Message Reactions API for PubNub C# SDK

Add or remove actions on published messages to build features like receipts, reactions, or to associate custom metadata to messages. Clients can subscribe to a channel to receive message action events on that channel. They can also fetch past message actions from Message Persistence independently or when they fetch original messages.

Add Message Reaction

Requires Message Persistence

This method requires that Message Persistence is enabled for your key in the Admin Portal. Read the support page on enabling add-on features on your keys.

Add an action on a published message. Returns PNAddMessageActionResult in the response.


To Add a Message Reaction you can use the following method(s) in the C# SDK:

ChannelstringYesSpecifies channel name to publish message actions to.
MessageTimetokenlongYesTimestamp when the actual message was created the message action belongs to.
ActionPNMessageActionYesSpecify the action you want to publish of type PNMessageAction.


TypestringYesMessage action's type.
ValuestringYesMessage action's value.

Basic Usage

.Action(new PNMessageAction { Type = "reaction", Value = "smiley_face" })
.Execute(new PNAddMessageActionResultExt((result, status) =>
//result is of type PNAddMessageActionResult.



Remove Message Reaction

Requires Message Persistence

This method requires that Message Persistence is enabled for your key in the Admin Portal. Read the support page on enabling add-on features on your keys.

Remove a previously added action on a published message. Returns an empty response.


To Remove a Message Reaction you can use the following method(s) in the C# SDK:

ChannelstringYesSpecifies channel name to publish message actions to.
MessageTimetokenlongYesPublish timetoken of the original message
ActionTimetokenlongYesPublish timetoken of the message action to be removed.
UuidstringYesUUID of the message.

Basic Usage

.Execute(new PNRemoveMessageActionResultExt((result, status) =>
//empty result of type PNRemoveMessageActionResult.


The RemoveMessageAction() operation returns a no actionable data.

Get Message Reactions

Requires Message Persistence

This method requires that Message Persistence is enabled for your key in the Admin Portal. Read the support page on enabling add-on features on your keys.

Get a list of message actions in a channel. Returns a list of actions sorted by the action's timetoken in ascending order.

Truncated response

Number of message actions in the response may be truncated when internal limits are hit. If the response is truncated, a more property will be returned with additional parameters. Send iterative calls to Message Persistence adjusting the parameters to fetch more message actions.


To Get Message Reactions you can use the following method(s) in the C# SDK:

ChannelstringYesThe channel name.
StartlongOptionalMessage Reaction timetoken denoting the start of the range requested (return values will be less than start).
EndlongOptionalMessage Reaction timetoken denoting the end of the range requested (return values will be greater than or equal to end).
LimitintOptional100Specifies the number of actions to return in response. Default/Maximum is 100.

Basic Usage

.Execute(new PNGetMessageActionsResultExt((result, status) =>
//result is of type PNGetMessageActionsResult.


"More": {
"Start": 15610547826970050,
"End": 15645905639093361,
"Limit": 2
show all 17 lines
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