User management

The User Management module provides a preview of all user metadata available on a given app's keyset and lets you:

To start managing your user and membership data, follow these steps:

  1. Log into the Admin Portal.
  2. Go to the BizOps Workspace section in the left navigation panel.
  3. Select User Management.
  4. Choose an app and a keyset on which you want to manage users.
  5. If needed, configure your keyset following on-screen instructions.

Create users

Follow these steps to create a user:

  1. Once on the main User Management screen, click the Create User icon.

    Create user - button

    The user creation modal pops up.

    Create user

  2. Fill in the details (only ID is required) and click the Create User button.

    The newly created user will appear on the list.

    Users list

Time zone

The Updated field displays time in local time zone.

To learn more about the user fields, refer to App Context methods.

Read-only objects

BizOps Workspace uses the JavaScript Chat SDK underneath. To implement some of its features, like user moderation or message reporting, BizOps Workspace uses technical channels and users (with names preceded by a prefix, such as PUBNUB_INTERNAL or REVIEWED). These objects and the membership between them are marked with the "eye" icon in BizOps Workspace, meaning you can view their details but cannot edit or delete them.

Import users

You can test the User Management feature on a set of sample data without the need to manually create users.

If you have access to Insights, you get a preview of user data on your app's keyset even if you don't use App Context to store and manage it.

You can use that data from Insights, and import it to User Management as sample users.

Click the Import from Insights button to get from your app's keyset a maximum of 20 users who published the highest number of messages within the last day that contained the requested data (for example, if no messages were sent yesterday, users will be imported based on data from a day before).

Top 20 Insights users

After importing the Insights data, it gets stored in App Context, and user objects appear in User Management. The imported users have:

  • The name that is the same as ID imported from Insights
  • The imported type
  • The sent_messages custom field with the fixed number of messages published at the time of the import (criteria used for importing the top 20 users).

If some of the imported user data is already present in App Context, it gets skipped during the import.


Under the hood

Update users

Follow these steps to update the metadata of an existing user.

  1. Click the user entry (any column) or the "More actions" icon next to the user and select View User.

    Update user actions

  2. Edit the field you want to update and click the Save button.

    Edit user

Delete users

You can delete an existing user in one of the following ways.

Delete single user

Follow these steps from the main User Management view:

  1. Select the user to remove and click the Delete button.

    Delete user

  2. When a modal pops up, click Confirm.

Delete multiple users

To remove multiple users at once, follow these steps from the main User Management view:

  1. Select the users to remove and click the Delete button.

    Delete users

  2. When a modal pops up, click Confirm.

Manage membership

Manage user-channel membership from the User Management section.

Add membership

You can create user-channel membership in one of the following ways.

Follow these steps from the main User Management view:

  1. Click the "More actions" icon next to the user and select Assign to Channels.

    Assign to channels

  2. Select the channel on a modal and click the Add button.

    Add channels

Update membership

Follow these steps to update details on the user-channel membership.

  1. Click the user entry (any column).

    User entry

  2. Scroll down and click the View Memberships button at the bottom.

    View membership

  3. Click the channel entry (any column) or the "More actions" icon next to the channel and select View Membership.

    Channel membership details

  4. Update the field(s) and click the Save button.

    Update membership

Delete membership

Follow these steps to remove users from a channel (delete membership).

  1. Click the user entry (any column).

    User entry

  2. Scroll down and click the View Memberships button at the bottom.

    View membership

  3. Select the user entry and click the Delete button or select the "More actions" icon next to the given channel and click Delete. Confirm your choice on the pop-up modal.

    Delete membership

  4. Alternatively, click the channel entry (any column) or the "More actions" icon next to the given channel and select View Membership.

    Check membership details

    Then, click the Delete button and Confirm when a modal pops up.

    Delete membership - button

Bulk delete

If a user is a member of more than one channel, you can remove multiple memberships at once.

  1. Follow the steps 1-2 described in the Delete membership section.

  2. Select channel memberships you want to remove and click the Delete button.

    Delete bulk membership

  3. When a modal pops up, click Confirm.


You can filter users and their channel membership using the Filters icon on the user and membership list views.

Filters button

After choosing this option, you can filter users or memberships through all available fields apart from the custom ones. Choose Category, Operator, and Value.

Filter field

Click Add Field to add additional filtering rows.

This way, you can add multiple filters for different categories.

Multiple filters

Advanced filtering

You can also click the Switch to advanced filtering button to add advanced filtering that can include custom fields.

Advanced button

In the modal field, enter the expression using App Context Filtering Language.

Advanced filtering search

For example, to find all users named John that have the active status and have Support Agent as a custom field (Occupancy), enter (name LIKE '*john*') && (status == "active") && (occupancy == "Support Agent") and press Apply filters.

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