Latest Feature Releases

Platform Expansion: Mumbai Point-of-Presence


Running a distributed system is tough. But oh the benefits! Fast performance across the globe is what we strive for here at PubNub. And we deliver day after day. 99.999% SLA handling 10s of billions of API calls a day! To make such a system run, and to serve growing markets worldwide, we need to maintain a sophisticated network. And we're happy to say that this network with growing. We now support the India market that much better, through our new Point-of-Presence (POP) in Mumbai.

Customer Support Chat in Portal


Integrating chat into your applications is a great way to improve customer experience. We here at PubNub see this all of the time! People - wanting to buy, use or understand - are looking for answers to their questions. Cranking up an email or picking up the phone are way too time consuming! Chat is a great way to connect customers to people who can help and we are glad to announce the availability of the Customer Support feature in the PubNub Portal. Now you can click on the chat icon to interact with a human. Ask questions! Give feedback! We are here to support you in your real-time efforts!

Platform Upgrade: HTTP/2 Support


One of the benefits of using PubNub is not having to worry about underlying communication protocols. Messaging simply works, in real time and very, very fast. However, sometimes protocols, like MQTT and HTTP, do matter. In the web world, HTTP/2 is the new standard, with more and more web applications and properties supporting by the day. PubNub is pleased to announce that our APIs now support processing requests made over HTTP/2. Broader native support in the SDKs will be rolled out over time. Please contact PubNub Support for more information.

DX Upgrade: Enhanced Portal Navigation


PubNub is happy to announce the release of an updated experience for the PubNub Administration Portal, the tool by which developers manage their usage of the real-time APIs. This update includes simplified navigation, the inclusion of breadcrumbs for faster access to related data as well as an improvement in user experience for those features that require an application or key selection. The roadmap is rich with more enhancements, both user experience and features. Stay tuned!

Platform Upgrade: Global Presence API


It is not all about the features! Recently we upgraded our Presence API, fully rolling it out globally. The result? 400% improvement in latency. We took an already fast API and made it even faster! From an average latency of 50 milliseconds to about 10 milliseconds. Awesome! With faster Presence capabilities, that means downstream customer application experiences are that much better!