Latest Feature Releases

New Feature Release: Presence Stream Filtering


Stream filtering is one of the more powerful features of PubNub messaging. It allows subscribers to fine tune exactly what types of messages they want to receive, based on message metadata. We've updated the capability to include the ability to filter on presence events. Click "Read More" to learn more! You also can learn more about Stream filtering here and here.

New Feature Release: Message Counts API


We're excited to announce the release of our new API – Message Counts – enabling the retrieval of message counts, on a per channel basis, and using a single API call, of messages published to multiple channels after a specified timestamp (time-token). This API is available in our REST API platform as well as in the following SDKs: Objective-C, Swift, Java, JavaScript, Go, Unity, Python, PHP. See here for more information.

Introducing Firebase Cloud Messaging Support


As Google has announced the deprecation of their “Google Cloud Messaging” (GCM) service, PubNub has switched over to that service's replacement: Firebase Cloud Messaging Service. There is no expected customer impact due to this change. Configuration of the PubNub Push API, to use the new Firebase Cloud Messaging Service, is still done through the PubNub Admin Dashboard and overall feature behavior remains the same.

Major Mobile Push Upgrades


PubNub now supports using the updated interface to the Apple notification service (APNS HTTP/2). We have fully implemented this new service as well as supporting several new features that it enables. You can now use tokens from your developer account instead of push certificates. This vastly simplifies the process of securing the connection - no more need to generate certificates, which is an error prone process. Simply specify your token using cut and paste.

ChatEngine Tutorial Available for Vue.js


Build a fully-featured Vue.js chat app using Vuex. Check out information from here: