Utility Methods API for Cocoa Swift SDK

This SDK has been replaced by a new PubNub Swift SDK written purely in Swift. Check it out here


This function will return a 17 digit precision Unix epoch.

Algorithm constructing the timetoken
timetoken = (Unix epoch time in seconds) * 10000000

Example of creating a timetoken for a specific time and date

08/19/2013 @ 9:20pm in UTC = 1376961606
timetoken = 1376961606 * 10000000
timetoken = 13769616060000000


To fetch Time you can use the following method(s) in Swift SDK:

open func timeWithCompletion(_ closure: PubNub.PNTimeCompletionBlock)
* required
closure *PNTimeCompletionBlockThe completion closure which will be called when the processing is complete, has two arguments: result - in case of successful processing (data will contain server-provided timetoken); status - in case of error while processing (errorDatacontains error information).

Basic Usage

Get PubNub Timetoken

self.client.timeWithCompletion({ (result, status) in

if status == nil {

// Handle downloaded server timetoken using: result.data.timetoken
else {

Handle timetoken download error. Check 'category' property to find
out possible reason because of which request did fail.
Review 'errorData' property (which has PNErrorData data type) of status
object to get additional information about issue.

Request can be resent using: status.retry()
show all 18 lines


Response objects which is returned by client when Time API is used:

open class PNTimeData : PNServiceData {

// Current time on PubNub network servers.
open var timetoken: NSNumber { get }

open class PNTimeResult : PNResult {

// Stores reference on time request processing information.
open var data: PNTimeData { get }

Add Event Listener

After subscription to channel(s), channel group(s) or enabling presence events handling PubNub clent start to receive real-time events. To be aware of these events listeners should be added to notification list. Client can have any number of listeners and all of them will receive updates every time when new real-time event will arrive. Target listener should conform to PNObjectEventListener protocol, in other case client will ignore it.


To add listener you can use the following function in the Swift SDK:

open func addListener(_ listener: PNObjectEventListener)
* required
listener *AnyAny object which conform to PNObjectEventListener protocol and would like to receive notifications on real-time events.

Basic Usage

Client configuration:




Get size of message

This function provides a mechanism to calculate resulting message before it will be sent to the PubNub network.


To run Get size of message you can use the following method(s) in the Swift SDK:

Get size of message with closure

open func sizeOfMessage(
_ message: Any,
toChannel channel: String,
withCompletion closure: PubNub.PNMessageSizeCalculationCompletionBlock
* required
message *AnyThe messagefor which the size needs be calculated.
channel *StringThe channel on which the message has to be sent (it is part of request URI).
closure *PNMessageSizeCalculationCompletionBlockCompletion closure which will be called when the message size calculation is complete.

Get size of message with compression and closure

open func sizeOfMessage(
_ message: Any,
toChannel channel: String,
compressed compressMessage: Bool,
withCompletion closure: PubNub.PNMessage
* required
message *AnyThe message for which the size needs be calculated.
channel *StringThe channel on which the message has to be sent (it is part of request URI).
compressMessage *BoolShould be true if the message is compressed before sending to PubNub network.
closure *PNMessageSizeCalculationCompletionBlockCompletion closure which will be called when the message size calculation is complete.

Get size of message with storage and closure

open func sizeOfMessage(
_ message: Any,
toChannel channel: String,
storeInHistory shouldStore: Bool,
withCompletion closure: PubNub.PNMessageSizeCalculationCompletionBlock
* required
message *AnyThe message for which the size needs be calculated.
channel *StringThe channel on which the message has to be sent (it is part of request URI).
shouldStore *BoolShould be true if the message is marked to be stored in Message Persistence.
closure *PNMessageSizeCalculationCompletionBlockCompletion closure which will be called when the message size calculation is complete.

Get size of message with compression, storage, and closure

open func sizeOfMessage(
_ message: Any,
toChannel channel: String,
compressed compressMessage: Bool,
storeInHistory shouldStore: Bool,
withCompletion closure: PubNub.PNMessageSizeCalculationCompletionBlock
* required
message *AnyThe message for which the size needs be calculated.
channel *StringThe channel on which the message has to be sent (it is part of request URI).
compressMessage *BoolShould be true if the message is compressed before sending to PubNub network.
shouldStore *BoolShould be true if the message is marked to be stored in Message Persistence.
closure *PNMessageSizeCalculationCompletionBlockCompletion closure which will be called when the message size calculation is complete.

Get size of message with metadata and closure

open func sizeOfMessage(
_ message: Any,
toChannel channel: String,
withMetadata metadata: [String: Any]?,
completion closure: PubNub.PNMessageSizeCalculationCompletionBlock
* required
message *AnyThe message for which the size needs be calculated.
channel *StringThe channel on which the message has to be sent (it is part of request URI).
metadata[String : Any]NSDictionary with values which should be used by PubNub service to filter messages.
closure *PNMessageSizeCalculationCompletionBlockCompletion closure which will be called when the message size calculation is complete.

Get size of message with compression, metadata, and closure

open func sizeOfMessage(
_ message: Any,
toChannel channel: String,
compressed compressMessage: Bool,
withMetadata metadata: [String: Any]?,
completion closure: PubNub.PNMessageSizeCalculationCompletionBlock
* required
message *AnyThe message for which the size needs be calculated.
channel *StringThe channel on which the message has to be sent (it is part of request URI).
compressMessage *BoolShould be true if the message is compressed before sending to PubNub network.
metadata[String : Any]NSDictionary with values which should be used by PubNub service to filter messages.
closure *PNMessageSizeCalculationCompletionBlockCompletion closure which will be called when the message size calculation is complete.

Get size of message with storage, metadata, and closure

open func sizeOfMessage(
_ message: Any,
toChannel channel: String,
storeInHistory shouldStore: Bool,
withMetadata metadata: [String: Any]?,
completion closure: PubNub.PNMessageSizeCalculationCompletionBlock
* required
message *AnyThe message for which the size needs be calculated.
channel *StringThe channel on which the message has to be sent (it is part of request URI).
shouldStore *BoolShould be true if the message is marked to be stored in Message Persistence.
metadata[String : Any]NSDictionary with values which should be used by PubNub service to filter messages.
closure *PNMessageSizeCalculationCompletionBlockCompletion closure which will be called when the message size calculation is complete.

Get size of message with storage, compression, metadata, and closure

open func sizeOfMessage(
_ message: Any,
toChannel channel: String,
compressed compressMessage: Bool,
storeInHistory shouldStore: Bool,
withMetadata metadata: [String: Any]?,
completion closure: PubNub.PNMessageSizeCalculationCompletionBlock
* required
message *AnyThe message for which the size needs be calculated.
channel *StringThe channel on which the message has to be sent (it is part of request URI).
shouldStore *BoolShould be true if the message is marked to be stored in Message Persistence.
compressMessage *BoolShould be true if the message is compressed before sending to PubNub network.
metadata[String : Any]NSDictionary with values which should be used by PubNub service to filter messages.
closure *PNMessageSizeCalculationCompletionBlockCompletion closure which will be called when the message size calculation is complete.

Basic Usage

Get message size

self.client.sizeOfMessage(["Hello":"World"], toChannel: "announcement",
withCompletion: { (size) in

// Process calculated target message size.


The message size.

Other Examples

Get Size of Message with metadata

self.client.sizeOfMessage(["Hello":"World"], toChannel: "announcement",
withMetadata:["senderID" : "bob"], completion: { (size) in

// Process calculated target message size.

Remove Event Listener

Stop listening for real-time events.


To remove listener you can use the following function in the Swift SDK:

open func removeListener(_ listener: PNObjectEventListener)
* required
listener *AnyAny object which conform to PNObjectEventListener protocol and doesn't want to receive notifications on real-time events anymore.

Basic Usage

Remove Event Listener





This function allows to encrypt the data.


To encrypt the data you can use the following method(s) in Swift SDK.

open class func encrypt(_ data: Data, withKey key: String) -> String?
* required
data *DataReference on Data object which should be encrypted.
key *StringReference on key which should be used to encrypt data basing on it.

Basic Usage

Encrypt part of message

let message = "No one should see me as plain"
let messageData = message.data(using: String.Encoding.utf8, allowLossyConversion: false)
let secretMessage = PNAES.encrypt(messageData!, withKey: "my_cipherkey")


Encrypted Base64-encoded string received from Foundation object. nil will be returned in case of failure.


This function allows to decrypt the data.


To decrypt the data you can use the following method(s) in Swift SDK.

open class func decrypt(_ object: String, withKey key: String) -> Data?
* required
object *StringReference on previously encrypted Base64-encoded string which should be decrypted.
key *StringReference on key which should be used to decrypt data.

Basic Usage

Decrypt part of message

let encryptedMessage = messagePayload["secret"] as! String
let messageData = PNAES.decrypt(encryptedMessage, withKey: "my_cipherkey")
if let decryptedData = messageData {

let decryptedMessage = NSString(data: decryptedData, encoding: String.Encoding.utf8.rawValue) as! String


Initial Data which has been encrypted earlier. nil will be returned in case of decryption error.

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