MessageDraft object

MessageDraft is an object that refers to a single message that has not been published yet. Message drafts allow you to mention users, reference channels, and add URLs and files to a message.


The MessageDraft object has the following properties:

extension MessageDraftImpl: MessageDraft {
public var channel: ChannelImpl
public var isTypingIndicatorTriggered: Bool
public var userSuggestionSource: userSuggestionSource
public var userLimit: Int
public var channelLimit: Int
public var quotedMessage: MessageImpl?
public var files: [InputFile]
channelChannelImplChannel where this Message Draft will be published.
isTypingIndicatorTriggeredBoolThis parameter refers to the Typing Indicator feature. Defines if the typing indicator should be enabled when writing the message.
userSuggestionSourceUserSuggestionSourceThis parameter refers to the Mentions feature. Data source from which you want to retrieve users. You can choose either the list of channel members (UserSuggestionSource = .channel) or users on the app's Admin Portal keyset (UserSuggestionSource = .global).
userLimitIntThis parameter refers to the Mentions feature. Maximum number of usernames (name field from the User object) you can mention in one message (the default value is 10 and max is 100).
channelLimitIntThis parameter refers to the References feature. Maximum number of channel names (name field from the Channel object) you can reference in one message (the default value is 10 and max is 100).
quotedMessageMessageImpl or undefinedObject added to a draft message when you quote another message.
files[InputFile]One or multiple files attached to the draft text message.


You can call the following methods on the MessageDraft object.

Click on each method for more details.

Use case

For example, you can use the MessageDraft object methods to let users work on the created draft messages to prepare the final content. They can enrich that content with links, mention other channel members with @, or reference channels with #.

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