Check present users

Retrieve UUIDs and state information (hereNow) for subscribed devices on a specific channel.

Path Parameters
sub_key string REQUIRED

Your app's subscribe key from Admin Portal.

Example: sub-c-50264475-1902-558x-d213-7p19052012n2

channel string REQUIRED

The channel name to perform the operation on. In the context of Presence, this parameter relates to a channel for which the new state will be applied or the existing state will be returned. Verify that channels are comprised of valid characters. You can use a single channel or multiple channels separated by a comma.

Example: myChannel

Query Parameters
channel-group string

Comma-separated list of channel group names to perform the operation on. In the context of Presence, this parameter relates to channel group name(s) to which you subscribe. You may subscribe to channels, channels and channel groups, or just channel groups.

Example: myChannelGroup

disable_uuids integer

If 1, only occupancy numbers will be returned, without UUIDs and accompanying state info. If 0 or not provided, UUIDs will be returned with occupancy numbers.

state integer

If 1, accompanying state info for each UUID is returned. If 0 or not provided, state info is absent in the response.

Example: 1

limit integer

Limit the number of results returned. Set -1 for no limit (default). Max limit is 1000.

offset integer

Starting position of results to return, used for pagination.

auth string

String which is either the auth key (PAM v2) or a valid token (Access Manager) used to authorize the operation if access control is enabled.

Example: myAuthKey

callback string

The JSONP callback name to wrap the function in.

Example: myCallback

uuid string REQUIRED

A UTF-8 encoded string of up to 92 characters used to identify the client.

Example: myUniqueUserId

signature string

Signature used to verify that the request was signed with the secret key associated with the subscribe key.

If Access Manager is enabled, either a valid authorization token or a signature are required. Check Access Manager documentation for details on how to compute the signature.

timestamp integer

Unix epoch timestamp used as a nonce for signature computation. Must have no more than ± 60 seconds offset from NTP. Required if signature parameter is supplied.



status integer OPTIONAL
message string OPTIONAL
occupancy integer OPTIONAL
uuids string[] OPTIONAL
service string OPTIONAL