Message receipts and reactions

Message receipts enable users to track delivery of messages in a channel. Receipts are most useful in direct one-to-one chats, or in small group chats to indicate that users have read a particular message. They're not commonly used in high-occupancy chats, or in broadcasts with many users.

There are two kinds of receipts:

  • Delivered receipts indicate that the message has been delivered to a user
  • Read receipts indicate that a user has read the message
User ID / UUID

User ID is also referred to as UUID/uuid in some APIs and server responses but holds the value of the userId parameter you set during initialization.

Add a receipt

Use the addMessageAction method to add a receipt on a channel by passing the timetoken of a message. Set the value to message_delivered or message_read to indicate if the message was delivered and received by the user, or if it was read.

Your application needs to implement client-side logic to determine when receipts should be added. Add receipts when the user comes and goes from a channel, or periodically after every few messages. For efficiency, assume that when a message is marked read, all messages published before that message are also read by the user.

channel: 'ch-1'
messageTimetoken: '15610547826970040',
action: {
type: 'receipt',
value: 'read',
function(status, response) {


Remove a receipt

Use the removeMessageAction() method to remove a receipt from a message by providing an actionTimetoken and messageTimetoken for the original message.

channel: 'ch-1'
messageTimetoken: '15610547826970040',
actionTimetoken: '15610547826999081',
function(status, response) {


Fetch receipts in channel

Receipts are stored in history alongside messages when they are added by a user.

Use the getMessageActions method to fetch receipts in a channel. The method works much like other PubNub history methods, and allows you to pass a start and end timetoken and fetch all message reactions that were published during that time. Your app can parse through these actions and update the message state locally.

channel: 'chats.room1',
start: '15901706735798836',
end: '15901706735370016',
limit: 100,
function(status, response) {
console.log(status, response);

Fetch messages with receipts

Use the fetchMessages method with the includeMessageActions parameter set to fetch past messages in a channel along with receipts that were added to those messages. When you're fetching messages with their receipts, you can only fetch on a single channel at a time.

Message Receipt Events

PubNub triggers events to notify clients when receipts are added to or removed from messages. To receive these events, clients should be subscribed to the channel, and add a messageAction listener in the code.

Message Reaction Added
Generated when a message reaction is added to a message.
Message Reaction Removed
Generated when a message reaction is removed from a message.

Message Reaction Added:

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Message Reaction Removed:

show all 17 lines
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