App Context API for PubNub Android SDK

This page describes App Context (formerly Objects v2). To upgrade from Objects v1, refer to the migration guide.

App Context provides easy-to-use, serverless storage for user and channel data you need to build innovative, reliable, scalable applications. Use App Context to easily store metadata about your application users and channels, and their membership associations, without the need to stand up your own databases.

PubNub also triggers events when object data is changed: set, updated, or removed from the database. At the same time, making a request to set the same data that already exist, doesn't trigger any event. Clients can receive these events in real time and update their front-end application accordingly.


Get Metadata for All Users

Returns a paginated list of UUID Metadata objects, optionally including the custom data object for each.


To Get All UUID Metadata you can use the following method(s) in the Android SDK:

limitIntegerOptional100The maximum number of objects to retrieve at a time.
pagePNPageOptionalThe paging object used for pagination.
filterString?OptionalExpression used to filter the results. Only objects whose properties satisfy the given expression are returned. The filter language is defined here
sortList<PNSortKey>OptionalList of properties to sort by. Available options are id, name, and updated. Use asc or desc to specify sort direction. For example: {name: 'asc'}
includeTotalCountBooleanOptionalfalseRequest totalCount to be included in paginated response, which is omitted by default.
includeCustomBooleanOptionalfalseWhether to include the custom object in the fetch response.

Basic Usage

.sort(SortKey.asc(SortKey.Key.ID), SortKey.desc(SortKey.Key.UPDATED))
.async(new PNCallback<PNGetAllUUIDMetadataResult>() {
public void onResponse(@Nullable final PNGetAllUUIDMetadataResult result, @NotNull final PNStatus status) {
if (status.isError()) {
//handle error
else {
//handle result
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public class PNGetAllUUIDMetadataResult extends EntityArrayEnvelope<PNUUIDMetadata> {
Integer totalCount;
String next;
String prev;
int status;
List<PNUUIDMetadata> data;
PNPage nextPage() {
PNPage previousPage() {
return PNPage.previous(prev);

public class PNUUIDMetadata extends PNObject {
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Get User Metadata

Returns metadata for the specified UUID, optionally including the custom data object for each.


To Get UUID Metadata you can use the following method(s) in the Android SDK:

uuidStringOptionalpubnub.configuration.uuidUnique UUID Metadata identifier. If not supplied, then UUID from configuration will be used.
includeCustomBooleanOptionalfalseWhether to include the custom object in the fetch response.

Basic Usage

pubnub.getUUIDMetadata().async(new PNCallback<PNGetUUIDMetadataResult>() {
public void onResponse(@Nullable final PNGetUUIDMetadataResult result, @NotNull final PNStatus status) {
if (status.isError()) {
//handle error
else {
//handle result


public class PNGetUUIDMetadataResult extends EntityEnvelope<PNUUIDMetadata> {
int status;
PNUUIDMetadata data;

public class PNUUIDMetadata extends PNObject {
String id;
Object custom;
String updated;
String eTag;
String name;
String email;
String externalId;
String profileUrl;

Set User Metadata

Unsupported partial updates of custom metadata

The value of the custom metadata parameter sent in this method always overwrites the value stored on PubNub servers. If you want to add new custom data to an existing one, you must:

  1. Get the existing metadata and store it locally.
  2. Append the new custom metadata to the existing one.
  3. Set the entire updated custom object.

Set metadata for a UUID in the database, optionally including the custom data object for each.


To Set UUID Metadata you can use the following method(s) in the Android SDK:

.custom(Map<String, Object>)
uuidStringOptionalpubnub.configuration.uuidUnique UUID Metadata identifier. If not supplied, then UUID from configuration will be used.
nameStringOptionalDisplay name for the user.
externalIdStringOptionalUser's identifier in an external system.
profileUrlStringOptionalThe URL of the user's profile picture.
emailStringOptionalThe user's email address.
customAnyOptionalAny object of key-value pairs with supported data types. App Context filtering language doesn’t support filtering by custom properties.
includeCustomBooleanOptionalfalseWhether to include the custom object in the fetch response.
API limits

To learn about the maximum length of parameters used to set user metadata, refer to REST API docs.

Basic Usage

.async(new PNCallback<PNSetUUIDMetadataResult>() {
public void onResponse(@Nullable final PNSetUUIDMetadataResult result, @NotNull final PNStatus status) {
if (status.isError()) {
//handle error
else {
//handle result
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public class PNSetUUIDMetadataResult extends EntityEnvelope<PNUUIDMetadata> {
protected int status;
protected PNUUIDMetadata data;

public class PNUUIDMetadata extends PNObject {
String id;
Object custom;
String updated;
String eTag;
String name;
String email;
String externalId;
String profileUrl;

Remove User Metadata

Removes the metadata from a specified UUID.


To Remove UUID Metadata you can use the following method(s) in the Android SDK:

uuidStringOptionalpubnub.configuration.uuidUnique UUID Metadata identifier. If not supplied, then UUID from configuration will be used.

Basic Usage

.async(new PNCallback<PNRemoveUUIDMetadataResult>() {
public void onResponse(@Nullable final PNRemoveUUIDMetadataResult result, @NotNull final PNStatus status) {
if (status.isError()) {
//handle error
else {
//handle result


public class PNRemoveUUIDMetadataResult extends EntityEnvelope<JsonElement> {
int status;
JsonElement data;


Get Metadata for All Channels

Returns a paginated list of Channel Metadata objects, optionally including the custom data object for each.


To Get All Channel Metadata you can use the following method(s) in the Android SDK:

limitIntegerOptional100The maximum number of objects to retrieve at a time.
pagePNPageOptionalThe paging object used for pagination.
filterStringOptionalExpression used to filter the results. Only objects whose properties satisfy the given expression are returned. The filter language is defined here
sortList<PNSortKey>OptionallistOf()List of properties to sort by. Available options are id, name, and updated. Use asc or desc to specify sort direction. For example: {name: 'asc'}
includeTotalCountBooleanOptionalfalseRequest totalCount to be included in paginated response, which is omitted by default.
includeCustomBooleanOptionalfalseWhether to include the custom object in the fetch response.

Basic Usage

.async(new PNCallback<PNGetAllChannelsMetadataResult>() {
public void onResponse(@Nullable final PNGetAllChannelsMetadataResult result, @NotNull final PNStatus status) {
if (status.isError()) {
//handle error
} else {
//handle result


public class PNGetAllChannelsMetadataResult extends EntityArrayEnvelope<PNChannelMetadata> {
int status;
List<PNChannelMetadata> data;
Integer totalCount;
String next;
String prev;

public class PNChannelMetadata extends PNObject {
String id;
Object custom;
String updated;
String eTag;
String name;
String description;
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Get Channel Metadata

Returns metadata for the specified Channel, optionally including the custom data object for each.


To Get Channel Metadata you can use the following method(s) in the Android SDK:

channelStringYesChannel name.
includeCustomBooleanOptionalfalseWhether to include the custom object in the fetch response.

Basic Usage

.async(new PNCallback<PNGetChannelMetadataResult>() {
public void onResponse(@Nullable final PNGetChannelMetadataResult result, @NotNull final PNStatus status) {
if (status.isError()) {
//handle error
} else {
//handle result


public class PNGetChannelMetadataResult extends EntityEnvelope<PNChannelMetadata> {
protected int status;
protected PNChannelMetadata data;

public class PNChannelMetadata extends PNObject {
String id;
Object custom;
String updated;
String eTag;
String name;
String description;

Set Channel Metadata

Unsupported partial updates of custom metadata

The value of the custom metadata parameter sent in this method always overwrites the value stored on PubNub servers. If you want to add new custom data to an existing one, you must:

  1. Get the existing metadata and store it locally.
  2. Append the new custom metadata to the existing one.
  3. Set the entire updated custom object.

Set metadata for a Channel in the database, optionally including the custom data object for each.


To Set Channel Metadata you can use the following method(s) in the Android SDK:

.custom(Map<String, Object>)
channelStringYesChannel name.
nameStringOptionalName for the channel.
descriptionStringOptionalDescription of a channel.
customMap<String, Object>OptionalAny object of key-value pairs with supported data types. App Context filtering language doesn’t support filtering by custom properties.
includeCustomBooleanOptionalfalseWhether to include the custom object in the fetch response.
API limits

To learn about the maximum length of parameters used to set channel metadata, refer to REST API docs.

Basic Usage

.name("Some Name")
.async(new PNCallback<PNSetChannelMetadataResult>() {
public void onResponse(@Nullable final PNSetChannelMetadataResult result, @NotNull final PNStatus status) {
if (status.isError()) {
//handle error
} else {
//handle result


public class PNSetChannelMetadataResult extends EntityEnvelope<PNChannelMetadata> {
protected int status;
protected PNChannelMetadata data;

public class PNChannelMetadata extends PNObject {
String id;
Object custom;
String updated;
String eTag;
String name;
String description;

Remove Channel Metadata

Removes the metadata from a specified channel.


To Remove Channel Metadata you can use the following method(s) in the Android SDK:

channelStringYesChannel name.

Basic Usage

.async(new PNCallback<PNRemoveChannelMetadataResult>() {
public void onResponse(@Nullable final PNRemoveChannelMetadataResult result, @NotNull final PNStatus status) {
if (status.isError()) {
//handle error
} else {
//handle result


public class PNRemoveChannelMetadataResult extends EntityEnvelope<JsonElement> {
int status;
protected JsonElement data;

Channel Memberships

Get Channel Memberships

The method returns a list of channel memberships for a user. This method doesn't return a user's subscriptions.


To Get Memberships you can use the following method(s) in the Android SDK:

uuidStringOptionalpubnub.configuration.uuidUnique UUID Metadata identifier. If not supplied, then UUID from configuration will be used.
limitIntegerOptional100The maximum number of objects to retrieve at a time.
pagePNPageOptionalThe paging object used for pagination.
filterStringOptionalExpression used to filter the results. Only objects whose properties satisfy the given expression are returned. The filter language is defined here
sortList<PNSortKey>OptionallistOf()List of properties to sort by. Available options are id, name, and updated. Use asc or desc to specify sort direction. For example: {name: 'asc'}
includeTotalCountBooleanOptionalfalseRequest totalCount to be included in paginated response, which is omitted by default.
includeCustomBooleanOptionalfalseWhether to include custom object in the fetch response.
includeChannelPNChannelDetailsLevelOptionalThe level of channel details to return in the membership. Possible values are PNChannelDetailsLevel.CHANNEL which includes basic channel information, and PNChannelDetailsLevel.CHANNEL_WITH_CUSTOM which also includes the custom object.

Basic Usage

.async(new PNCallback<PNGetMembershipsResult>() {
public void onResponse(@Nullable final PNGetMembershipsResult result, @NotNull final PNStatus status) {
if (status.isError()) {
//handle error
} else {
//handle result


public class PNGetMembershipsResult extends EntityArrayEnvelope<PNMembership> {
protected Integer totalCount;
protected String next;
protected String prev;
protected int status;
protected List<PNMembership> data;

public class PNMembership {
PNChannelMetadata channel;
Object custom;
String updated;
String eTag;

Basic Usage with Pagination

final PNGetMembershipsResult getMembershipsResult = pubnub.getMemberships()
if (getMembershipsResult.getNext() != null) {
final PNGetMembershipsResult getMembershipsNextPageResult = pubnub.getMemberships()
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Set Channel Memberships

Set channel memberships for a UUID.


To Set Memberships you can use the following method(s) in the Android SDK:

.sort(PNSort ...)
channelMembershipsList<PNChannelMembership>YesCollection of PNChannelMembership to add to membership.
uuidStringOptionalpubnub.configuration.uuidUnique UUID Metadata identifier. If not supplied, then UUID from configuration will be used.
limitIntegerOptional100The maximum number of objects to retrieve at a time.
pagePNPageOptionalN/AThe paging object used for pagination.
filterStringOptionalExpression used to filter the results. Only objects whose properties satisfy the given expression are returned. The filter language is defined here
sortPNSortKeyOptionalN/AList of properties to sort by. Available options are id, name, and updated. Use asc or desc to specify sort direction. For example: {name: 'asc'}
includeTotalCountBooleanOptionalfalseRequest totalCount to be included in paginated response, which is omitted by default.
includeCustomBooleanOptionalfalseWhether to include the custom object in the fetch response.
includeChannelPNChannelDetailsLevelOptionalThe level of channel details to return in the membership. Possible values are PNChannelDetailsLevel.CHANNEL which includes basic channel information, and PNChannelDetailsLevel.CHANNEL_WITH_CUSTOM which also includes the custom object.
API limits

To learn about the maximum length of parameters used to set channel membership metadata, refer to REST API docs.

Basic Usage

.async(new PNCallback<PNSetMembershipResult>() {
public void onResponse(@Nullable final PNSetMembershipResult result, @NotNull final PNStatus status) {
if (status.isError()) {
//handle error
} else {
//handle result


public class PNSetMembershipResult extends EntityArrayEnvelope<PNMembership> {
Integer totalCount;
String next;
String prev;
int status;
List<PNMembership> data;

public class PNMembership {
PNChannelMetadata channel;
Object custom;
String updated;
String eTag;

Remove Channel Memberships

Remove channel memberships for a UUID.


To Remove Memberships you can use the following method(s) in the Android SDK:

.sort(PNSort ...)
channelMembershipsList<PNChannelMembership>YesCollection of PNChannelMembership to add to membership.
uuidStringOptionalpubnub.configuration.uuidUnique UUID Metadata identifier. If not supplied, then UUID from configuration will be used.
limitIntegerOptional100The maximum number of objects to retrieve at a time.
pagePNPageOptionalThe paging object used for pagination.
filterStringOptionalExpression used to filter the results. Only objects whose properties satisfy the given expression are returned. The filter language is defined here
sortPNSortKeyOptionallistOf()List of properties to sort by. Available options are id, name, and updated. Use asc or desc to specify sort direction. For example: {name: 'asc'}
includeTotalCountBooleanOptionalfalseRequest totalCount to be included in paginated response, which is omitted by default.
includeCustomBooleanOptionalfalseWhether to include the custom object in the fetch response.
includeChannelPNChannelDetailsLevelOptionalThe level of channel details to return in the membership. Possible values are PNChannelDetailsLevel.CHANNEL which includes basic channel information, and PNChannelDetailsLevel.CHANNEL_WITH_CUSTOM which also includes the custom object.

Basic Usage

.async(new PNCallback<PNRemoveMembershipResult>() {
public void onResponse(@Nullable final PNRemoveMembershipResult result, @NotNull final PNStatus status) {
if (status.isError()) {
//handle error
} else {
//handle result


public class PNRemoveMembershipResults extends EntityArrayEnvelope<PNMembership> {
Integer totalCount;
String next;
String prev;
int status;
List<PNMembership> data;

public class PNMembership {
PNChannelMetadata channel;
Object custom;
String updated;
String eTag;

Manage Channel Memberships

Manage a user's channel memberships.


To Manage Memberships you can use the following method(s) in the Android SDK:

uuidStringOptionalpubnub.configuration.uuidUnique UUID Metadata identifier. If not supplied, then UUID from configuration will be used.
setCollection<PNChannelMembership>YesList of members PNChannelMembership to add to channel.
removeCollection<PNChannelMembership>YesList of members PNChannelMembership to remove from channel.
limitIntegerOptional100The maximum number of objects to retrieve at a time.
pagePNPageOptionalThe paging object used for pagination.
filterStringOptionalExpression used to filter the results. Only objects whose properties satisfy the given expression are returned. The filter language is defined here
sortList<PNSortKey>OptionalN/AList of properties to sort by. Available options are id, name, and updated. Use asc or desc to specify sort direction. For example: {name: 'asc'}
includeTotalCountBooleanOptionalfalseRequest includeTotalCount to be included in paginated response, which is omitted by default.
includeCustomBooleanOptionalfalseWhether to include the custom object in the fetch response.
includeChannelPNChannelDetailsLevelOptionalThe level of UUID details to return. Possible values are PNChannelDetailsLevel.CHANNEL which includes basic UUID information, and PNChannelDetailsLevel.CHANNEL_WITH_CUSTOM which also includes the custom object.

Basic Usage

.async(new PNCallback<PNManageMembershipResult>() {
public void onResponse(@Nullable final PNManageMembershipResult result, @NotNull final PNStatus status) {
if (status.isError()) {
//handle error
} else {
//handle result


public class PNManageMembershipResult extends EntityArrayEnvelope<PNMembership> {
Integer totalCount;
String next;
String prev;
int status;
List<PNMembership> data;

public class PNMembership {
PNChannelMetadata channel;
Object custom;
String updated;
String eTag;

Channel Members

Get Channel Members

The method returns a list of members in a channel. The list will include user metadata for members that have additional metadata stored in the database.


To Get Channel Members you can use the following method(s) in the Android SDK:

channelStringYesChannel name.
limitIntegerOptional100The maximum number of objects to retrieve at a time.
pagePNPageOptionalThe paging object used for pagination.
filterStringOptionalExpression used to filter the results. Only objects whose properties satisfy the given expression are returned. The filter language is defined here
sortList<PNSortKey>OptionallistOf()List of properties to sort by. Available options are id, name, and updated. Use asc or desc to specify sort direction. For example: {name: 'asc'}
includeTotalCountBooleanOptionalfalseRequest includeTotalCount to be included in paginated response, which is omitted by default.
includeCustomBooleanOptionalfalseWhether to include the custom object in the fetch response.
includeUUIDPNUUIDDetailsLevelOptionalThe level of UUID details to return. Possible values are PNUUIDDetailsLevel.UUID which includes basic UUID information, and PNUUIDDetailsLevel.UUID_WITH_CUSTOM which also includes the custom object.

Basic Usage

.async(new PNCallback<PNGetChannelMembersResult>() {
public void onResponse(@Nullable final PNGetChannelMembersResult result, @NotNull final PNStatus status) {
if (status.isError()) {
//handle error
} else {
//handle response


public class PNRemoveMembershipResults extends EntityArrayEnvelope<PNMembers> {
Integer totalCount;
String next;
String prev;
int status;
List<PNMembers> data;

public class PNMembers {
PNUUIDMetadata uuid;
Object custom;
String updated;
String eTag;

Set Channel Members

This method sets members in a channel.


To Set Channel Members you can use the following method(s) in the Android SDK:

channelStringYesChannel name.
uuidsCollection<PNUUID>YesList of members PNUUID to add to channel.
limitIntegerOptional100The maximum number of objects to retrieve at a time.
pagePNPageOptionalThe paging object used for pagination.
filterStringOptionalExpression used to filter the results. Only objects whose properties satisfy the given expression are returned. The filter language is defined here
sortList<PNSortKey>OptionalN/AList of properties to sort by. Available options are id, name, and updated. Use asc or desc to specify sort direction. For example: {name: 'asc'}
includeTotalCountBooleanOptionalfalseRequest includeTotalCount to be included in paginated response, which is omitted by default.
includeCustomBooleanOptionalfalseWhether to include the custom object in the fetch response.
includeUUIDPNUUIDDetailsLevelOptionalThe level of UUID details to return. Possible values are PNUUIDDetailsLevel.UUID which includes basic UUID information, and PNUUIDDetailsLevel.UUID_WITH_CUSTOM which also includes the custom object.
API limits

To learn about the maximum length of parameters used to set channel members metadata, refer to REST API docs.

Basic Usage

.async(new PNCallback<PNSetChannelMembersResult>() {
public void onResponse(@Nullable final PNSetChannelMembersResult result, @NotNull final PNStatus status) {
if (status.isError()) {
//handle error
} else {
//handle result


public class PNSetChannelMembersResult extends EntityArrayEnvelope<PNMembers> {
Integer totalCount;
String next;
String prev;
int status;
List<PNMembers> data;

public class PNMembers {
PNUUIDMetadata uuid;
Object custom;
String updated;
String eTag;

Remove Channel Members

Remove members from a Channel.


To Remove Channel Members you can use the following method(s) in the Android SDK:

channelStringYesChannel name.
uuidsCollection<PNUUID>YesList of members PNUUID to remove from channel.
limitIntegerOptional100The maximum number of objects to retrieve at a time.
pagePNPageOptionalThe paging object used for pagination.
filterStringOptionalExpression used to filter the results. Only objects whose properties satisfy the given expression are returned. The filter language is defined here
sortList<PNSortKey>OptionalN/AList of properties to sort by. Available options are id, name, and updated. Use asc or desc to specify sort direction. For example: {name: 'asc'}
includeTotalCountBooleanOptionalfalseRequest includeTotalCount to be included in paginated response, which is omitted by default.
includeCustomBooleanOptionalfalseWhether to include the custom object in the fetch response.
includeUUIDPNUUIDDetailsLevelOptionalThe level of UUID details to return. Possible values are PNUUIDDetailsLevel.UUID which includes basic UUID information, and PNUUIDDetailsLevel.UUID_WITH_CUSTOM which also includes the custom object.

Basic Usage

.async(new PNCallback<PNRemoveChannelMembersResult>() {
public void onResponse(@Nullable final PNRemoveChannelMembersResult result, @NotNull final PNStatus status) {
if (status.isError()) {
//handle error
} else {
//handle result


public class PNRemoveChannelMembersResult extends EntityArrayEnvelope<PNMembers> {
Integer totalCount;
String next;
String prev;
int status;
List<PNMembers> data;

public class PNMembers {
PNUUIDMetadata uuid;
Object custom;
String updated;
String eTag;

Manage Channel Members

The method Set and Remove channel memberships for a user.


To Manage Channel Members you can use the following method(s) in the Android SDK:

channelStringYesChannel name.
setCollection<PNUUID>YesList of members PNUUID to add to channel.
removeCollection<PNUUID>YesList of members PNUUID to remove from channel.
limitIntegerOptional100The maximum number of objects to retrieve at a time.
pagePNPageOptionalThe paging object used for pagination.
filterStringOptionalExpression used to filter the results. Only objects whose properties satisfy the given expression are returned. The filter language is defined here
sortList<PNSortKey>OptionalN/AList of properties to sort by. Available options are id, name, and updated. Use asc or desc to specify sort direction. For example: {name: 'asc'}
includeTotalCountBooleanOptionalfalseRequest includeTotalCount to be included in paginated response, which is omitted by default.
includeCustomBooleanOptionalfalseWhether to include the custom object in the fetch response.
includeUUIDPNUUIDDetailsLevelOptionalThe level of UUID details to return. Possible values are PNUUIDDetailsLevel.UUID which includes basic UUID information, and PNUUIDDetailsLevel.UUID_WITH_CUSTOM which also includes the custom object.

Basic Usage

.async(new PNCallback<PNManageChannelMembersResult>() {
public void onResponse(@Nullable final PNManageChannelMembersResult result, @NotNull final PNStatus status) {
if (status.isError()) {
//handle error
} else {
//handle result


public class PNManageChannelMembersResult extends EntityArrayEnvelope<PNMembers> {
Integer totalCount;
String next;
String prev;
int status;
List<PNMembers> data;

public class PNMembers {
PNUUIDMetadata uuid;
Object custom;
String updated;
String eTag;

PNChannelMembership class

PNChannelMembership is a utility class that exposes two factory methods: channel(String channelId) constructs a channel membership, and channelWithCustom(String channelId, Map<String, Object> custom) constructs a channel membership with additional custom metadata.

public abstract class PNChannelMembership {
public static class ChannelId {
private String id;

private final ChannelId channel;

public static PNChannelMembership channel(final String channelId) {
return new JustChannel(new ChannelId(channelId));

public static PNChannelMembership channelWithCustom(final String channelId, final Map<String, Object> custom) {
return new ChannelWithCustom(new ChannelId(channelId), new HashMap<>(custom));

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PNUUID class

PNUUID is a utility class that exposes two factory methods: uuid(String uuid) constructs a UUID, and uuidWithCustom(String channelId, Map<String, Object> custom) constructs a UUID with additional custom metadata.

public abstract class PNUUID {
public static class UUIDId {
private String id;

private final UUIDId uuid;

public static PNUUID uuid(final String uuid) {
return new JustUUID(new UUIDId(uuid));
public static PNUUID uuidWithCustom(final String uuid, final Map<String, Object> custom) {
return new UUIDWithCustom(new UUIDId(uuid), new HashMap<>(custom));

public static class JustUUID extends PNUUID {
show all 21 lines
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