File Sharing API for Swift Native SDK
Allows users to upload and share files. You can upload any file of up to 5 MB in size. This feature is commonly used in social apps to share images, or in medical apps to share medical records for patients.
When a file is uploaded on a channel
, it's stored and managed using a storage service, and associated with your key. Subscribers to that channel
receive a file event which contains a file ID
, filename
, and optional description
Send file
Upload the file to a specified channel.
This method covers the entire process of sending a file, including preparation, uploading the file to a cloud storage service, and post-uploading messaging on a channel.
For the last messaging step, send
internally calls the publish
method to publish a message on the channel.
The published message contains metadata about the file, such as the file identifier and name, enabling others on the channel to find out about the file and access it.
File encryption
The cryptoModule
set in PubNub config will be used for encryption unless you overwrite it using the custom
For more information, refer to Crypto module configuration.
_ content: FileUploadContent,
channel: String,
remoteFilename: String,
publishRequest: PublishFileRequest = PublishFileRequest(),
custom requestConfig: RequestConfiguration = RequestConfiguration(),
uploadTask: @escaping (HTTPFileUploadTask) -> Void,
completion: ((Result<(file: PubNubLocalFile, publishedAt: Timetoken), Error>) -> Void)?
Parameter | Description |
content *Type: FileUploadContent Default: n/a | The content to be uploaded. |
channel *Type: String Default: n/a | The channel the file should be uploaded to. |
remoteFilename *Type: String Default: nil | The name of the content when uploaded. |
publishRequest Type: PublishFileRequest Default: PublishFileRequest() | The request configuration object when the file is published to PubNub. |
custom Type: RequestConfiguration Default: RequestConfiguration | Custom configuration overrides when generating the File Upload URLRequest |
uploadTask Type: (HTTPFileUploadTask) -> Void Default: { _ in } | The file upload task executing the upload; contains a reference to the actual URLSessionUploadTask . |
completion Type: ((Result<(task: HTTPFileUploadTask, file: PubNubFile, publishedAt: Timetoken), Error>) -> Void)? Default: n/a | The async Result of the method call. |
enum FileUploadContent: CustomStringConvertible, CustomDebugStringConvertible
/// A URL to an existing file
case file(url: URL)
/// The raw content of a file and the content type that best describes it
case data(_ data: Data, contentType: String?)
/// A stream of data, the content type of that stream, and the total length of the stream in bytes
case stream(_ stream: InputStream, contentType: String?, contentLength: Int)
struct PublishFileRequest
/// The optional message that will be include alongside the File information
public var additionalMessage: JSONCodable? = nil
/// A user-provided custom message type
show all 50 linesBasic Usage
Reference code example
This example is a self-contained code snippet ready to run in an SDK's IDE. It includes necessary imports and executes methods with console logging. Use it as a reference when working with other examples in this document.
import PubNubSDK
// Creates a configuration object using the demo keys
let config = PubNubConfiguration(
publishKey: "demo",
subscribeKey: "demo",
userId: "myUniqueUserId"
// Initializes a PubNub object with the configuration
let pubnub = PubNub(configuration: config)
// Specify the file URL (ensure the path is correct)
let fileURL = URL(fileURLWithPath: "/path/to/cat_picture.jpg") // Replace with actual file path
show all 35 linesReturns
The uploadTask
handler will respond with an instance of HTTPFileUploadTask
class HTTPFileUploadTask
/// The underlying URLSessionTask that is being processed
var urlSessionTask: URLSessionTask { get }
/// A representation of the overall task progress
var progress: Progress { get }
/// The background identifier of the URLSession that is processing this task
var sessionIdentifier: String? { get }
// An error object that indicates why the task failed
var error: Error? { get }
// The server's response to the currently active request
show all 19 linesThe completion
handler will respond with a Result
A Tuple
containing the HTTPFileUploadTask
that completed, the PubNubFile
or PubNubLocalFile
that was uploaded, and the Timetoken
when it was published.
protocol PubNubLocalFile
/// The local URL of the file
var fileURL: URL { get set }
/// If the local filenames change this can be used to track the remote filename
var remoteFilename: String { get }
/// The channel the file is associated with
var channel: String { get }
/// PubNub-generated ID for a file
var fileId: String { get }
/// User defined name for a file
show all 28 linesFailure
An Error
describing the failure.
List channel files
Retrieve list of files uploaded to Channel
func listFiles(
channel: String,
limit: UInt = 100,
next: String? = nil,
custom requestConfig: RequestConfiguration = RequestConfiguration(),
completion: ((Result<(files: [PubNubFile], next: String?), Error>) -> Void)?
Parameter | Description |
channel *Type: String Default: n/a | Channel to get list of files. |
limit Type: UInt Default: 100 | Number of files to return. Minimum value is 1, and maximum is 100. |
next Type: String? Default: nil | Random string returned from the server, indicating a specific position in a data set. Used for forward pagination, it fetches the next page, allowing you to continue from where you left off. |
custom Type: RequestConfiguration Default: RequestConfiguration() | Custom configuration overrides when generating the File Upload URLRequest |
completion Type: ((Result<(files: [PubNubFile], next: String?), Error>) -> Void)? Default: n/a | The async Result of the method call |
Basic Usage
channel: "my_channel"
) { result in
case let .success(response):
print("There are \(response.files.count) file(s) found")
if let nextPage = {
print("The next page used for pagination: \(nextPage)")
case let .failure(error):
print("An error occurred while fetching the file list: \(error.localizedDescription)")
The completion
handler will respond with a Result
A Tuple
list of PubNubFile
objects, and the next page identifier (if one exists).
protocol PubNubFile
/// The channel the file is associated with
var channel: String { get }
/// PubNub-generated ID for a file
var fileId: String { get }
/// User defined name for a file
var filename: String { get }
/// Size, in bytes, of the stored file
var size: Int64 { get }
/// The MIME Type of the file
show all 22 linesFailure
An Error
describing the failure.
Get File Url
Generate URL which can be used to download file from target Channel
func generateFileDownloadURL(
channel: String,
fileId: String,
filename: String
) throws -> URL
Parameter | Description |
channel *Type: String | Name of channel to which the file has been uploaded. |
fileID *Type: String | Unique file identifier which has been assigned during file upload |
filename *Type: String | Name under which the uploaded file is stored. |
Basic Usage
do {
let downloadURL = try pubnub.generateFileDownloadURL(channel:, fileId: file.fileId, filename: file.filename)
} catch {
print("The error the occurred generating the URL \(error.localizedDescription)")
The URL where the file can be downloaded.
Download file
Download file from specified Channel
File encryption
If the cryptoModule
is set in PubNub config, it will be used for decryption.
For more information, refer to Crypto module configuration.
func download(
file: PubNubFile,
toFileURL localFileURL: URL,
resumeData: Data? = nil,
downloadTask: @escaping (HTTPFileDownloadTask) -> Void,
completion: ((Result<(task: HTTPFileDownloadTask, file: PubNubLocalFile), Error>) -> Void)?
Parameter | Description |
file *Type: PubNubFile Default: n/a | The file that should be downloaded. |
toFileURL *Type: URL Default: n/a | The file URL where the file should be downloaded to. This is NOT the URL returned from generateFileDownloadURL |
resumeData Type: Data? Default: nil | A data object that provides the data necessary to resume a download. |
downloadTask Type: (HTTPFileDownloadTask) -> Void Default: { _ in } | The file upload task executing the upload; contains a reference to the actual URLSessionUploadTask |
completion Type: ((Result<(task: HTTPFileDownloadTask, file: PubNubLocalFile), Error>) -> Void)? Default: n/a | The async Result of the method call. |
Basic Usage
let requestFile = PubNubLocalFileBase(
fileURL: URL(fileURLWithPath: "path/to/example.png"),
channel: "my_channel",
fileId: "fileId-from-PubNub",
remoteFilename: "filename-from-PubNub"
file: requestFile, toFileURL: requestFile.fileURL
) { (fileTask: HTTPFileDownloadTask) in
print("The task \(fileTask.taskIdentifier) has started downloading; no need to call `resume()`")
print("If needed, the `URLSessionUploadTask` can be accessed with `fileTask.urlSessionTask`")
print("You can use `fileTask.progress` to populate a `UIProgressView`/`ProgressView` ")
show all 25 linesResume Download
Downloads can be paused and resumed at a later time under certain conditions. See Pausing and Resuming Downloads and cancel(byProducingResumeData:)
If you were given resumeData
you can use the following example to try and resume your download; otherwise you can restart a new download.
let resumeData = /* See above documentation on ways you can obtain this data */
let requestFile = PubNubLocalFileBase(
fileURL: URL(fileURLWithPath: "path/to/example.png"),
channel: "my_channel",
fileId: "fileId-from-PubNub",
remoteFilename: "filename-from-PubNub"
file: requestFile,
toFileURL: requestFile.fileURL,
resumeData: resumeData
) { (fileTask: HTTPFileDownloadTask) in
show all 29 linesCustom URLSession
By default, the PubNub instance will use a background configured URLSession
. This will allow the download to continue while the application is not in the foreground. For more information, see Apple's documentation on Downloading Files in the Background
// Explicitly invalidate any existing tasks to avoid memory leaks when overwriting
// Create and make any changes to the default configuration
// Use `URLSessionConfiguration.background(withIdentifier:)`` to create a default background configuration
let configuration = URLSessionConfiguration()
// Create the URLSession using the FileSessionManager as the delegate
pubnub.fileURLSession = URLSession(configuration: configuration, delegate: FileSessionManager(), delegateQueue: nil)
let requestFile = PubNubLocalFileBase(
fileURL: URL(fileURLWithPath: "path/to/example.png"),
channel: "my_channel",
fileId: "fileId-from-PubNub",
remoteFilename: "filename-from-PubNub"
show all 35 linesReturns
The downloadTask
handler will respond with an instance of HTTPFileUploadTask
class HTTPFileDownloadTask
/// The underlying URLSessionTask that is being processed
var urlSessionTask: URLSessionTask { get }
/// A representation of the overall task progress
var progress: Progress { get }
/// The background identifier of the URLSession that is processing this task
var sessionIdentifier: String? { get }
/// An error object that indicates why the task failed
var error: Error? { get }
/// The server's response to the currently active request
show all 19 linesThe completion
handler will respond with an instance of Result
Success A Tuple
containing the HTTPFileUploadTask
that completed and the PubNubLocalFile
that was downloaded. The fileURL
of this object might be different from the toFileURL
in the request if a file already exists at that location.
protocol PubNubLocalFile
/// The local URL of the file
var fileURL: URL { get set }
/// If the local filename changes this can be used to track the remote filename
var remoteFilename: String { get }
/// The channel the file is associated with
var channel: String { get }
/// PubNub-generated ID for a file
var fileId: String { get }
/// User defined name for a file
show all 28 linesFailure An Error
describing the failure.
Delete file
Delete file from specified Channel
func remove(
fileId: String,
filename: String,
channel: String,
custom requestConfig: RequestConfiguration = RequestConfiguration(),
completion: ((Result<(channel: String, fileId: String), Error>) -> Void)?
Parameter | Description |
fileId *Type: String Default: n/a | Unique file identifier which has been assigned during file upload |
filename *Type: String Default: n/a | Name under which the uploaded file is stored. |
channel *Type: String Default: n/a | Channel the file was sent to. |
custom Type: RequestConfiguration Default: RequestConfiguration() | Custom configuration overrides when generating the File Upload URLRequest |
completion Type: ((Result<(channel: String, fileId: String), Error>) -> Void)? Default: n/a | The async Result of the method call. |
Basic Usage
self.pubnub.remove(fileId: "id-of-a-file", filename: "example.png", channel: "my_channel") { result in
case let .success(response):
print("The file whose ID is \(response.fileId) was removed from \(")
case let .failure(error):
print("An error occurred while removing the file: \(error.localizedDescription)")
The completion
handler will respond with an instance of Result
A Tuple
containing the channel
that completed and the fileId
of the removed file.
An Error
describing the failure.
Publish file message
Publish the uploaded file message to a specified channel.
This method is called internally by send
as part of the file-sending process to publish the message with the file (already uploaded in a storage service) on a channel.
This message includes the file's unique identifier and name elements, which are needed to construct download links and inform channel subscribers that the file is available for download.
You can call this method when send
fails and returns the status.operation === PNPublishFileMessageOperation
In that case, you can use the data from the status
object to try again and use publish
to manually resend a file message to a channel without repeating the upload step.
func publish(
file: PubNubFile,
request: PublishFileRequest,
completion: ((Result<Timetoken, Error>) -> Void)?
Parameter | Description |
file *Type: PubNubFile Default: n/a | The PubNubFile representing the uploaded file. |
publishRequest Type: PublishFileRequest Default: PublishFileRequest() | The request configuration object when the file is published to PubNub. |
completion Type: ((Result<(file: PubNubLocalFile, publishedAt: Timetoken), Error>) -> Void)? Default: n/a | The async Result of the method call. |
Parameter | Description |
additionalMessage *Type: JSONCodable? Default: nil | The optional message to include alongside the File information |
customMessageType Type: String? Default: n/a | A case-sensitive, alphanumeric string from 3 to 50 characters describing the business-specific label or category of the message. Dashes - and underscores _ are allowed. The value cannot start with special characters or the string pn_ or pn- . Examples: text , action , poll . |
store Type: Bool? Default: nil | If true the published message is stored in history. |
ttl Type: Int? Default: nil | Set a per message time to live in storage. |
meta Type: JSONCodable? Default: nil | Additional metadata to publish alongside the file. |
customRequestConfig Type: RequestConfiguration Default: RequestConfiguration? | Custom configuration overrides for this request. |
Basic Usage
let file = PubNubLocalFileBase(
fileURL: URL(fileURLWithPath: "path/to/example.png"),
channel: "my_channel",
fileId: "fileId-from-PubNub"
file: file,
request: publishRequest
) { result in
switch result {
case let .success(timetoken):
print("File Successfully Published at: \(timetoken)")
case let .failure(error):
print("Error publishing file: \(error.localizedDescription)")
show all 17 linesReturns
The completion
handler will respond with an instance of Result
A Timetoken
of the published message.
An Error
describing the failure.