PNTimeoutCategory | Processing has failed because of request time out. |
PNDisconnectedCategory | The SDK is not able to reach PubNub servers because the machine or device are not connected to Internet or this has been lost, your ISP (Internet Service Provider) is having to troubles or perhaps or the SDK is behind of a proxy. |
PNConnectedCategory | SDK subscribed with a new mix of channels (fired every time the channel / channel group mix changed). |
PNAccessDeniedCategory | The SDK will announce this error when the Access Manager does not allow the subscription to a channel or a channel group. |
PNBadRequestCategory | PubNub API server was unable to parse SDK request correctly. |
PNCancelledCategory | Request was cancelled by user. |
PNLoopStopCategory | Subscription loop has been stopped due some reasons. |
PNReconnectedCategory | Subscription loop has been reconnected due some reasons. |
PNAcknowledgmentCategory | PNAcknowledgmentCategory as the StatusCategory is the Acknowledgement of an operation (like Unsubscribe). |
PNReconnectionAttemptsExhausted | The SDK loop has been stopped due maximum reconnection exhausted. |
PNNoStubMatchedCategory/PNUnknownCategory | PNNoStubMatchedCategory as the StatusCategory means an unknown status category event occurred. |
PNRequestMessageCountExceededCategory | PNRequestMessageCountExceededCategory is fired when the MessageQueueOverflowCount limit is exceeded by the number of messages received in a single subscribe request. |