Status Events for Swift SDK
Connection Status Events
The ConnectionStatus
enum defines the following values:
Case | Description |
connecting | The connection is in the process of connecting |
connected | The connection has been established |
reconnecting | The connection was dropped and is in the process of connecting |
disconnected | The connection no longer exists |
disconnectedUnexpectedly | The connection was unexpectedly disconnected |
The ConnectionStatus
enum also has the following properties, which you can use to verify details about the event:
Case | Description |
isActive | The connection is connecting, connected, or reconnecting |
isConnected | The connection is connected |
PubNub Error Events
If errors occur, PubNubError will be equatable to a PubNubError.Reason
s case in one of the following categories:
Error objects
Most Error
objects returned from the PubNub SDK can be cast to PubNubError using error.pubNubError
- URL creation
- Codability
- Request processing
- Crypto
- Request transmission
- Response receipt
- Response processing
- Cancellation
- Endpoint response
- Service not enabled
- Uncategorized
URL Creation
A failure occurred during URL creation.
PubNubError.Reason Case | Description |
missingRequiredParameter | A required parameter was missing or empty |
invalidEndpointType | The endpoint is invalid for the action being performed |
missingPublishKey | Required PubNub publish key is missing |
missingSubscribeKey | Required PubNub subscribe key is missing |
missingPublishAndSubscribeKey | Required publish and subscribe keys are both missing |
Encoding or decoding of a Codable
object failed.
PubNubError.Reason Case | Description |
jsonStringEncodingFailure | The object couldn't be encoded into stringified JSON |
jsonStringDecodingFailure | The stringified JSON couldn't be decoded into the requested object |
jsonDataEncodingFailure | The object couldn't be encoded into JSON data |
jsonDataDecodingFailure | The JSON data couldn't be decoded into the requested object |
Request processing
An error occurred while preparing or evaluating the Request
PubNubError.Reason Case | Description |
requestMutatorFailure | The request mutation failed |
requestRetryFailed | The request reached the maximum retry count |
A failure occurred performing a Crypto
PubNubError.Reason Case | Description |
missingCryptoKey | Missing cipher key from PubNubConfiguration |
Request transmission
A failure occurred transmitting the request.
PubNubError.Reason Case | Description |
timedOut | An asynchronous operation timed out |
nameResolutionFailure | The host name for a URL couldn't be resolved |
invalidURL | A malformed/unsupported URL prevented a URL request from being initiated |
connectionFailure | A network resource was requested, but an internet connection hasn't been established and can't be established automatically |
connectionOverDataFailure | The request couldn't be completed due to issues with the cellular network |
connectionLost | A client or server connection was severed in the middle of a request |
secureConnectionFailure | An attempt to establish a secure connection failed for reasons that can't be expressed more specifically |
certificateTrustFailure | There was an issue with the secure server certificate |
Response receipt
The client platform failed when receiving the response.
PubNubError.Reason Case | Description |
badServerResponse | The URL Loading system received bad data from the server |
responseDecodingFailure | Client system couldn't parse network response |
dataLengthExceedsMaximum | The length of the resource data exceeds the maximum allowed |
Response processing
A response was malformed in some way.
PubNubError.Reason Case | Description |
missingCriticalResponseData | Request or response is nil without an underlying error |
unrecognizedStatusCode | An unrecognized response error code was received and couldn't be categorized |
malformedResponseBody | Response is valid JSON but not formatted as expected |
The request was cancelled before completing.
PubNubError.Reason Case | Description |
clientCancelled | The request was cancelled by the application/user without error |
sessionDeinitialized | This Session was deinitialized while tasks were still executing |
sessionInvalidated | This Session 's underlying URLSession was invalidated |
longPollingRestart | The long polling request needed to be cancelled to restart with new data |
Endpoint response
The PubNub endpoint responded with an error.
PubNubError.Reason Case | Description |
invalidArguments | At least one Request parameter is invalid |
invalidCharacter | At least one invalid character in the Request |
invalidDevicePushToken | The provided device token isn't a valid push token |
invalidSubscribeKey | The PubNub subscribe key used for the request is invalid |
invalidPublishKey | The PubNub publish key used for the request is invalid |
maxChannelGroupCountExceeded | The maximum number of channel groups has been reached |
couldNotParseRequest | The PubNub server was unable to parse the request |
requestContainedInvalidJSON | The request contained a malformed JSON payload |
serviceUnavailable | The server took longer to respond than the maximum allowed processing time |
messageCountExceededMaximum | The number of messages returned exceeded the maximum allowed |
badRequest | An unexpected error occurred while processing the request |
conflict | Object was changed by another request since last retrieval |
preconditionFailed | Request payload must be in JSON format |
tooManyRequests | You have exceeded the maximum number of requests per second allowed for your subscriber key |
unsupportedType | You sent an unsupported object to the server |
unauthorized | Access denied due to insufficient authentication/authorization |
forbidden | Authorization key is missing or doesn't have the permissions required to perform this operation |
resourceNotFound | Requested resource not found at that endpoint |
requestURITooLong | URI of the request was too long to be processed |
malformedFilterExpression | The supplied filter expression was malformed |
internalServiceError | An unexpected error occurred while processing the request |
messageTooLong | The message you attempted to publish was too large to transmit successfully |
invalidUUID | Couldn't complete action due to wrong UUID specified |
nothingToDelete | There was nothing to delete |
failedToPublish | The operation successfully stored the value, but failed to publish |
Service not enabled
Failure due to one or more services not enabled.
PubNubError.Reason Case | Description |
pushNotEnabled | Use of the mobile push notifications API requires the Mobile Push Notifications add-on, which isn't enabled for this subscribe key |
messageDeletionNotEnabled | Use of the history delete API requires the Message Persistence and Storage Delete add-ons enabled, at least one of which isn't enabled for this subscribe key |
messageHistoryNotEnabled | Use of the history API requires the Message Persistence add-on which isn't enabled for this subscribe key |
multiplexingNotEnabled | Use of Multiplexing requires Stream Controller to be enabled for this subscribe key |
An unknown error has occurred.
PubNubError.Reason Case | Description |
unknown | Reason unknown |