Channel Groups API for Objective-C SDK

Channel groups allow PubNub developers to bundle thousands of channels into a group that can be identified by a name. These channel groups can then be subscribed to, receiving data from the many back-end channels the channel group contains.

Channel group operations

You can't publish to a channel group. You can only subscribe to it. To publish within the channel group, you need to publish to each channel individually.

Add Channels

Requires Stream Controller add-on

This method requires that the Stream Controller add-on is enabled for your key in the Admin Portal. Read the support page on enabling add-on features on your keys.

This function adds a channel to a channel group.


Adding Channels is accomplished by using the following method(s) in the Objective-C SDK:

- (void)addChannels:(NSArray<NSString *> *)channels 
toGroup:(NSString *)group
withCompletion:(nullable PNChannelGroupChangeCompletionBlock)block;
* required
channels *
Type: NSArray
List of channel names which should be added to the group.
group *
Type: NSString
Name of the group into which channels should be added.
Type: PNChannelGroupChangeCompletionBlock
Channels addition process completion block which pass only one argument - request processing status to report about how data pushing was successful or not.

Basic Usage

Add Channels

NSString *channelGroup = @"family";
[self.client addChannels: @[@"wife"] toGroup:channelGroup
withCompletion:^(PNAcknowledgmentStatus *status) {

if (!status.isError) {

// Handle successful channels list modification for group.
else {

Handle channels list modification for group error. Check 'category' property
to find out possible reason because of which request did fail.
Review 'errorData' property (which has PNErrorData data type) of status
object to get additional information about issue.

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Response objects which is returned by client when Add Channels to Group API is used:

@interface PNAcknowledgmentStatus : PNErrorStatus


List Channels

Requires Stream Controller add-on

This method requires that the Stream Controller add-on is enabled for your key in the Admin Portal. Read the support page on enabling add-on features on your keys.

This function lists all the channels of the channel group.


Listing Channels is accomplished by using the following method(s) in the Objective-C SDK:

- (void)channelsForGroup:(NSString *)group 
* required
group *
Type: NSString
Name of the group from which channels should be fetched.
block *
Type: PNClientChannelsForGroupRequestHandlingBlock
Channels audition process completion block which pass two arguments: result - in case of successful request processing data field will contain results of channel groups channels audition operation; status - in case if error occurred during request processing.

Basic Usage

List Channels

NSString *channelGroup = @"family";
[self.client channelsForGroup:channelGroup withCompletion:^(PNChannelGroupChannelsResult *result,
PNErrorStatus *status) {

if (!status) {

// Handle downloaded list of chanels using:
else {

Handle channels for group audition error. Check 'category' property
to find out possible reason because of which request did fail.
Review 'errorData' property (which has PNErrorData data type) of status
object to get additional information about issue.

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Response objects which is returned by client when Add Channels to Group API is used:

@interface PNChannelGroupChannelsData : PNServiceData

// Registered channels within channel group.
@property (nonatomic, readonly, strong) NSArray<NSString *> *channels;


@interface PNChannelGroupChannelsResult : PNResult

// Stores reference on channel group's channels list audit request processing information.
@property (nonatomic, nonnull, readonly, strong) PNChannelGroupChannelsData *data;


Remove Channels

Requires Stream Controller add-on

This method requires that the Stream Controller add-on is enabled for your key in the Admin Portal. Read the support page on enabling add-on features on your keys.

This function removes the channels from the channel group.


Removing Channels is accomplished by using the following method(s) in the Objective-C SDK:

- (void)removeChannels:(NSArray<NSString *> *)channels 
fromGroup:(NSString *)group
withCompletion:(nullable PNChannelGroupChangeCompletionBlock)block;
* required
channels *
Type: NSArray
List of channel names which should be removed from group. If empty list passed whole channel group will be removed.
group *
Type: NSString
Channel group from which channels should be removed.
Type: PNChannelGroupChangeCompletionBlock
Channels removal process completion block which pass only one argument - request processing status to report about how data pushing was successful or not.

Basic Usage

Remove channels

NSString *channelGroup = @"family";
[self.client removeChannels:@[@"son"] fromGroup:channelGroup
withCompletion:^(PNAcknowledgmentStatus *status) {

if (!status.isError) {

// Handle successful channels list modification for group.
else {

Handle channels list modification for group error. Check 'category' property
to find out possible reason because of which request did fail.
Review 'errorData' property (which has PNErrorData data type) of status
object to get additional information about issue.

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Response objects which is returned by client when Remove Channels to Group API is used:

@interface PNAcknowledgmentStatus : PNErrorStatus


Delete Channel Group

Requires Stream Controller add-on

This method requires that the Stream Controller add-on is enabled for your key in the Admin Portal. Read the support page on enabling add-on features on your keys.

This function removes the channel group.


Deleting Channel Group is accomplished by using the following method(s) in the Objective-C SDK:

- (void)removeChannelsFromGroup:(NSString *)group 
withCompletion:(nullable PNChannelGroupChangeCompletionBlock)block;
* required
group *
Type: NSString
Name of the group from which all channels should be removed.
Type: PNChannelGroupChangeCompletionBlock
Channel group removal process completion block which pass only one argument - request processing status to report about how data pushing was successful or not.

Basic Usage

Deleting Channel Group :

NSString *channelGroup = @"family";
[self.client removeChannelsFromGroup:channelGroup withCompletion:^(PNAcknowledgmentStatus *status) {

if (!status.isError) {

// Handle successful channel group removal.
else {

Handle channel group removal error. Check 'category' property
to find out possible reason because of which request did fail.
Review 'errorData' property (which has PNErrorData data type) of status
object to get additional information about issue.

Request can be resent using: [status retry];
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Response objects which is returned by client when Remove Channel Group API is used:

@interface PNAcknowledgmentStatus : PNErrorStatus

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