Status Events for Kotlin SDK
Current category | Deprecated category | Description |
None | PNReconnectedCategory | SDK was able to reconnect to PubNub. |
PNConnectedCategory | PNConnectedCategory | SDK successfully subscribed with a new mix of channels. |
None | PNAcknowledgmentCategory | Used API report success with this status category. |
None | PNTimeoutCategory | Used API didn't receive a response from the server in time. |
PNUnexpectedDisconnectCategory | PNUnexpectedDisconnectCategory | Subscribe loop failed, and the client disconnected from real-time data channels. |
PNMalformedResponseCategory | PNMalformedResponseCategory | Request received in response non-JSON data. It can be because of publish WiFi hotspot which requires authorization or a proxy server message. |
None | PNRequestMessageCountExceededCategory | If requestMessageCountThreshold is set, this status event will arrive each time when the client receives more messages than specified. |
None | PNReconnectionAttemptsExhausted | The subscribe loop has been stopped due to maximum reconnection exhausted. |
PNDisconnectedCategory | PNDisconnectedCategory | The subscription has been stopped. SDK usubsrcibed from all channels. |
PNConnectionError | None | The subscribe loop connection cannot be initialized. |
PNSubscriptionChanged | None | SDK subscribed with a new mix of channels since the initial connection - subscribed to another channel or unsubscribed from a channel while still being subscribed to other channels. Fired every time the channel/channel group mix changes. |