Leave channels
Requires App Context
To set up and manage channel membership, you must enable App Context for your app's keyset in the Admin Portal.
Use the Leave()
method to remove user's channel membership and unsubscribe them from receiving messages and events. Additionally, all the other listeners get the presence update that the user has left the channel and the membership is also removed from the channel.
Method signature
This method has the following signature:
This method doesn't take any parameters.
This method returns an awaitable Task
Basic usage
Leave the support
// reference the "channel" object
if (!chat.TryGetChannel("support", out var channel))
Console.WriteLine("Couldn't find channel!");
channel.OnMessageReceived += OnMessageReceivedHandler; // or use lambda
void OnMessageReceivedHandler(Message message)
Console.WriteLine($"Message received: {message.Text}");
// join the channel and add metadata to the newly created membership
await channel.Join()
// and leave
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