File Sharing API for JavaScript SDK

Breaking changes in v9.0.0

PubNub Java SDK version 9.0.0 unifies the codebases for Java and Kotlin SDKs, introduces a new way of instantiating the PubNub client, and changes asynchronous API callbacks and emitted status events. These changes can impact applications built with previous versions (< 9.0.0) of the Java SDK.

For more details about what has changed, refer to Java/Kotlin SDK migration guide.

Allows users to upload and share files. You can upload any file of up to 5 MB in size. This feature is commonly used in social apps to share images, or in medical apps to share medical records for patients.

When a file is uploaded on a channel, it's stored and managed using a storage service, and associated with your key. Subscribers to that channel receive a file event which contains a file ID, filename, and optional description.

Send file

Upload the file to a specified channel.

This method covers the entire process of sending a file, including preparation, uploading the file to a cloud storage service, and post-uploading messaging on a channel.

For the last messaging step, sendFile internally calls the publishFileMessage method to publish a message on the channel.

The published message contains metadata about the file, such as the file identifier and name, enabling others on the channel to find out about the file and access it.

Don't JSON serialize

You should not JSON serialize the message and meta parameters when sending signals, messages, or files as the serialization is done automatically. Pass the full object as the message/meta payload and let PubNub take care of everything for you.


* required
channel *StringChannel for the file.
fileName *StringName of the file to send.
inputStream *InputStreamInput stream with file content.
messageObjectMessage which should be sent along with file to specified channel.
shouldStoreBooleantrueWhether PubNub published file message should be stored in channel history.
metaObjectMeta data object which can be used with the filtering ability.
ttlIntegerHow long message should be stored in channel's storage.
customMessageTypeStringA case-sensitive, alphanumeric string from 3 to 50 characters describing the business-specific label or category of the message. Dashes - and underscores _ are allowed. The value cannot start with special characters or the string pn_ or pn-.

Examples: text, action, poll.
Deprecated parameter

The cipherKey parameter in this method is deprecated. We recommend that you configure the crypto module on your PubNub instance instead.

If you pass cipherKey as an argument, it overrides the crypto module configuration and the legacy encryption with 128-bit cipher key entropy is used.

Basic Usage

.message("Look at this photo!")
.async(result -> {
result.onSuccess(res -> {
System.out.println("send timetoken: " + res.getTimetoken());
System.out.println("send status: " + res.getStatus());
System.out.println("send fileId: " + res.getFile().getId());
System.out.println("send fileName: " + res.getFile().getName());


"timetoken": 15957709330808500,
"status": 200,
"file": {
"id": "d9515cb7-48a7-41a4-9284-f4bf331bc770",
"name": "cat_picture.jpg"


The sendFile() operation returns a PNFileUploadResult which contains the following properties:

Property NameTypeDescription
timetokenLongA representation of the timetoken when the message was published.
statusIntegerRemote call return code.
filePNBaseFileUploaded file information.

PNBaseFile contains the following properties:

Property NameTypeDescription
idLongId of the uploaded file.
nameStringName of the upload file.

List channel files

Retrieve list of files uploaded to Channel.


* required
channel *StringChannel to get list of files.
limitInteger100Number of files to return. Minimum value is 1, and maximum is 100.
nextStringRandom string returned from the server, indicating a specific position in a data set. Used for forward pagination, it fetches the next page, allowing you to continue from where you left off.

Basic Usage

.async(result -> {
result.onSuccess(res -> {
System.out.println("files status: " + res.getStatus());
System.out.println("files status: " + res.getNext());
System.out.println("files status: " + res.getCount());
System.out.println("files status: " + res.getCount());
for (PNUploadedFile file : res.getData()) {
System.out.println("files fileId: " + file.getId());
System.out.println("files fileName: " + file.getName());
System.out.println("files fileSize: " + file.getSize());
System.out.println("files fileCreated: " + file.getCreated());
show all 16 lines


"created":"202007 - 26T13:42:06Z"
"status": 200
"totalCount": 1,
"next": null,
"prev": null


The listFiles() operation returns a PNListFilesResult which contains the following properties:

Property NameTypeDescription
timetokenLongA representation of the timetoken when the message was published.
statusIntegerRemote call return code.
nextStringRandom string returned from the server, indicating a specific position in a data set. Used for forward pagination, it fetches the next page, allowing you to continue from where you left off.
countIntegerNumber of files returned.
dataListList of channel files.

PNUploadedFile contains the following properties:

Property NameTypeDescription
idLongId of the uploaded file.
nameStringName of the upload file.
sizeIntegerSize of the uploaded file.
createdStringTime of creation.

Get File Url

Generate URL which can be used to download file from target Channel.


* required
channel *StringName of channel to which the file has been uploaded.
fileName *StringName under which the uploaded file is stored.
fileId *StringUnique identifier for the file, assigned during upload.

Basic Usage

.async(result -> {
result.onSuccess(res -> {
System.out.println("getUrl fileUrl: " + res.getUrl());




The getFileUrl() operation returns a PNFileUrlResult which contains the following properties:

Property NameTypeDescription
urlStringURL to be used to download the requested file.

Download file

Download file from specified Channel.


* required
channel *StringName of channel to which the file has been uploaded.
fileName *StringName under which the uploaded file is stored.
fileId *StringUnique identifier for the file, assigned during upload.
Deprecated parameter

The cipherKey parameter in this method is deprecated. We recommend that you configure the crypto module on your PubNub instance instead.

If you pass cipherKey as an argument, it overrides the crypto module configuration and the legacy encryption with 128-bit cipher key entropy is used.

Basic Usage

.async(result -> {
result.onSuccess(res -> {
System.out.println("downloadFile fileName: " + res.getFileName());
System.out.println("downloadFile byteStream: " + res.getByteStream());


"fileName": "cat_picture.jpg",
"byteStream": <file data>


The downloadFile() operation returns a PNDownloadFileResult which contains the following properties:

Property NameTypeDescription
fileNameStringName of the downloaded file.
byteStreamInputStreamInput stream containing all bytes of the downloaded file.

Delete file

Delete file from specified Channel.


* required
channel *StringThe channel from which to delete the file.
fileName *StringName of the file to be deleted.
fileId *StringUnique identifier of the file to be deleted.

Basic Usage

.async(result -> { /* check result */ });


"status": 200


The deleteFile() operation returns a PNDeleteFileResult which contains the following property:

Property NameTypeDescription
StatusIntegerReturns a status code.

Publish file message

Publish the uploaded file message to a specified channel.

This method is called internally by sendFile as part of the file-sending process to publish the message with the file (already uploaded in a storage service) on a channel.

This message includes the file's unique identifier and name elements, which are needed to construct download links and inform channel subscribers that the file is available for download.

You can call this method when sendFile fails and returns the status.operation === PNPublishFileMessageOperation error. In that case, you can use the data from the status object to try again and use publishFileMessage to manually resend a file message to a channel without repeating the upload step.

Don't JSON serialize

You should not JSON serialize the message and meta parameters when sending signals, messages, or files as the serialization is done automatically. Pass the full object as the message/meta payload and let PubNub take care of everything for you.


* required
channel *StringName of channel to publish file message.
fileName *StringName of the file.
fileId *StringUnique identifier of the file.
messageObjectThe payload.
metaObjectMeta data object which can be used with the filtering ability.
shouldStoreBooleantrueSet to false to not store this message in history. By default, messages are stored according to the retention policy you set on your key.
customMessageTypeStringA case-sensitive, alphanumeric string from 3 to 50 characters describing the business-specific label or category of the message. Dashes - and underscores _ are allowed. The value cannot start with special characters or the string pn_ or pn-.

Examples: text, action, poll.

Basic Usage

.message("This is a sample message")
.async(result -> {
result.onSuccess(res -> {
System.out.println("send timetoken: " + res.getTimetoken());


"timetoken": 15957709330808500,
"status": 200,
"file": {
"id": "d9515cb7-48a7-41a4-9284-f4bf331bc770",
"name": "cat_picture.jpg",


The publishFileMessage() operation returns a PNFileUploadResult which contains the following properties:

Property NameTypeDescription
timetokenLongThe timetoken at which the message was published.
statusIntegerRemote call return code.
filePNBaseFileUploaded file information.

PNBaseFile contains the following properties:

Property NameTypeDescription
idLongUnique identifier of the uploaded file
nameStringName of the uploaded file
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