line into a Cartfile which will allow to build framework bundles.

    github "pubnub/objective-c" ~> 4.1
  4. Update and rebuild the project's dependencies (update command ensure what latest PubNub client code will be used to build framework). build can be used if frameworks has been built before and it will be much faster because git clone will be skipped.

    carthage update

    Command above will build framework for all configured platforms, but if only one required it can be called like this

    carthage update --platform ios

    Instead of ios can be used: mac, tvos or watchos

  5. Navigate to the Carthage directory and find the Build directory.

  6. Navigate to directory which represent your target platform. For example: iOS For Carthage navigate to Framework bundle carthage

  7. Drag&Drop PubNub.framework bundle from the Products directory to your application. For Carthage drag & drop Framework bundle Swift

  8. Select the Copy items if needed checkbox and click Finish. For Carthage copy Framework bundle

  9. Open your project's General tab and scroll to Embedded Binaries. For Carthage open embedded binaries group Swift

  10. Click on + and select PubNub.framework file. For Carthage add Framework bundle to embedded binaries group

Using the framework with your app

At this point, you should have the framework added to your application project, we'll need to make your project aware of the PubNub framework.

You need to import the PubNub module in files where it will be used.

import PubNubSDK

Get Code: Source

View Supported Platforms

Hello World

To include PubNub SDK in your project you need to use CocoaPods.

Install the CocoaPods gem by following the procedure defined above. To add the PubNub SDK to your project with CocoaPods, there are four tasks to complete:

  1. Create new Xcode project. Xcode project

  2. Create a Podfile in your newly created Xcode project root folder

    touch Podfile
  3. The PubNub client can be added as module (only with a deployment target of OS X 10.9 and above)

    source ''
    platform :osx, "10.9"

    target 'application-target-name' do
    pod "PubNub", "~> 4.1"

    If you have any other pods you'd like to include, or if you have other targets you'd to add (like a test target) add those entries to this Podfile as well. See the CocoaPods documentation for more information on Podfile configuration.

  4. Install your pods by running pod install via the command line from the directory that contains your Podfile.

Work within the workspace

After installing your Pods, you should only be working within the workspace generated by CocoaPods or specified by you in Podfile. Always open the newly generated workspace file, not the original project file!

OS X 10.9 and above: Complete the application delegate configuration

If the project's deployment target is set to OS X 10.9 and above, you will need to import the module named AppDelegate.swift:

Required UUID

Always set the UUID to uniquely identify the user or device that connects to PubNub. This UUID should be persisted, and should remain unchanged for the lifetime of the user or the device. Not setting the UUID can significantly impact your billing if your account uses the Monthly Active Users (MAUs) based pricing model, and can also lead to unexpected behavior if you have Presence enabled.

import Cocoa
import PubNubSDK // <- Here is our PubNub module import.

Common to all OS X versions: Add the PNObjectEventListener protocol to the AppDelegate

class AppDelegate: NSObject, NSApplicationDelegate, PNObjectEventListener {

// Stores reference on PubNub client to make sure what it won't be released.
var client: PubNub!

func applicationDidFinishLaunching(_ aNotification: Notification) {
Required UUID

Always set the UUID to uniquely identify the user or device that connects to PubNub. This UUID should be persisted, and should remain unchanged for the lifetime of the user or the device. If you don't set the UUID, you won't be able to connect to PubNub.

// Initialize and configure PubNub client instance
let configuration = PNConfiguration(publishKey: "demo", subscribeKey: "demo")
self.client = PubNub.clientWithConfiguration(configuration)

// Subscribe to demo channel with presence observation
self.client.subscribeToChannels(["my_channel"], withPresence: true)

// Handle new message from one of channels on which client has been subscribed.
func client(_ client: PubNub, didReceiveMessage message: PNMessageResult) {

// Handle new message stored in
if != {

// Message has been received on channel group stored in
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Copy and paste examples

In addition to the Hello World sample code, we also provide some copy and paste snippets of common API functions:


Instantiate a new Pubnub instance. Only the subscribeKey is mandatory. Also include publishKey if you intend to publish from this instance, and the secret_key if you wish to perform Access Manager administrative operations from this Swift instance.

Secure your secretKey

It is not a best practice to include the secret key in client-side code for security reasons.

When you init with secret_key, you get root permissions for the Access Manager. With this feature you don't have to grant access to your servers to access channel data. The servers get all access on all channels.

Required UUID

Always set the UUID to uniquely identify the user or device that connects to PubNub. This UUID should be persisted, and should remain unchanged for the lifetime of the user or the device. If you don't set the UUID, you won't be able to connect to PubNub.

let configuration = PNConfiguration(publishKey: "demo", subscribeKey: "demo")
self.client = PubNub.clientWithConfiguration(configuration)
PubNub instance as variable

The PubNub instance should be placed as a variable in a long-life object (otherwise the PubNub instance will be automatically removed as an autoreleased object.)

var client: PubNub!


Add Listeners

Subscription results arrive to a listener which should implement the PNObjectEventListener protocol and be registered as follows:
self.client.subscribeToChannels(["my_channel1","my_channel2"], withPresence: false)

// Handle a new message from a subscribed channel
func client(_ client: PubNub, didReceiveMessage message: PNMessageResult) {
// Reference to the channel group containing the chat the message was sent to
let subscription =
print("\( sent message to '\(' at
\( \(")

// Handle a subscription status change
show all 139 lines

Listener status events

This is the list of categories which can be received by an event listener:

PNAccessDeniedCategorySubscribe request failed because of access error (active Access Manager). status.errorData.channels or status.errorData.channelGroups contain list of channels and / or groups to which user with specified auth key doesn't have access.
PNDecryptionErrorCategorySubscribe request returned messages which can't be decrypted with configured cipherKey. Unencrypted message will be returned in status.associatedObject where associatedObject is PNMessageData which contain channel and message properties.
PNNetworkIssuesCategorySubscribe request failed because there was no network connection at the moment when request has been sent.
PNConnectedCategorySubscribe request successfully completed and client connected to real-time data channels.
PNReconnectedCategorySubscribe request successfully completed and client has been reconnected to real-time data channels after unexpected disconnection (PNUnexpectedDisconnectCategory).
PNDisconnectedCategoryClient did unsubscribe from specified real-time data channels.
PNUnexpectedDisconnectCategoryPreviously started subscribe loop did fail and at this moment client disconnected from real-time data channels.
PNRequestMessageCountExceededCategoryIf requestMessageCountThreshold is set, this status event will arrive each time when client receive more messages when it has been specified for PNConfiguration property.
PNMalformedFilterExpressionCategorySubscription request can't be processed by PubNub service because filter expression malformed and can't be evaluated.
PNHeartbeatOperationIn case if presence heartbeat value is set, client will sent this status category at specified periods. If status.isError set to YES, it mean what heartbeat request did fail (potentially because of network issues).

This is list of categories which can be received in API completion blocks (non-subscribe):

PNAcknowledgmentCategoryUsed API report success with this status category.
PNAccessDeniedCategoryRequest failed because of access error (active Access Manager). status.errorData.channels or status.errorData.channelGroups contain list of channels and / or groups to which user with specified auth key doesn't have access.
PNTimeoutCategoryUsed API didn't received response from server in time.
PNNetworkIssuesCategoryAPI did fail because there was no network connection at the moment when request has been sent.
PNMalformedResponseCategoryRequest received in response non-JSON data. It can be because of publish WiFi hotspot which require authorization or proxy server message.
PNBadRequestCategoryRequest can't be completed because not all required values has been passed or passed values has unexpected data type.
PNDecryptionErrorCategoryMessage Persistence API may return this status category in case if some messages can't be decrypted. Unencrypted message will be returned in status.associatedObject where associatedObject is PNMessageData which contain channel and message properties.
PNTLSConnectionFailedCategoryTLS handshake issues and in most cases because of poor connection quality and packets loss and delays.
PNTLSUntrustedCertificateCategoryOrigin to which client tried to connect has untrusted certificate.


Call timeWithCompletion() to verify the client connectivity to the origin:

self.client.timeWithCompletion({ (result, status) in

if status == nil {

// Handle downloaded server timetoken using:
else {

Handle timetoken download error. Check 'category' property to find
out possible reason because of which request did fail.
Review 'errorData' property (which has PNErrorData data type) of status
object to get additional information about issue.

Request can be resent using: status.retry()
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Subscribe (listen on) a channel (it's async!):

Subscription results arrive to a listener which should implement the PNObjectEventListener protocol and be registered as follows:
self.client.subscribeToChannels(["my_channel1","my_channel2"], withPresence: false)

// Handle a new message from a subscribed channel
func client(_ client: PubNub, didReceiveMessage message: PNMessageResult) {
// Reference to the channel group containing the chat the message was sent to
let subscription =
print("\( sent message to '\(' at
\( \(")

// Handle a subscription status change
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Event listeners

The response of the call is handled by adding a Listener. Please see the Listeners section for more details. Listeners should be added before calling the method.


Publish a message to a channel:

self.client.publish("Hello from the PubNub Swift SDK", toChannel: "my_channel",
compressed: false, withCompletion: { (status) in

if !status.isError {

// Message successfully published to specified channel.

Handle message publish error. Check 'category' property to find
out possible reason because of which request did fail.
Review 'errorData' property (which has PNErrorData data type) of status
object to get additional information about issue.

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Here Now

Get occupancy of who's here now on the channel by UUID:

Requires Presence

This method requires that the Presence add-on is enabled for your key in the Admin Portal.

// With .UUID client will pull out list of unique identifiers and occupancy information.
self.client.hereNowForChannel("my_channel", withVerbosity: .UUID,
completion: { (result, status) in

if status == nil {

Handle downloaded presence information using: - list of uuids. - total number of active subscribers.
else {

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Subscribe to real-time Presence events, such as join, leave, and timeout, by UUID. Setting the presence attribute to a callback will subscribe to presents events on my_channel:

Requires Presence

This method requires that the Presence add-on is enabled for your key in the Admin Portal.

Subscription process results arrive to listener which should adopt to
PNObjectEventListener protocol and registered using:

// New presence event handling.
func client(_ client: PubNub, didReceivePresenceEvent event: PNPresenceEventResult) {

// Handle presence event (one of: join, leave, timeout, state-change).
if != {

// Presence event has been received on channel group stored in
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Event listeners

The response of the call is handled by adding a Listener. Please see the Listeners section for more details. Listeners should be added before calling the method.


Retrieve published messages from archival storage:

Requires Message Persistence

This method requires that Message Persistence is enabled for your key in the Admin Portal.

self.client.historyForChannel("history_channel", withCompletion: { (result, status) in

if status == nil {

Handle downloaded history using: - oldest message time stamp in response - newest message time stamp in response - list of messages
else {

Handle message history download error. Check 'category' property
show all 23 lines


Stop subscribing (listening) to a channel.

Subscription process results arrive to listener which should adopt to
PNObjectEventListener protocol and registered using:
self.client.unsubscribeFromChannels(["my_channel1", "my_channel2"], withPresence: false)

// Handle subscription status change.
func client(_ client: PubNub, didReceive status: PNStatus) {

if status.operation == .unsubscribeOperation && status.category == .PNDisconnectedCategory {

This is the expected category for an unsubscribe. This means there was no error in
unsubscribing from everything.
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Event listeners

The response of the call is handled by adding a Listener. Please see the Listeners section for more details. Listeners should be added before calling the method.

Last updated on