Message object

Message is an object that refers to a single message published on a chat channel.


The Message object has the following properties:

TimetokenFStringUnique identifier for the message, possibly a timestamp or similar value that helps order messages in a conversation.
MessageDataFPubnubChatMessageDataAdditional data.
 → TypeEPubnubChatMessageTypeThe type of the message. EPubnubChatMessageType::PCMT_TEXT by default.
 → TextFStringOriginal text content of the message.
 → ChannelIDFStringUnique identifier for the channel or group in which the message was sent.
 → UserIDFStringUnique ID of the user who sent the message.
 → MetaFStringExtra information added to the message giving additional context. This object can be of any type and can consist of a list of key-value pairs. For example, {language: 'English', wordCount: 42}.
 → MessageActionsArray<FPubnubMessageAction>Any actions associated with the message, such as reactions, replies, or other interactive elements.

Message-related types


You can call the following methods on the Message object.

Click on each method for more details.

Use case

For example, you can use the Message object methods to:

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