File Sharing API for PubNub Cocoa Objective-C SDK
Allows users to upload and share files. You can upload any file of up to 5 MB in size. This feature is commonly used in social apps to share images, or in medical apps to share medical records for patients.
When a file is uploaded on a channel
, it's stored and managed using a storage service, and associated with your key. Subscribers to that channel
receive a file event which contains a file ID
, filename
, and optional description
Send file
Upload the file to a specified channel.
This method covers the entire process of sending a file, including preparation, uploading the file to a cloud storage service, and post-uploading messaging on a channel.
For the last messaging step, sendFileWithRequest
internally calls the PublishFileMessage
method to publish a message on the channel.
The published message contains metadata about the file, such as the file identifier and name, enabling others on the channel to find out about the file and access it.
- (void)sendFileWithRequest:(PNSendFileRequest *)request
completion:(nullable PNSendFileCompletionBlock)block;
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
request | PNSendFileRequest | Yes | Send file request with all information about file and where it should be uploaded. |
block | PNSendFileCompletionBlock | No | Send file file request completion block. |
Parameter | Type | Required | Default | Description |
fileMessageMetadata | NSDictionary | No | NSDictionary with values to be used by PubNub service to filter file messages | |
cipherKey | NSString | No | From client configuration | Key to be used to encrypt uploaded data |
fileMessageTTL | NSUInteger | No | 0 | How long message should be stored in channel's storage. Set to 0 (zero) to store message according to the retention policy you have set on your key. |
fileMessageStore | BOOL | No | YES | Whether published file messages should be stored in the channel's history |
message | id | No | Message to be sent along with file to specified channel | |
filename | NSString | Yes | Name to be used to store uploaded data. This is set by default only if the request is created with requestWithChannel:fileURL: . |
Basic Usage
NSURL *localFileURL = ...;
PNSendFileRequest *request = [PNSendFileRequest requestWithChannel:@"channel"
[self.client sendFileWithRequest:request completion:^(PNSendFileStatus *status) {
if (!status.isError) {
* File upload successfully completed.
* Uploaded file information is available here:
* is the unique file identifier
* is the name used to store the file
} else {
* Handle send file error. Check the 'category' property for reasons
show all 22 linesResponse
@interface PNSendFileData : PNServiceData
// Unique identifier assigned to the file during upload
@property (nonatomic, nullable, readonly, strong) NSString *fileIdentifier;
// Time at which the file information message was published.
@property (nonatomic, nullable, readonly, strong) NSNumber *timetoken;
// Name under which the uploaded file is stored
@property (nonatomic, nullable, readonly, strong) NSString *fileName;
* Whether the file uploaded or not.
* This property should be used during error handling to identify whether the
show all 28 linesOther Examples
Upload binary data
NSData *data = [[NSUUID UUID].UUIDString dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
PNSendFileRequest *request = [PNSendFileRequest requestWithChannel:@"channel"
[self.client sendFileWithRequest:request completion:^(PNSendFileStatus *status) {
if (!status.isError) {
* File upload successfully completed.
* Uploaded file information available here:
* - unique file identifier
* - name which has been used to store file
} else {
show all 23 linesUpload using stream
NSInputStream *stream = ...;
NSUInteger streamSize = /* size of data in stream */;
PNSendFileRequest *request = [PNSendFileRequest requestWithChannel:@"channel"
[self.client sendFileWithRequest:request completion:^(PNSendFileStatus *status) {
if (!status.isError) {
* File upload successfully completed.
* Uploaded file information available here:
* - unique file identifier
* - name which has been used to store file
show all 25 linesReturns
Same as from basic usage.
List channel files
Retrieve list of files uploaded to Channel
- (void)listFilesWithRequest:(PNListFilesRequest *)request
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
request | PNListFilesRequest | Yes | List files request with all information which should be used to fetch channel's files list. |
block | PNListFilesCompletionBlock | Yes | List files request completion block. |
Parameter | Type | Required | Default | Description |
next | NSString | No | Random string returned from the server, indicating a specific position in a data set. Used for forward pagination, it fetches the next page, allowing you to continue from where you left off. | |
limit | NSUInteger | No | 100 | Number of files to return in response. |
Basic Usage
PNListFilesRequest *request = [PNListFilesRequest requestWithChannel:@"channel"];
request.limit = 20; = ...;
[self.client listFilesWithRequest:request
completion:^(PNListFilesResult *result, PNErrorStatus *status) {
if (!status.isError) {
* Uploaded files list successfully fetched.
* - List of uploaded files (information).
* - Random string returned from the server, indicating a specific position in a data set. Used for forward pagination, it fetches the next page, allowing you to continue from where you left off.
* - Total number of files uploaded to channel.
} else {
show all 22 linesResponse
@interface PNListFilesData : PNServiceData
// List of channel files.
@property (nonatomic, nullable, readonly, strong) NSArray<PNFile *> *files;
// Random string returned from the server, indicating a specific position in a data set. Used for forward pagination, it fetches the next page, allowing you to continue from where you left off.
@property (nonatomic, nullable, readonly, strong) NSString *next;
// How many files has been returned.
@property (nonatomic, readonly, assign) NSUInteger count;
@interface PNListFilesResult : PNResult
show all 19 linesGet File Url
Generate URL which can be used to download file from target Channel
- (nullable NSURL *)downloadURLForFileWithName:(NSString *)name
identifier:(NSString *)identifier
inChannel:(NSString *)channel;
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
name | NSString | Yes | Name under which uploaded file is stored for channel . |
identifier | NSString | Yes | Unique file identifier which has been assigned during file upload. |
channel | NSString | Yes | Name of channel within which file with name has been uploaded. |
Basic Usage
NSURL *url = [self.client downloadURLForFileWithName:@"user_profile.png"
URL which can be used to download remote file with specified name
and identifier
Download file
Download file from specified Channel
- (void)downloadFileWithRequest:(PNDownloadFileRequest *)request
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
request | PNDownloadFileRequest | Yes | Download file request with information about file which should be downloaded. |
block | PNDownloadFileCompletionBlock | Yes | Download file request completion block. |
Parameter | Type | Required | Default | Description |
cipherKey | NSString | No | From client configuration | Key which should be used to decrypt downloaded data. |
targetURL | NSURL | No | Temporary location | URL where downloaded file should be stored locally. File downloaded to temporary location will be removed after completion block return. |
Basic Usage
PNDownloadFileRequest *request = [PNDownloadFileRequest requestWithChannel:@"lobby"
request.targetURL = ...;
[self.client downloadFileWithRequest:request
completion:^(PNDownloadFileResult *result, PNErrorStatus *status) {
if (!status.isError) {
* File successfully has been downloaded.
* - location where downloaded file can be found
* - whether file has been downloaded to temporary storage and
* will be removed on completion block return.
show all 24 linesResponse
@interface PNDownloadFileData : PNServiceData
* Whether file is temporary or not.
* Temporary file will be removed as soon as completion block will exit. Make sure
* to move temporary files (w/o scheduling task on secondary thread) to persistent
* location.
@property (nonatomic, readonly, assign, getter = isTemporary) BOOL temporary;
// Location where downloaded file can be found.
@property (nonatomic, readonly, nullable, readonly, strong) NSURL *location;
show all 22 linesDelete file
Delete file from specified Channel
- (void)deleteFileWithRequest:(PNDeleteFileRequest *)request
completion:(nullable PNDeleteFileCompletionBlock)block;
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
request | PNDeleteFileRequest | Yes | Delete file request with all information about file for removal. |
block | PNDeleteFileCompletionBlock | No | Delete file request completion block. |
Basic Usage
PNDeleteFileRequest *request = [PNDeleteFileRequest requestWithChannel:@"channel"
[self.client deleteFileWithRequest:request completion:^(PNAcknowledgmentStatus *status) {
if (!status.isError) {
// File successfully has been deleted.
} else {
* Handle file delete error. Check 'category' property to find out possible issue
* because of which request did fail.
* Request can be resent using: [status retry]
show all 16 linesResponse
@interface PNErrorData : PNServiceData
// Stringified error information.
@property (nonatomic, readonly, strong) NSString *information;
@interface PNAcknowledgmentStatus : PNErrorStatus
// Whether status object represent error or not.
@property (nonatomic, readonly, assign, getter = isError) BOOL error;
// Additional information related to error status object.
@property (nonatomic, readonly, strong) PNErrorData *errorData;
show all 16 linesPublish file message
Publish the uploaded file message to a specified channel.
This method is called internally by sendFileWithRequest
as part of the file-sending process to publish the message with the file (already uploaded in a storage service) on a channel.
This message includes the file's unique identifier and name elements, which are needed to construct download links and inform channel subscribers that the file is available for download.
You can call this method when sendFileWithRequest
fails and returns the status.operation === PNPublishFileMessageOperation
In that case, you can use the data from the status
object to try again and use publishFileMessageWithRequest
to manually resend a file message to a channel without repeating the upload step.
- (void)publishFileMessageWithRequest:(PNPublishFileMessageRequest *)request
completion:(nullable PNPublishCompletionBlock)block;
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
request | PNPublishFileMessageRequest | Yes | File message publish request with all information about uploaded file. |
block | PNPublishCompletionBlock | No | File message publish request completion block. |
Basic Usage
PNPublishFileMessageRequest *request = [PNPublishFileMessageRequest requestWithChannel:@"channel"
[self.client publishFileMessageWithRequest:request completion:^(PNPublishStatus *status) {
if (!status.isError) {
// File message successfully published.
} else {
// Handle file message publish error. Check 'category' property to find out possible
// issue because of which request did fail.
// Request can be resent using: [status retry];
@interface PNPublishData : PNServiceData
* Service-provided time stamp at which message has been pushed to remote
* data object live feed.
@property (nonatomic, readonly, strong) NSNumber *timetoken;
// Service-provide information about service response message.
@property (nonatomic, readonly, strong) NSString *information;
@interface PNPublishStatus : PNAcknowledgmentStatus
show all 19 lines