Learn about new PubNub releases, industry trends, and app development tips.
ChatOct 13, 2015
Build an Android WebRTC Video & Voice Chat App
How to build a cross-platform Android WebRTC video and voice chat application with Java and JavaScript that works on both web and mobile.
BuildOct 5, 2015
Streaming Sensor Readings to a Real-time Gauge Chart
How to collect pressure data on a sensor running on Arduino, and stream those readings to a live-updating, real-time gauge chart dashboard.
ChatOct 1, 2015
speakfree Provides Comm Platform During Global Crisis
PubNub and speakfree are working together to provide a communication platform for aid organizations and refugees during the global crisis.
HealthcareSep 30, 2015
Build: Real-time iOS Heart Rate Monitor & Dashboard
How to build an iOS heart rate monitor that streams heart rate data in real time to a real-time dashboard from the iOS smartphone app.
BuildSep 23, 2015
Spline Chart for IoT Sensor Data with Johnny-Five | PubNub
How to collect and stream IoT sensor data in real time to a real-time spline chart on an HTML dashboard with Johnny-Five, Arduino, and PubNub.
BuildSep 22, 2015
Hardware-to-hardware Communication with Johnny-Five
Using the Johnny-Five framework to create real-time hardware-to-hardware communication between a button and LED.
BuildSep 16, 2015
Storing and Retrieving IoT Sensor Data in Real time
How to collect, store, and retrieve IoT sensor data in real time, updating and syncing data across the application when it restarts.
ChatSep 15, 2015
Build Real-time Buddy Lists-Advanced Channel Groups
How to build a real-time buddy list (ie. friend's list) for chat applications using advanced channel groups, Presence, and PubNub Stream Controller.
BuildSep 10, 2015
Streaming Accelerometer Readings to a dashboard
Collect acceleration readings from an accelerometer and stream the data in real time to a live-updating, real-time dashboard with Intel Galileo.