Data components for PubNub Chat Components for iOS

Data components are responsible for managing data between the UI Components and the persistence layer. They also interact with the PubNub service by sending and receiving messages and signals.

Available components include:


PubNub Chat Components for iOS utilize several layers of configurable data to drive the functionality found in the UI Components. The goal of the data layer is to provide a simple and robust foundation that can be used across any chat implementation. The two main forms of data used by the components are managed and network objects.

Managed data

PubNub Chat Components for iOS rely on Core Data - an Apple framework to manage the model layer of the application - to provide a persistent, abstracted, and reliable local state to the UI Components.

This is achieved by defining data schemas and relationships inside a Managed Object Model. There is also a pre-configured set of managed entities provided by default to support rapid prototyping.

Network data

A drawback of using Core Data managed objects is they can only be handled on the main queue of the application. To avoid any issues or errors while using concurrency, the managed objects are able to be converted to and from network object types. The objects attempt to mirror the default managed object schema, but can be further customized to match any schema that's needed by the application.

Network objects are most commonly used when interacting with PubNub APIs, but should be used whenever the applications might use multiple threads.

Data flow

The typical data flow through the components revolves around storing incoming data into the Core Data instance and updating that data automatically in UI Components if the data matches the UI Components population query.

Component Data Flow

  1. The PubNub APIs and Events return network data that can be stored directly in Core Data using the appropriate DataProvider methods found inside ChatProvider.

  2. The UI Components use NSFetchedResultsController to create NSPredicate against the stored (managed) data. This controller automatically updates the component's data source if the new matching data is added, updated, or removed.

  3. The UI Components provide actions that can be configured to call PubNub APIs through DataProvider or update existing objects and store the result.

Data payloads

PubNub Chat Components for iOS enforce you to use the unified JSON schemas (data models) for such common entity types as users, channels, and messages when transferring data over the PubNub network. These common data payloads allow you to create cross-platform applications and ensure that such applications developed in different technologies (Swift, Kotlin, or JavaScript) communicate with one another properly, avoiding any unexpected errors.

Validate your payload

To avoid any parsing errors, validate the data payload you prepared for users, channels, and messages in an online validator.


Follow this schema for the user data in your apps:

"$schema": "",
"title": "User",
"type": "object",
"description": "User of a chat application",
"properties": {
"id": {
"description": "Unique identifier for a user",
"type": "string"
"name": {
"description": "Name of the user that you can display in the UI",
"type": "string"
"email": {
show all 58 lines


"id": "some-user-id",
"name": "Jane Doe",
"email": "",
"externalId": "some-external-user-id",
"profileUrl": "",
"type": "default",
"status": "default",
"custom": {
"description": "Office Assistant",
"eTag": "AYGyoY3gre71eA",
"updated": "2020-09-23T09:23:34.598494Z"


Follow this schema for the channel data in your apps:

"$schema": "",
"title": "Channel",
"description": "Channel in the chat application",
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"id": {
"description": "Unique identifier for a channel",
"type": "string"
"name": {
"description": "Name of the channel that you can display in the UI",
"type": "string"
"description": {
show all 50 lines


"id": "some-channel-id",
"name": "Off-topic",
"description": "Off-topic channel for random chatter and fun",
"type": "default",
"status": "default",
"custom": {
"profileUrl": ""
"eTag": "AbOx6N+6vu3zoAE",
"updated": "2020-09-23T09:23:37.175764Z"


Follow this schema for the message data in your apps:

Supported message types

PubNub Chat Components for iOS support only text message data types.

"$schema": "",
"title": "Message Content",
"description": "Message content in the chat application",
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"id": {
"description": "Unique identifier for a message. Use the UUID v4 algorithm.",
"type": "string"
"text": {
"description": "Text of the message that you can display in the UI",
"type": "string"
"contentType": {
show all 34 lines


"id": "6da72b98-e211-4724-aad4-e0fb9f08999f",
"text": "Let's sync on the topic in this thread.",
"contentType": "none",
"content": {},
"custom": {},
"createdAt": "2022-05-10T14:48:00.000Z"


A channel is commonly viewed as a collection of associated users with a specific purpose or goal. A channel could be created for direct communication between two or more users, a group of users, or other use case-specific scenarios.

Managed data

The default Managed Object Model inside the Chat Components defines a Core Data NSManagedObject named PubNubManagedChannel.

If a custom Managed Object Model is used, an NSManagedObject entity must implement the ManagedChatChannel protocol before it can be used by the Chat Components framework.

Managed channel

The PubNubManagedChannel entity is a CoreData managed Channel class used whenever a ChatChannel needs to be stored locally. It is defined with the following attributes:

idStringUnique identifier for the object.
nameString?Name of the channel.
typeStringFunctional type of the channel. The default value is set to "default".
statusString?Status of the channel.
detailsString?Channel details you can display alongside the name.
avatarURLURL?URL to a channel avatar that you can display in the UI.
customDataCustom key value pairs that can be stored with the channel.
lastUpdatedDate?Last time the remote object was changed. This field references the updated field from ChatChannel.
eTagString?Caching value that changes whenever the remote object changes.
memberCountIntTotal number of members that are currently active on the channel.


The PubNubManagedChannel entity has relationships with the following entities:

membersSet<PubNubManagedMember>Entity that connects to the users of a channel.
messagesSet<PubNubManagedMessage>Entity that connects to the messages of a channel.

Managed channel protocol

To allow for a custom Managed Object Model, the ManagedChatChannel protocol is used when referring to the managed object.

The protocol requires the following properties and methods:

  • pubnubChannelID

    Identifier used when interacting with PubNub APIs. It can be different from the primary key ID used by the managed object.

    var pubnubChannelID: String { get }
  • convert()

    Converts the managed object to a network object with the appropriately typed custom channel data.

    func convert<Custom: ChannelCustomData>() -> ChatChannel<Custom>

The base network object transformed to use the specified ChannelCustomData.

  • insertOrUpdate(channel:into:)

    Inserts or updates the managed object from a network object.

    static func insertOrUpdate<Custom: ChannelCustomData>(
    channel: ChatChannel<Custom>,
    into context: NSManagedObjectContext
    ) throws -> Self
channelChatChannel<ChannelCustomData>ChatChannel to be updated or inserted.
intoNSManagedObjectContextCore Data context where the object is inserted or updated.

The managed object that was inserted or updated.

Observing the NSManagedObjectContextDidSave notification will indicate whether a new managed object was created or an existing object was updated.

  • patch(usingPatch:into:)
static func patch<Custom: ChannelCustomData>(
usingPatch patcher: ChatChannel<Custom>.Patcher,
into context: NSManagedObjectContext
) throws -> Self
usingPatchChatChannel<ChannelCustomData>.PatcherChatChannel.Patcher changeset that is applied to an existing channel if one exists.
intoNSManagedObjectContextCore Data context where the object is inserted or updated.

The managed object that was updated.

Observing the NSManagedObjectContextDidSave notification will indicate whether an existing object was updated.

  • remove(channelId:from:)

    Removes a managed object matching the channelId parameter.

    static func remove(
    channelId: String,
    from context: NSManagedObjectContext
    ) -> Self?
channelIdStringUnique identifier for the channel.
fromNSManagedObjectContextCore Data context where the object is removed.

The managed object that was removed.

Observing the NSManagedObjectContextDidSave notification will indicate whether a managed object was removed.

  • channelBy(channelID:)

    Creates NSFetchRequest that gets a channel matching the channelId parameter.

    static func channelBy(channelID: String) -> NSFetchRequest<Self>
channelIDStringUnique identifier for the channel.

NSFetchRequest whose predicate is set to get the channel that matches the channelID parameter.

Network data

The generic ChatChannel class contains the channel payload fields and is used whenever a Swift PubNub API requires a Space object.

idStringUnique identifier for the object.
nameString?Name of the channel.
typeStringFunctional type of the channel. The default value is set to "default".
statusString?Status of the channel.
detailsString?Channel details you can display alongside the name.
avatarURLURL?URL to a channel avatar that you can display in the UI. This field references the profileUrl field from the channel payload specification.
updatedDate?Last time the remote object was changed.
eTagString?Caching value that changes whenever the remote object changes.
customChannelCustomDataCustom key value pairs that can be stored with the channel.

Custom channel data

Implement the ChannelCustomData protocol to provide custom data to the generic ChatChannel class.

By default, all custom data is implemented as an empty object VoidCustomData.

The default implementation of ChatChannel is a typealias of the following:

public typealias PubNubChatChannel = ChatChannel<VoidCustomData>


  • patch(:)

Patches the properties of an existing ChatUser from a real-time changeset.

  public func patch(
_ patcher: ChatChannel<Custom>.Patcher
) -> ChatChannel<Custom>
userChatChannel<Custom>.PatcherChannel changeset that will be applied to an existing ChatChannel.

An updated ChatChannel if the Patcher was able to perform the update, otherwise the duplicate ChatChannel.

Data provider actions

DataProvider contains several convenience methods that streamline the ability to fetch and manage channel data. You can access DataProvider through ChatProvider.

  • load()

    Inserts or updates a list of channels in the Core Data store batching based on the supplied batchSize.

    public func load(
    channels: [ChatChannel<ModelData.Channel>],
    batchSize: Int = 256,
    batchHandler: (([ChatChannel<ModelData.Channel>], Error?) -> Void)? = nil,
    completion: (() -> Void)? = nil


channels[ChatChannel<ModelData.Channel>]Channels to store.
batchSizeIntSize of each chunk of channels to store.
batchHandler(([ChatChannel<ModelData.Channel>], Error?) -> Void)?Closure called after storing each batch.
completion(() -> Void)?Closure called after storing all channels.
  • removeStoredChannel()

    Removes a managed channel matching the supplied channelId.

    public func removeStoredChannel(
    channelId: String,
    completion: ((Error?) -> Void)? = nil
channelIdStringUnique identifier for the channel.
completion((Error?) -> Void)?Closure called after removing the channel.
  • syncRemoteChannel()

    Calls the fetch(channel:) PubNub endpoint and stores the response inside the Core Data store.

    public func syncRemoteChannel(
    _ request: ChatChannelRequest<ModelData.Channel>,
    completion: ((Result<ChatChannel<ModelData.Channel>, Error>) -> Void)? = nil
_ requestChatChannelRequest<ModelData.Channel>Request object that sets the PubNub API method parameters.
completion((Result<ChatChannel<ModelData.Channel>, Error>) -> Void)?Result of either the fetched and stored channel or an Error.
  • syncRemoteChannelsPaginated()

Calls the fetchPagesPublisher(channels:) PubNub endpoint and stores the response inside the Core Data store.

public func syncRemoteChannelsPaginated(
_ request: ChannelsFetchRequest,
pageHandler: (([ChatChannel<ModelData.Channel>], ChannelsFetchRequest?, Error?) -> Void)? = nil,
completion: ((PaginationError<ChannelsFetchRequest>?) -> Void)? = nil
_ requestChannelsFetchRequestRequest object that sets the PubNub API method parameters.
pageHandler(([ChatChannel<ModelData.Channel>], ChannelsFetchRequest?, Error?) -> Void)?The latest batch of ChatChannel that was fetched and stored.
completion((PaginationError<ChannelsFetchRequest>?) -> Void)?Result of either the fetched and stored channels (with the next request for pagination) or an Error.
  • createRemoteChannel()

Calls the create(channel:) PubNub endpoint and stores the response inside the Core Data store.

public func createRemoteChannel(
_ request: ChatChannelRequest<ModelData.Channel>,
completion: ((Result<ChatChannel<ModelData.Channel>, Error>) -> Void)? = nil
_ requestChatChannelRequest<ModelData.Channel>Request object that sets the PubNub API method parameters.
completion((Result<ChatChannel<ModelData.Channel>, Error>) -> Void)?Result of either the fetched and stored channels (with the next request for pagination) or an Error.
  • updateRemoteChannel()

Calls the update(channel:) PubNub endpoint and stores the response inside the Core Data store.

public func updateRemoteChannel(
_ request: ChatChannelRequest<ModelData.Channel>,
completion: ((Result<ChatChannel<ModelData.Channel>, Error>) -> Void)? = nil
_ requestChatChannelRequest<ModelData.Channel>Request object that sets the PubNub API method parameters.
completion((Result<ChatChannel<ModelData.Channel>, Error>) -> Void)?Result of either the fetched and stored channel or an Error.
  • removeRemoteChannel()

Calls the remove(channel:) PubNub endpoint and stores the response inside the Core Data store.

public func removeRemoteChannel(
_ request: ChatChannelRequest<ModelData.Channel>,
completion: ((Result<Void, Error>) -> Void)?
_ requestChatChannelRequest<ModelData.Channel>Request object that sets the PubNub API method parameters.
completion((Result<Void, Error>) -> Void)?Result of either the fetched and stored channel or an Error.


A user is an individual that's using the chat application and can be associated with both channels (through members) and messages.

Managed data

The default Managed Object Model inside the Chat Components defines a Core Data NSManagedObject named PubNubManagedUser.

If a custom Managed Object Model is used, then an NSManagedObject entity must implement the ManagedChatUser protocol before it can be used by the Chat Components framework.

Managed user

The PubNubManagedUser entity is a CoreData managed User class used whenever a ChatUser needs to be stored locally. It is defined with the following attributes:

idStringUnique identifier for the object.
nameString?Name of the channel.
typeStringFunctional type of the user. The default value is set to "default".
statusString?Status of the user.
externalIdString?External identifier for the object.
avatarURLURL?URL to a user avatar that you can display in the UI.
emailString?Email address for the user.
customDataCustom key value pairs that can be stored with the user.
lastUpdatedDate?Last time the remote object was changed. This field references the updated field from ChatUser.
eTagString?Caching value that changes whenever the remote object changes.


The PubNubManagedUser entity has relationships with the following entities:

membershipsSet<PubNubManagedMember>Entity that connects to the users of a channel.
messagesSet<PubNubManagedMessage>Entity that connects to the messages of a channel.

Managed user protocol

To allow for a custom Managed Object Model, the ManagedChatUser protocol is used when referring to the managed object.

The protocol requires the following properties and methods:

  • pubnubUserID

    Identifier used when interacting with PubNub APIs. It can be different from the primary key ID used by the managed object.

    var pubnubUserID: String { get }
  • convert()

    Converts the managed object to a network object with the appropriately typed custom user data.

    func convert<Custom: UserCustomData>() -> ChatUser<Custom>

The base network object transformed to use the specified UserCustomData.

  • insertOrUpdate(user:into:)

    Inserts or updates the managed object from a network object.

    static func insertOrUpdate<Custom: UserCustomData>(
    user: ChatUser<Custom>,
    into context: NSManagedObjectContext
    ) throws -> Self
userChatUser<UserCustomData>ChatUser to be updated or inserted.
intoNSManagedObjectContextCore Data context where the object is inserted or updated.

The managed object that was inserted or updated.

Observing the NSManagedObjectContextDidSave notification will indicate whether a new managed object was created or an existing object was updated.

  • patch(usingPatch:into:)
static func patch<Custom: UserCustomData>(
usingPatch patcher: ChatUser<Custom>.Patcher,
into context: NSManagedObjectContext
) throws -> Self
usingPatchChatUser<UserCustomData>.PatcherChatUser.Patcher changeset that is applied to an existing user if one exists.
intoNSManagedObjectContextCore Data context where the object is inserted or updated.

The managed object that was updated.

Observing the NSManagedObjectContextDidSave notification will indicate whether an existing object was updated.

  • remove(userId:from:)

    Removes a managed object matching the userId parameter.

    static func remove(
    userId: String,
    from context: NSManagedObjectContext
    ) -> Self?
userIdStringUnique identifier for the user.
fromNSManagedObjectContextCore Data context where the object is removed.

The managed object that was removed.

Observing the NSManagedObjectContextDidSave notification will indicate whether a managed object was removed.

  • userBy(userId:)

    Creates NSFetchRequest that gets ManagedChatUser matching the userId parameter.

    static func userBy(userId: String) -> NSFetchRequest<Self>
userIdStringUnique identifier for ManagedChatUser.

NSFetchRequest whose predicate is set to get ManagedChatUser that matches the userId parameter.

Network data

The generic ChatUser class contains the user payload fields and is used whenever a Swift PubNub API requires a User object.

idStringUnique identifier for the object.
nameString?Name of the channel.
typeStringFunctional type of the user. The default value is set to "default".
statusString?Status of the user.
externalIdString?External identifier for the object.
avatarURLURL?URL to a user avatar that you can display in the UI. This field references the profileUrl field from the user payload specification.
emailString?Email address for the user.
updatedDate?Last time the remote object was changed.
eTagString?Caching value that changes whenever the remote object changes.
customUserCustomDataCustom key value pairs that can be stored with the user.

Custom user data

Implement the UserCustomData protocol to provide custom data to the generic ChatUser class.

By default, all custom data is implemented as an empty object VoidCustomData.

The default implementation of ChatUser is a typealias of the following:

public typealias PubNubChatUser = ChatUser<VoidCustomData>


  • patch(:)

Patches the properties of an existing ChatUser from a real-time changeset.

  public func patch(
_ patcher: ChatUser<Customr>.Patcher
) -> ChatUser<Custom>
userChatUser<Custom>.PatcherUser changeset that will be applied to an existing ChatUser.

An updated ChatUser if the Patcher was able to perform the update, otherwise the duplicate ChatUser.

Data provider actions

DataProvider contains several convenience methods that streamline the ability to fetch and manage user data. You can DataProvider through ChatProvider,

  • load()

    Insets or updates a list of users in the Core Data store batching based on the supplied batchSize.

    public func load(
    users: [ChatUser<ModelData.User>],
    batchSize: Int = 256,
    batchHandler: (([ChatUser<ModelData.User>], Error?) -> Void)? = nil,
    completion: (() -> Void)? = nil


users[ChatUser<ModelData.User>]Users to store.
batchSizeIntSize of each chunk of users to store.
batchHandler(([ChatUser<ModelData.User>], Error?) -> Void)?Closure called after storing each batch.
completion(() -> Void)?Closure called after storing all users.
  • removeStoredUser()

    Removes a managed user matching the supplied userId.

    public func removeStoredUser(
    userId: String,
    completion: ((Error?) -> Void)? = nil
userIdStringUnique identifier for the user.
completion((Error?) -> Void)?Closure called after removing the user.
  • syncRemoteUser()

Calls the fetch(user:) PubNub endpoint and stores the response inside the Core Data store.

public func syncRemoteUser(
_ request: ChatUserRequest<ModelData.User>,
completion: ((Result<ChatUser<ModelData.User>, Error>) -> Void)? = nil
_ requestChatUserRequest<ModelData.User>Request object that sets the PubNub API method parameters.
completion((Result<ChatUser<ModelData.User>, Error>) -> Void)?Result of either the fetched and stored user or an Error.
  • syncRemoteUsers()

Calls the fetch(users:) PubNub endpoint and stores the response inside the Core Data store.

public func syncRemoteUsers(
_ request: UsersFetchRequest,
completion: ((Result<(channels: [ChatUser<ModelData.User>], next: UsersFetchRequest?), Error>) -> Void)?
_ requestUsersFetchRequestRequest object that sets the PubNub API method parameters.
completion((Result<(channels: [ChatUser<ModelData.User>], next: UsersFetchRequest?), Error>) -> Void)?Result of either the fetched and stored users (with the next request for pagination) or an Error.
  • syncRemoteUsersPaginated()

Calls the fetchPagesPublisher(users:) PubNub endpoint and stores the response inside the Core Data store.

public func syncRemoteUsersPaginated(
_ request: UsersFetchRequest,
pageHandler: (([ChatUser<ModelData.User>], UsersFetchRequest?, Error?) -> Void)? = nil,
completion: ((PaginationError<UsersFetchRequest>?) -> Void)? = nil
_ requestUsersFetchRequestRequest object that sets the PubNub API method parameters.
pageHandler(([ChatUser<ModelData.User>], UsersFetchRequest?, Error?) -> Void)?The latest batch of ChatUser that was fetched and stored.
completion((PaginationError<UsersFetchRequest>?) -> Void)?Result of either the fetched and stored users (with the next request for pagination) or an Error.
  • createRemoteUser()

Calls the create(user:) PubNub endpoint and stores the response inside the Core Data store.

public func createRemoteUser(
_ request: ChatUserRequest<ModelData.User>,
completion: ((Result<ChatUser<ModelData.User>, Error>) -> Void)? = nil
_ requestChatUserRequest<ModelData.User>Request object that sets the PubNub API method parameters.
completion((Result<ChatUser<ModelData.User>, Error>) -> Void)?Result of either the fetched and stored user or an Error.
  • updateRemoteUser()

Calls the update(user:) PubNub endpoint and stores the response inside the Core Data store.

public func updateRemoteUser(
_ request: ChatUserRequest<ModelData.User>,
completion: ((Result<ChatUser<ModelData.User>, Error>) -> Void)? = nil
_ requestChatUserRequest<ModelData.User>Request object that sets the PubNub API method parameters.
completion((Result<ChatUser<ModelData.User>, Error>) -> Void)?Result of either the fetched and stored user or an Error.
  • removeRemoteUser()

    Calls the remove(user:) PubNub endpoint and stores the response inside the Core Data store.

public func removeRemoteUser(
_ request: ChatUserRequest<ModelData.User>,
completion: ((Result<Void, Error>) -> Void)?
_ requestChatUserRequest<ModelData.User>Request object that sets the PubNub API method parameters.
completion((Result<Void, Error>) -> Void)?Result of either the removed userId or an Error.


The users that are associated with a channel are also known as its members. A user might have many channel memberships and a channel might have multiple members.

Managed data

The default Managed Object Model inside the Chat Components defines a Core Data NSManagedObject named PubNubManagedMember.

If a custom Managed Object Model is used, an NSManagedObject entity must implement the ManagedChatMember protocol before it can be used by the Chat Components framework.

Managed member

The PubNubManagedMember entity is a CoreData managed Member class used whenever a ChatMember needs to be stored locally. It is defined with the following attributes:

idStringUnique identifier for the object.
customDataCustom key value pairs that can be stored with the member.
statusString?Membership status.
lastUpdatedDate?Last time the remote object was changed. This field references the updated field from ChatMember.
eTagString?Caching value that changes whenever the remote object changes.
isPresentBoolPresence status of the user on the channel.
presenceStateData?Presence state of the user on the channel.
channelIdStringDenormalized channel identifier that's derived from the channel relationship entity.
userIdStringDenormalized user identifier that's derived from the user relationship entity.


The PubNubManagedMember entity has relationships with the following entities:

userPubNubManagedUserEntity that connects to the user.
channelPubNubManagedChannelEntity that connects to the channel.

Managed member protocol

To allow for a custom Managed Object Model, the ManagedChatMember protocol is used when referring to the managed object.

The protocol requires the following properties and methods:

  • convert()

    Converts the managed object to a network object with the appropriately typed Custom Chat data.

    func convert<Custom: ChatCustomData>() -> ChatMember<Custom>

The base network object transformed to use the specified ChatCustomData.

  • insertOrUpdate(member:into:)

    Inserts or updates the managed object from a network object.

static func insertOrUpdate<Custom: ChatCustomData>(
member: ChatMember<Custom>,
forceWrite: Bool,
into context: NSManagedObjectContext
) throws -> Self
memberChatMember<ChatCustomData>ChatMember to be updated or inserted.
forceWriteBoolFlag that defines if you want to override properties from PubNubManagedMember to those in ChatMember<ChatCustomData>. Set it to true if you want to insert a new membership that hasn't been synced with the PubNub server yet or if you want to override the channel and user properties for the already stored membership.
intoNSManagedObjectContextCore Data context where the object is inserted or updated.

The managed object that was inserted or updated.

Observing the NSManagedObjectContextDidSave notification will indicate whether a new managed object was created or an existing object was updated.

  • patch(usingPatch:into:)
static func patch<Custom: ChatCustomData>(
usingPatch patcher: ChatMember<Custom>.Patcher,
into context: NSManagedObjectContext
) throws -> Self
usingPatchChatMember<ChatCustomData>.PatcherChatUser.Patcher changeset that is applied to an existing member if one exists.
intoNSManagedObjectContextCore Data context where the object is inserted or updated.

The managed object that was updated.

Observing the NSManagedObjectContextDidSave notification will indicate whether an existing object was updated.

  • remove(channelId:userId:from:)

    Removes a managed object matching the channelId parameter.

    static func remove(
    channelId: String,
    userId: String,
    from context: NSManagedObjectContext
    ) -> Self?
channelIdStringUnique identifier for the channel.
userIdStringUnique identifier for the user.
fromNSManagedObjectContextCore Data context where the object is removed.

The managed object that was removed.

Observing the NSManagedObjectContextDidSave notification will indicate whether a managed object was removed.

  • membershipsBy(userId:)

    Creates NSFetchRequest that gets ManagedChatMember whose connected ManagedChatUser has the userId passed as the parameter.

    static func membershipsBy(userId: String) -> NSFetchRequest<Self>
userIdStringUnique identifier for ManagedChatUser.

NSFetchRequest whose predicate is set to get ManagedChatMember that matches the userId of the connected ManagedChatUser.

  • membersBy(channelID:excludingUserId:onlyPresent)

    Creates NSFetchRequest that gets a list of ManagedChatMember for a specific ManagedChatChannel.

    static func membersBy(channelID: String, excludingUserId: String?, onlyPresent: Bool) -> NSFetchRequest<Self>
channelIDStringUnique identifier for ManagedChatChannel.
excludingUserIdString?Optional user identifier to be excluded. You can use it to remove the current user from a predicate.
onlyPresentBoolWhether the predicate should return only these channel members that are online.

NSFetchRequest whose predicate is set to a list of ManagedChatMember for a specific ManagedChatChannel.

  • memberBy(pubnubChannelId:pubnubUserId:)

    Creates NSFetchRequest that gets ManagedChatMember for specific ManagedChatChannel and ManagedChatUser using their PubNub identifiers.

    static func memberBy(pubnubChannelId: String, pubnubUserId: String) -> NSFetchRequest<Self>
pubnubChannelIdStringUnique PubNub identifier for ManagedChatChannel.
pubnubUserIdStringUnique PubNub identifier for ManagedChatUser.

NSFetchRequest whose predicate is set to get ManagedChatMember for specific ManagedChatChannel and ManagedChatUser using their PubNub identifiers.

Network data

The generic ChatMember class is used whenever a Swift PubNub API requires a Membership object.

chatChannelChatChannel<Custom.Channel>Generic ChatChannel object linked to the user.
chatUserChatUser<Custom.User>Generic ChatUser object linked to the channel.
statusString?Membership status.
updatedDate?Last time the remote object was changed.
eTagString?Caching value that changes whenever the remote object changes.
customCustom.MemberCustom key value pairs that can be stored with the user.
isPresentBool?Presence status of the user on the channel.
presenceMembershipPresence?Presence state of the user on the channel.

Custom chat data

Implement the ChatCustomData protocol to provide custom data to the generic Custom class. ChatCustomData.Member can have its own custom data set by using the MemberCustomData protocol. To allow for generic type adherence for both ChatUser and ChatChannel properties, the ChatCustomData protocol can specify UserCustomData and ChannelCustomData implementations respectively.

By default, all custom data is implemented as an empty object VoidCustomData.

The default implementation of ChatMember is a typealias of the following:

public typealias PubNubChatMember = ChatMember<VoidCustomData>

Data provider actions

DataProvider contains several convenience methods that streamline the ability to fetch and manage member data. DataProvider. You can access DataProvider through ChatProvider.

  • load(members:batchSize:batchHandler:completion)

    Inserts or updates a list of members in the Core Data store batching based on the supplied batchSize.

    public func load(
    members: [ChatMember<ModelData>],
    batchSize: Int = 256,
    forceWrite: Bool = true,
    batchHandler: (([ChatMember<ModelData>], Error?) -> Void)? = nil,
    completion: (() -> Void)? = nil


members[ChatMember<ModelData>]Members to store.
batchSizeIntSize of each chunk of members to store.
forceWriteBoolFlag that defines if you want to override properties from PubNubManagedMember to those in ChatMember<ChatCustomData>. Set it to true if you want to insert a new membership that hasn't been synced with the PubNub server yet or if you want to override the channel and user properties for the already stored membership.
batchHandler(([ChatMember<ModelData>], Error?) -> Void)?Closure called after storing each batch.
completion(() -> Void)?Closure called after storing all members.
  • removeStoredMember(channelId:userId:completion:)

    Removes a managed member matching the supplied channelId and userId.

    public func removeStoredMember(
    channelId: String,
    userId: String,
    completion: ((Error?) -> Void)? = nil
channelIdStringUnique identifier for the channel.
userIdStringUnique identifier for the user.
completion((Error?) -> Void)?Closure called after removing the member.
  • removeStoredMembers(members:batchSize:batchHandler:completion:)

Removes managed members matching the supplied members, batchSize, and batchHandler.

public func removeStoredMembers(
members: [ChatMember<ModelData>],
userId: Int,
batchHandler: (([ChatMember<ModelData>], Error?) -> Void)? = nil,
completion: (() -> Void)? = nil
members[ChatMember<ModelData>]Members to remove
batchSizeIntNumber of members to remove per batch.
batchHandler(([ChatMember<ModelData>], Error?) -> Void)?Closure called after storing each batch.
completion(() -> Void)? = nilClosure called after removing the members.
  • syncRemoteUserMembers

Calls the fetch(userMembers:) PubNub endpoint and stores the response inside the Core Data store.

public func syncRemoteUserMembers(
_ request: UserMemberFetchRequest,
completion: ((Result<([ChatMember<ModelData>], next: UserMemberFetchRequest?), Error>) -> Void)?
_ requestUserMemberFetchRequestRequest object that sets the PubNub API method parameters.
completion((Result<([ChatMember<ModelData>], next: UserMemberFetchRequest?), Error>) -> Void)?Result of either the existing members that are stored locally ( with the next page of members) or an Error.
  • syncRemoteChannelMembers

Calls the fetch(channelMembers:) PubNub endpoint and stores the response inside the Core Data store.

public func syncRemoteChannelMembers(
_ request: ChannelMemberFetchRequest,
completion: ((Result<([ChatMember<ModelData>], next: ChannelMemberFetchRequest?), Error>) -> Void)?
_ requestChannelMemberFetchRequestRequest object that sets the PubNub API method parameters.
completion((Result<([ChatMember<ModelData>], next: ChannelMemberFetchRequest?), Error>) -> Void)?Result of either the existing members that are stored locally (with the next page of members) or an Error.
  • syncRemoteUserMembersPagination

Calls the fetchPagesPublisher(userMembers:) PubNub endpoint and stores the response inside the Core Data store.

public func syncRemoteUserMembersPagination(
_ request: UserMemberFetchRequest,
pageHandler: (([ChatMember<ModelData>], UserMemberFetchRequest?, Error?) -> Void)? = nil,
completion: ((PaginationError<UserMemberFetchRequest>?) -> Void)? = nil
_ requestUserMemberFetchRequestRequest object that sets the PubNub API method parameters.
pageHandler(([ChatMember<ModelData>], UserMemberFetchRequest?, Error?) -> Void)?The latest batch of ChatMember that was fetched and stored.
completion((PaginationError<UserMemberFetchRequest>?) -> Void)?Result of either the existing members that are stored locally (with the next page of members) or an Error.
  • syncRemoteChannelMembersPagination

Calls the fetchPagesPublisher(channelMembers:) PubNub endpoint and stores the response inside the Core Data store.

public func syncRemoteChannelMembersPagination(
_ request: ChannelMemberFetchRequest,
pageHandler: (([ChatMember<ModelData>], ChannelMemberFetchRequest?, Error?) -> Void)? = nil,
completion: ((PaginationError<ChannelMemberFetchRequest>?) -> Void)? = nil
_ requestChannelMemberFetchRequestRequest object that sets the PubNub API method parameters.
pageHandler(([ChatMember<ModelData>], ChannelMemberFetchRequest?, Error?) -> Void)?
completion((PaginationError<ChannelMemberFetchRequest>?) -> Void)?Result of either the existing members that are stored locally (with the next page of members) or an Error.
  • createRemoteMembers

Calls the create(members:) PubNub endpoint and stores the response inside the Core Data store.

public func createRemoteMembers(
_ request: MembersModifyRequest<ModelData>,
completion: ((Result<Void, Error>) -> Void)?
_ requestMembersModifyRequest<ModelData>Request object that sets the PubNub API method parameters.
completion((Result<Void, Error>) -> Void)?Result of either the existing members that are stored locally (with the next page of members) or an Error.
  • updateRemoteMemberships

Calls the update(members:) PubNub endpoint and stores the response inside the Core Data store.

public func updateRemoteMemberships(
_ request: MembersModifyRequest<ModelData>,
completion: ((Result<Void, Error>) -> Void)?
_ requestMembersModifyRequest<ModelData>Request object that sets the PubNub API method parameters.
completion((Result<Void, Error>) -> Void)?Result of either the existing members that are stored locally (with the next page of members) or an Error.
  • removeRemoteMemberships

Calls the remove(members:) PubNub endpoint and stores the response inside the Core Data store.

public func removeRemoteMemberships(
_ request: MembersModifyRequest<ModelData>,
completion: ((Result<Void, Error>) -> Void)?
_ requestMembersModifyRequest<ModelData>Request object that sets the PubNub API method parameters.
completion((Result<Void, Error>) -> Void)?Result of either the existing members that are stored locally (with the next page of members) or an Error.


A message is the dynamic content that a user sends to other users inside a channel.

Managed data

The default Managed Object Model inside the Chat Components defines a Core Data NSManagedObject named PubNubManagedMessage.

If a custom Managed Object Model is used, an NSManagedObject entity must implement the ManagedChatMessage protocol before it can be used by the Chat Components framework.

Managed message

The PubNubManagedMessage entity is a CoreData managed Message class used whenever a ChatMessage needs to be stored locally. It is defined with the following attributes:

idStringUnique identifier for the object.
timetokenTimetokenInt64 timestamp for the message.
dateCreatedDateISO8601 date string of when the message was created. This attribute references the createdAt field from the message payload specification.
textStringText of the message.
contentTypeStringType identifier of the message payload. Currently, PubNub Chat Components support only text messages.
contentDataExtra content for the message. Can contain any feature-specific data, like URLs to external images.
customDataCustom key value pairs that can be stored with the message.
pubnubUserIdStringDenormalized user identifier that's derived from the user relationship entity.
pubnubChannelIdStringDenormalized channel identifier that's derived from the channel relationship entity.


The PubNubManagedMessage entity has relationships with the following entities:

authorPubNubManagedUserEntity that connects to the user.
channelPubNubManagedChannelEntity that connects to the channel.

Managed message protocol

To allow for a custom Managed Object Model, the ManagedChatMessage protocol is used when referring to the managed object.

The protocol requires the following properties and methods:

  • pubnubMessageID

    Identifier used when interacting with PubNub APIs.

    var pubnubMessageID: Timetoken { get }
  • convert()

    Converts the managed object to a network object with the appropriately typed custom chat data.

      func convert<Custom: ChatCustomData>() throws -> ChatMessage<Custom>

The base network object transformed to use the specified ChatCustomData.

  • insertOrUpdate(message:into:)

    Inserts or updates the managed object from a network object.

    static func insertOrUpdate<Custom: ChatCustomData>(
    message: ChatMessage<Custom>,
    processMessageActions: Bool,
    into context: NSManagedObjectContext
    ) throws -> Self
messageChatMessage<ChatCustomData>ChatMessage to be updated or inserted.
processMessageActionsBoolFlag that defines if you want to insert or update message actions that belong to the given message.
intoNSManagedObjectContextCore Data context where the object is inserted or updated.

The managed object that was inserted or updated.

Observing the NSManagedObjectContextDidSave notification will indicate whether a new managed object was created or an existing object was updated.

  • remove(messageId:from:)

    Removes a managed object matching the messageId parameter.

    static func remove(
    messageId: String,
    from context: NSManagedObjectContext
    ) ->
messageIdStringUnique identifier for the message.
fromNSManagedObjectContextCore Data context where the object is removed.

The managed object that was removed.

Observing the NSManagedObjectContextDidSave notification will indicate whether a managed object was removed.

  • messagesBy(pubnubUserId:)

    NSFetchRequest whose predicate is set to a list of ManagedChatMessage for a specific ManagedChatUser.

    static func messagesBy(pubnubUserId: String) -> NSFetchRequest<Self>
pubnubUserIdStringUnique identifier for ManagedChatUser.

NSFetchRequest whose predicate is set to get a list of ManagedChatMessage for a specific ManagedChatUser.

  • messagesBy(pubnubChannelId:)

    NSFetchRequest whose predicate is set to a list of ManagedChatMessage for a specific ManagedChatChannel.

    static func messagesBy(pubnubChannelId: String) -> NSFetchRequest<Self>
pubnubChannelIdStringUnique identifier for ManagedChatChannel.

NSFetchRequest whose predicate is set to get a list of ManagedChatMessage for a specific ManagedChatChannel.

  • messageBy(messageId:)

    Creates NSFetchRequest that gets ManagedChatMessage matching the messageId parameter.

static func messageBy(messageId: String) -> NSFetchRequest<Self>
messageIdStringUnique identifier for ManagedChatMessage.

NSFetchRequest whose predicate is set to get ManagedChatMessage matching the messageId parameter.

Network data

The generic ChatMessage class implements the PubNubMessage protocol so it can be used whenever a Swift PubNub API requires or supplies a PubNubMessage object. The ChatMessage class contains the message payload fields and is defined with the following attributes:

idStringUnique identifier for the object.
textStringText of the message.
contentTypeString?Type identifier of the message payload. Currently, PubNub Chat Components support only text messages.
contentJSONCodable?Extra content for the message. Can contain any feature-specific data, like URLs to external images.
customCustom.MessageCustom key value pairs that can be stored with the message.
createdAtDateISO8601 date string of when the message was created.
timetokenTimetokenInt64 timestamp for the message.
contentMessagePayloadPayload of the message.
pubnubUserIdStringDenormalized message sender identifier that's derived from the user relationship entity.
userModelChatUser<Custom.User>?Optional ChatUser object that should match pubnubUserId.
pubnubChannelIdStringDenormalized channel identifier of the message sender that's derived from the channel relationship entity.
channelModelChatChannel<Custom.Channel>?Optional ChatChannel object that should match pubnubChannelId.

Custom chat data

Implement the ChatCustomData protocol to provide custom data to the generic Custom class. ChatCustomData.Message can have its own custom data set by using the MessageCustomData protocol. To allow for generic type adherence for both ChatUser and ChatChannel properties, the ChatCustomData protocol can specify UserCustomData and ChannelCustomData implementations respectively.

By default, all custom data is implemented as an empty object VoidCustomData.

The default implementation of ChatMember is a typealias of the following:

public typealias PubNubChatMessage = ChatMessage<VoidCustomData>

Data provider actions

DataProvider contains several convenience methods that streamline the ability to fetch and manage message data. You can access DataProvider through ChatProvider.

  • load(messages:processMessageActions:batchSize:batchHandler:completion)

    Inserts or updates a list of messages in the Core Data store batching based on the supplied batchSize.

    public func load(
    messages: [ChatMessage<ModelData>],
    processMessageActions: Bool,
    batchSize: Int = 256,
    batchHandler: (([ChatMessage<ModelData>], Error?) -> Void)? = nil,
    completion: (() -> Void)? = nil


messages[ChatMessage<ModelData>]Messages to store.
processMessageActionsBoolMessage reactions to store.
batchSizeIntSize of each chunk of messages to store.
batchHandler(([ChatUser<ModelData>], Error?) -> Void)?Closure called after storing each batch.
completion(() -> Void)?Closure called after storing all messages.
  • removeStoredMessage(messageId:completion:)

    Removes a managed message matching the supplied messageId.

    public func removeStoredMessage(
    messageId: String,
    completion: ((Error?) -> Void)? = nil


messageIdStringUnique identifier for the message.
completion((Error?) -> Void)?Closure called after removing the message.
  • sendRemoteMessage

Calls the sendMessage() PubNub endpoint and stores the response inside the Core Data store.

public func sendRemoteMessage(
_ request: SendMessageRequest<ModelData>,
completion: ((Result<ChatMessage<ModelData>, Error>) -> Void)?


_ requestSendMessageRequest<ModelData>Request object that sets the PubNub API method parameters.
completion((Result<ChatMessage<ModelData>, Error>) -> Void)?Result of either the published and stored message or an Error.
  • syncRemoteMessages

    Calls the fetchMessageHistory() PubNub endpoint and stores the response inside the Core Data store.

    public func syncRemoteMessages(
    _ request: MessageHistoryRequest,
    completion: ((Result<(messageByChannelId: [String: [ChatMessage<ModelData>]], next: MessageHistoryRequest?), PaginationError<MessageHistoryRequest>>) -> Void)?


_ requestMessageHistoryRequestRequest object that sets the PubNub API method parameters.
completion((Result<(messageByChannelId: [String: [ChatMessage<ModelData>]], next: MessageHistoryRequest?), PaginationError<MessageHistoryRequest>>) -> Void)?Result of either the existing messages that are stored locally (with the next page of messages) or PaginationError that contains MessageHistoryRequest that failed.

Message reactions

A message reaction is an emoji that a user adds to a message to react to it.

Managed data

The default Managed Object Model inside the Chat Components defines a Core Data NSManagedObject named PubNubManagedMessageAction.

If a custom Managed Object Model is used, an NSManagedObject entity must implement the ManagedChatMessageAction protocol before it can be used by the Chat Components framework.

Managed message reaction

The PubNubManagedMessageAction entity is defined with the following attributes:

idStringUnique identifier for the object.
publishedTimetokenPublish timetoken of the message action.
sourceTypeStringMessage action's type.
valueStringMessage action's value.
pubnubParentTimetokenTimetokenTimetoken of the message that this action belongs to.
pubnubParentIdStringID of the message that this action belongs to.
pubnubUserIdStringPublisher of the message action.

The PubNubManagedMessageAction entity has relationships with the following entities:

authorPubNubManagedUserEntity that connects to the user.
parentPubNubManagedMessageEntity that connects to the message.
Managed message reaction protocol

To allow for a custom Managed Object Model, the ManagedChatMessageAction protocol is used when referring to the managed object.

The protocol requires the following properties and methods:

  • pubnubActionTimetoken

    Identifier used when interacting with PubNub APIs.

    var pubnubActionTimetoken: Timetoken { get }
  • convert()

    Converts the managed object to a network object with the appropriately typed custom chat data.

    public func convert<Custom: ChatCustomData>() throws -> ChatMessageAction<Custom>

The base network object transformed to use the specified ChatCustomData.

  • insertOrUpdate(messageAction:into:)

    Inserts or updates the managed object from a network object.

    public static func insertOrUpdate<Custom: ChatCustomData>(
    messageAction: ChatMessageAction<Custom>,
    into context: NSManagedObjectContext
messageActionChatMessageAction<Custom>ChatMessageAction to be updated or inserted.
intoNSManagedObjectContextCore Data context where the object is inserted or updated.

The managed object that was inserted or updated.

Observing the NSManagedObjectContextDidSave notification will indicate whether a new managed object was created or an existing object was updated.

  • insertOrUpdate(messageAction:into:)

    Inserts the managed object from a network object.

    public static func insert<Custom: ChatCustomData>(
    messageAction: ChatMessageAction<Custom>,
    into context: NSManagedObjectContext
messageActionChatMessageAction<Custom>ChatMessageAction to be inserted.
intoNSManagedObjectContextCore Data context where the object is insertedd.

The managed object that was inserted.

Observing the NSManagedObjectContextDidSave notification will indicate whether a new managed object was created or an existing object was updated.

  • remove(messageActionId:from:)

    Removes the managed object from a network object.

    public static func remove(
    messageActionId: String,
    from context: NSManagedObjectContext
    ) -> Self
messageActionIdStringmessageActionId to be removed.
intoNSManagedObjectContextCore Data context where the object is removed.

The managed object that was removed.

Observing the NSManagedObjectContextDidSave notification will indicate whether a new managed object was removed.

Network data

The generic ChatMessageAction class implements the PubNubChatMessageAction protocol so it can be used whenever a Swift PubNub API requires or supplies a PubNubChatMessageAction object.

actionTimetokenTimetokenPublish timetoken of the message action.
parentTimetokenTimetokenTimetoken of the message that this action belongs to.
sourceTypeStringMessage action's type.
valueStringMessage action's value.
pubnubUserIdStringPublisher of the message action.
userModelChatUser<CustomData.User>?Optional ChatUser object that should match pubnubUserId.
pubnubChannelIdStringID of the channel that the message and its message action belongs to.
messageModelChatMessage<CustomData>?Optional ChatMessage object that should match parentTimetoken.

Data provider actions

DataProvider contains several convenience methods that streamline the ability to fetch and manage message data. You can access DataProvider through ChatProvider.

  • sendRemoteMessageAction(_:completion:)

    Calls the addMessageAction() PubNub endpoint and stores the response inside the Core Data store.

    public func sendRemoteMessageAction(
    _ request: MessageActionSendRequest<ModelData>,
    completion: ((Result<ChatMessageAction<ModelData>, Error>) -> Void)?
_ requestMessageActionSendRequest<ModelData>Request object that sets the PubNub API method parameters.
completion((Result<ChatMessageAction<ModelData>, Error>) -> Void)?Result of either the published and stored message reaction or an Error.
  • removeRemoteMessageAction(_:completion:)

    Calls the removeMessageActions() PubNub endpoint and stores the response inside the Core Data store.

    public func removeRemoteMessageAction(
    _ request: MessageActionRequest<ModelData>,
    completion: ((Result<Void, Error>) -> Void)?
_ requestMessageActionRequest<ModelData>Request object that sets the PubNub API method parameters.
completion((Result<Void, Error>) -> Void)?Closure called after removing the message reaction.
  • syncRemoteMessageActions(_:completion:)

    Calls the fetchMessageActions() PubNub endpoint and stores the response inside the Core Data store.

    public func removeRemoteMessageAction(
    _ request: MessageActionFetchRequest,
    completion: ((Result<(actions: [ChatMessageAction<ModelData>], next: MessageActionFetchRequest?), PaginationError<MessageActionFetchRequest>>) -> Void)?
_ requestMessageActionRequest<ModelData>Request object that sets the PubNub API method parameters.
completion((Result<(actions: [ChatMessageAction<ModelData>], next: MessageActionFetchRequest?), PaginationError<MessageActionFetchRequest>>) -> Void)?Result of either the existing message reactions that are stored locally (with the next page of message reactions) or PaginationError that contains MessageActionFetchRequest that failed.
  • syncAllRemoteMessageActions(pageHandler:completion:)

    Calls the fetchMessageActions() PubNub endpoint and stores the response inside the Core Data store.

    public func syncAllRemoteMessageActions(
    _ request: MessageActionFetchRequest,
    pageHandler: (([ChatMessageAction<ModelData>], MessageActionFetchRequest?, Error?) -> Void)? = nil,
    completion: ((PaginationError<MessageActionFetchRequest>?) -> Void)? = nil
_ requestMessageActionFetchRequestRequest object that sets the PubNub API method parameters.
pageHandler(([ChatMessageAction<ModelData>], MessageActionFetchRequest?, Error?) -> Void)?Closure called after storing each page.
completion((PaginationError<MessageActionFetchRequest>?) -> Void)?Closure called after storing all message reactions.
  • load(messages:processMessageActions:batchSize:batchHandler:completion)

    Inserts or updates a list of messages with reactions in the Core Data store batching based on the supplied batchSize.

    public func load(
    messages: [ChatMessage<ModelData>],
    processMessageActions: Bool,
    batchSize: Int = 256,
    batchHandler: (([ChatMessage<ModelData>], Error?) -> Void)? = nil,
    completion: (() -> Void)? = nil
messages[ChatMessage<ModelData>]Messages to store.
processMessageActionsBoolFlag that defines if you want to insert or update message actions that belong to the given message.
batchSizeIntSize of each chunk of messages with reactions to store.
batchHandler(([ChatMessage<ModelData>], Error?) -> Void)?Closure called after storing each batch.
completion(() -> Void)?Closure called after storing all message reactions.
  • load(messageActions:batchSize:batchHandler:completion)

    Inserts or updates a list of message reactions in the Core Data store batching based on the supplied batchSize.

    public func load(
    messageActions: [ChatMessageAction<ModelData>],
    batchSize: Int = 256,
    batchHandler: (([ChatMessageAction<ModelData>], Error?) -> Void)? = nil,
    completion: (() -> Void)? = nil
messageActions[ChatMessageAction<ModelData>]Message reactions ot store.
batchSizeIntSize of each chunk of reactions to store.
batchHandler(([ChatMessageAction<ModelData>], Error?) -> Void)?Closure called after storing each batch.
completion(() -> Void)?Closure called after storing all message reactions.
  • removeStoredMessageAction(messageActionId:completion)

Removes a list of messages reactions from the Core Data store batching.

public func removeStoredMessageAction(
messageActionId: String,
completion: ((Error?) -> Void)? = nil
messageActionIdStringUnique identifier for the message reaction.
completion((Error?) -> Void)?Closure called after removing all message reactions.
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