ThreadChannel object

ThreadChannel is an object that refers to a single thread (channel) in a chat.


The ThreadChannelImpl class extends ChannelImpl and implements the ThreadChannel protocol. It takes the following properties:

extension ThreadChannelImpl: ThreadChannel {
public var chat: ChatImpl
public var id: String
public var name: String?
public var custom: [String: JSONCodableScalar]?
public var description: String?
public var updated: String?
public var status: String?
public var type: ChannelType?
public var parentMessage: MessageImpl
public var parentChannelId: String

chatChatImplReference to the main Chat protocol.
idStringUnique identifier for the channel. Verify the channel ID with our validator.
nameStringDisplay name or title of the channel.
custom[String: JSONCodableScalar]Any custom properties or metadata associated with the channel in the form of a dictionary of key-value pairs. App Context filtering language doesn’t support filtering by custom properties.
descriptionStringBrief description or summary of the channel's purpose or content.
updatedStringTimestamp for the last time the channel was updated or modified.
statusStringCurrent status of the channel, like online, offline, or archived.
typeChannelTypeOne of the available channel types:
  • direct (1:1)
  • group (multiple people, restricted by invitation)
  • public (open chat for a large audience, anyone can join it)
  • unknown for channels created using the Swift SDK instead of Chat SDK, whose type provided in channel metadata is different than the three default Chat SDK types.
parentMessageMessageImplMessage for which the thread was created.
parentChannelIdStringUnique identifier of the main channel on which you create a subchannel (thread channel) and thread messages.


You can call the following methods on the ThreadChannel object.

Click on each method for more details.

Use case

For example, you can use the ThreadChannel-related methods to:

  • Let users create and reply in threads.
  • Pin important information when needed.
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