Channel Groups API for Ruby SDK
Channel groups allow PubNub developers to bundle thousands of channels into a group that can be identified by a name. These channel groups can then be subscribed to, receiving data from the many back-end channels the channel group contains.
Channel group operations
You can't publish to a channel group. You can only subscribe to it. To publish within the channel group, you need to publish to each channel individually.
Add Channels
Requires Stream Controller add-on
This method requires that the Stream Controller add-on is enabled for your key in the Admin Portal. Read the support page on enabling add-on features on your keys.
This function adds a channel to a channel group.
Adding Channels
is accomplished by using the following method(s) in the Ruby SDK:
Maximum number of channels
200 channels
can be added to the channel group
per API call.
action: :add,
channels: channels,
channel_groups: channel_groups,
http_sync: http_sync,
callback: callback
Parameter | Description |
action *Type: Symbol | Action that you want to preform, to add, it's :add . |
channels *Type: String, Symbol | The channels to add to channel groups . |
channel_groups *Type: String, Symbol | The channel_groups to add channels to. |
http_sync Type: Boolean | Default false . Method will be executed asynchronously and will return future, to get it's value you can use value method. If set to true , method will return array of envelopes (even if there's only one envelope ). For sync methods Envelope object will be returned. |
callback Type: Lambda accepting one parameter | Callback that will be called for each envelope . For async methods future will be returned, to retrieve value Envelope object you have to call value method (thread will be locked until the value is returned). |
Basic Usage
Add Channels
# Async without callback
future = pubnub.channel_registration(action: :add, channel: 'my_channel', channel_group: :somegroup)
# Sync without callback
envelopes = pubnub.channel_registration(action: :add, channel: 'my_channel', channel_group: :somegroup, http_sync: true)
# Async with callback (callback can be specified also as :callback key)
future = pubnub.channel_registration(action: :add, channel: 'my_channel', channel_group: :somegroup) {
|envelope| puts envelope.status
@status = {
:code => 200,
:category => :ack,
:error => false,
List Channels
Requires Stream Controller add-on
This method requires that the Stream Controller add-on is enabled for your key in the Admin Portal. Read the support page on enabling add-on features on your keys.
This function lists all the channels of the channel group.
Listing Channels
is accomplished by using the following method(s) in the Ruby SDK:
action: :get,
channel_group: group,
http_sync: http_sync,
callback: callback
Parameter | Description |
action *Type: Symbol | To get all channels from a channel groups you need to specify action as :get . |
channel_groups *Type: String, Symbol | Channel groups to fetch the channels of. |
http_sync Type: Boolean | Default false . Method will be executed asynchronously and will return future, to get it's value you can use value method. If set to true , method will return array of envelopes (even if there's only one envelope ). For sync methods Envelope object will be returned. |
callback Type: Lambda accepting one parameter | Callback that will be called for each envelope . For async methods future will be returned, to retrieve value Envelope object you have to call value method (thread will be locked until the value is returned). |
Basic Usage
List Channels
pubnub.channel_registration(action: :get, group: 'family') do |envelope|
pp envelope
@result = {
:data => {
"channels" => ["ben"],
"group" => "family"
@status = {
:code => 200
Remove Channels
Requires Stream Controller add-on
This method requires that the Stream Controller add-on is enabled for your key in the Admin Portal. Read the support page on enabling add-on features on your keys.
This function removes the channels from the channel group.
Removing Channels
is accomplished by using the following method(s) in the Ruby SDK:
action: :remove,
channels: channels,
channel_groups: group,
http_sync: http_sync,
callback: callback
Parameter | Description |
action *Type: Symbol | Use :remove to remove channels . |
channels *Type: String, Symbol | Specify channels name to remove from channel groups . |
channel_groups *Type: String, Symbol | Specify channel_groups name to remove channels from. |
http_sync Type: Boolean | Default false . Method will be executed asynchronously and will return future, to get it's value you can use value method. If set to true , method will return array of envelopes (even if there's only one envelope ). For sync methods Envelope object will be returned. |
callback Type: Lambda accepting one parameter | Callback that will be called for each envelope . For async methods future will be returned, to retrieve value Envelope object you have to call value method (thread will be locked until the value is returned). |
Basic Usage
Remove channels
pubnub.channel_registration(action: :remove, channel: 'son', group: 'family') do |envelope|
pp envelope
@status = {
:code => 200,
:category => :ack,
:error => false,
Delete Channel Group
Requires Stream Controller add-on
This method requires that the Stream Controller add-on is enabled for your key in the Admin Portal. Read the support page on enabling add-on features on your keys.
This function removes the channel group.
Deleting Channel Group
is accomplished by using the following method(s) in the Ruby SDK:
action: :remove,
channel_groups: channel_groups,
http_sync: http_sync,
callback: callback
Parameter | Description |
action *Type: Symbol | Use :remove to remove the channel groups. |
channel_groups *Type: String, Symbol | Specify channel groups name to remove. |
http_sync Type: Boolean | Default false . Method will be executed asynchronously and will return future, to get it's value you can use value method. If set to true , method will return array of envelopes (even if there's only one envelope ). For sync methods Envelope object will be returned. |
callback Type: Lambda accepting one parameter | Callback that will be called for each envelope . For async methods future will be returned, to retrieve value Envelope object you have to call value method (thread will be locked until the value is returned). |
Basic Usage
Delete Channel Group
pubnub.channel_registration(action: :remove, channel_group: 'family') do |envelope|
pp envelope
@status = {
:code => 200,
:category => :ack,
:error => false,