Status Events for PHP SDK

Response Status Categories

Transactional requests (like Publish, History, Where/HereNow)

PNTimeoutCategoryProcessing has failed because of request time out.
PNAccessDeniedCategoryThe SDK will announce this error when the Access Manager does not allow the subscription to a channel or a channel group.
PNBadRequestCategoryPubNub API server was unable to parse SDK request correctly.
PNMalformedResponseCategoryResponse cannot be parsed by SDK.
PNUnknownCategoryNo specific category was assigned to the request.
PNUnexpectedDisconnectCategoryThe SDK is not able to reach PubNub servers because the machine or device are not connected to Internet or this has been lost, your ISP (Internet Service Provider) is having to troubles or perhaps or the SDK is behind of a proxy.

Subscription status event categories

PNConnectedCategorySDK subscribed with a new mix of channels (fired every time the channel / channel group mix changed).
PNAccessDeniedCategoryRequest failed because of access error (active Access Manager). status.errorData.channels or status.errorData.channelGroups contain list of channels and / or groups to which user with specified auth key doesn't have access.
PNMalformedResponseCategoryRequest received in response non-JSON data. It can be because of publish WiFi hotspot which require authorization or proxy server message.
PNBadRequestCategoryRequest can't be completed because not all required values has been passed or passed values has unexpected data type.
PNDecryptionErrorCategoryMessage Persistence API may return this status category in case if some messages can't be decrypted. Unencrypted message will be returned in status.associatedObject where associatedObject is PNMessageData which contain channel and message properties.
PNTimeoutCategoryUsed API didn't received response from server in time.
PNUnknownCategoryNo specific category was assigned to the request.
PNUnexpectedDisconnectCategoryThe SDK is not able to reach PubNub servers because the machine or device are not connected to Internet or this has been lost, your ISP (Internet Service Provider) is having to troubles or perhaps or the SDK is behind of a proxy.
PNUnexpectedDisconnectCategoryThe SDK is not able to reach PubNub servers because the machine or device are not connected to Internet or this has been lost, your ISP (Internet Service Provider) is having to troubles or perhaps or the SDK is behind of a proxy.
PNCancelledCategoryRequest was cancelled by user.
PNUnknownCategoryUnknown error happened.


PubNubBuildRequestExceptionError during building HTTP request to the server. Some passed in values are incorrect or have a wrong type.
PubNubConnectionExceptionNetwork connection error
PubNubResponseParsingExceptionResponse from server is malformed or parsed incorrectly.
PubNubServerExceptionServer responded with error like Bad Request or Access Denied. Check for the error message for details.
PubNubValidationExceptionError validating params like Missing Channel, Missing Publish key, Missing Secret Key, etc.
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