My Account

By clicking your avatar, a sub-menu with different sections is displayed where you can view or change various settings related to your PubNub account.

Avatar icon

ProfileShows general details regarding your account on PubNub's Admin Portal.
Account settingsVarious account settings including:

  • Company Name: Your official company name (appears on invoices).
  • Organization Name: PubNub space for your apps and keysets that allows you to invite other users.
  • Custom Origin: Custom subdomain to route traffic to when a point of presence (PoP) is not performing well or becomes unavailable.
  • Region Group: Region where your user, message, and files data is stored.
  • Slack: Dedicated Slack support channel for the account (for Platinum Support users only).
Single Sign-OnIf your account doesn't have the Single Sign-On feature enabled, this menu item will direct you to a support request to enable it. Once configured, only the account admin is able to access the configuration section for security reasons.
UsersUser management on your account where you can add new users, choose their roles, and invite them to use Admin Portal.
Plans and billingAdd payment information and check your current pricing and support plans. The Pricing plans tab allows you to change your current pricing plan and shows the differences between the plans.
Billing alerts (Paid users only)Customize billing triggers for your account based on cost or usage.
Invoices & costs (Paid users only)Displays previous invoices as well as current month's costs. This item is a direct link to a tab on the Plans and billing page.
SupportAllows for accessing the support contact form.
Log outLogs you out of Admin Portal.

Plans and billing

The Plans and billing page is a central place for your payment, pricing, and support plan data.

Invoices & costs

As mentioned previously, this tab, located inside the Plans and billing section, shows previous invoices as well as the current month's costs. This allows you, for example, to gauge whether the current month is similar to the previous cost-wise.

The section is split into the following views:

portal plans & billing section

Current and past invoices

This section provides information on both previously paid and yet-to-be-paid invoices. If you paid only for a share of an invoice, this section also shows how much is left to pay.

portal invoices section

Month-to-date/Daily breakdown

This section displays different data based on the selected tab. It's split into two separate graphs. One graph shows your costs up to date either on a monthly or daily basis, while the other one shows your cost breakdown by PubNub features that you have enabled, for example, Function Execution.

These graphs allow you to see if the current month is getting close to how much you paid in previous months, it is below that cost, or maybe already over the average amount of your invoices.

portal monthly costs

portal daily costs

Cost predictions

The Total month-to-date cost chart displays the estimated invoice amount at the end of the current month.

The predicted invoice amount is calculated based on the past three months of account usage. This estimation provides visibility into the invoice amount at the end of the current month if the traffic pattern remains the same.

predicted costs


The predicted cost line on the chart only appears for paid accounts that have at least three months of traffic data available.

The end-of-the-month prediction becomes more accurate as the month progresses. 85% of predictions are over 90% accurate if checked in the middle of the month. Any special events, discounts or credits, and other abnormalities to steady usage growth in the past three months impact the predictions.

For best prediction results, we recommend using a monthly billing period.

Billing alert

The Billing alert feature allows you to receive notifications

Billing alert notification

A means of informing a user that a billing alert has been triggered. Before notifications can happen, a billing alert must be triggered first.
when your PubNub usage counts or costs meet trigger details

Trigger details

A set of predefined criteria for a given billing alert. When met, billing alert notifications are generated.
criteria. This feature is only available to those on Starter or Pro plans.

Notifications about triggered billing alerts are always displayed inside the Admin Portal, but you can also choose to receive email, Slack, and/or Microsoft Teams notifications when you create a billing alert.


"I want to know when I've spent 75$"


On the Billing alerts page, you will see a table with a list of alerts created from the most recent to the oldest. The entire Trigger history is available for each alert for you to view.

GIF displaying clicking Trigger history in the billing alerts table

If you're an account admin, you can also create, edit, and snooze alerts, as well as resolve triggered alerts by clicking on the three dots to the right of each alert. Snoozing an alert makes it inactive.

Create billing alerts

Users with the account admin role can create and edit billing alerts, as well as resolve the triggered billing alerts. Other Admin Portal roles can only view them. Each billing alert must contain general information, trigger conditions, and optional additional notification methods.

To create a billing alert:

  1. Click the + Create alert button in the top-right corner of the screen. The Create billing alert pane opens.

  2. In the topmost section of the Create billing alert pane, provide the following information:

    Alert nameName for your billing alert.N/A
    Alert categoryCategory to trigger the billing alert for.Total usage cost or Single entry on invoice

    If you select Single entry on invoice, you must also select the transaction usage type to be notified about. Depending on your pricing plan, options for the transaction usage type may include the following:

    Edge Transactions
    Message Reactions
    Transactions Overage
    Replicated Transactions
    Signals Transactions
    DescriptionExplanation of what the billing alert is about. This parameter is optional.N/A
  3. In the Trigger details section, configure the criteria for triggering the alert:

    TriggerCostTrigger based on the monetary value (US dollar).
    UnitTrigger based on the number of transactions.
    Trigger typeValueIndicates that a specific number is to be used with the trigger, for example: $50 or 500 transactions.
    PercentageIndicates that a percentage is to be used with the trigger, for example: 20% of previous usage cost or 20% of previous number of transactions.
    Trigger valueNumber to be used for the threshold. Billing alerts are triggered when the actual production value is greater than or equal to the entered trigger value.
  4. In the Notification methods section, configure additional notification methods when an alert is triggered. Currently, you can be notified through email (one or more email recipients are allowed), Slack, and/or Microsoft Teams.

  5. Click the Create alert button to save your billing alert.

Billing alert notifications

When a billing alert is triggered, notifications are displayed in Admin Portal. Notifications are only generated once a month unless you make a change to the trigger details. This includes the category, trigger conditions, and trigger value. Billing alert notifications reset on the first of every month. Billing alert scans (whether any trigger details criteria have been met) are conducted daily at 9 PM UTC.

Notification are displayed in the following parts of the Admin Portal:

  • As a notification banner on the Homepage.

    Billing alert notification on the Homepage

  • As a notification banner on the Plans and billing page.

    Billing alert notification on the Plans and billing page

  • As a badge in the My Account menu.

    Alert badge in the My Account menu

  • As a highlighted item on the list of billing alerts on the main Billing alerts page.

    A highlighted item on the list of billing alerts

Notification methods

When creating a billing alert, you can also choose to receive additional notifications about triggered billing alerts (apart from the default notifications issued in the Admin Portal).

Select the notification method you're interested in, fill in the required details, and select Add:

  • Email: Provide one or more email addresses.
  • Slack Provide one or more webhook URL(s) and channel(s).
  • Microsoft Teams: Provide one or more Microsoft Teams URL(s).

You can choose one or all of them for each billing alert.

Notification methods

Emails are sent from, so make sure to add it to your allowlist. You can click the Review Alert button in the email to resolve or dismiss the notification.

Email billing alert notification

Users and roles

The User management view allows you to invite users to administer your application. When you invite a new user, select the appropriate role to grant access to specific areas and actions.


User selection

Role permissions

User roles are essential for managing access and permissions within your account. Various user roles enable individuals to perform specific tasks and access certain features.

Role namePermissionsDescription
Account Admin
  • Full control over the account
  • Create, update, delete secrets
Highest level of access within the account.
App Viewer
  • Access app
  • View keys (secret key excluded)
  • Observe app usage
Basic access for reviewing app-related information.
App Admin
  • All permissions of "App Viewer"
  • Modify app and its keys
Enables changes to app settings and keys.
Key Viewer
  • Access key information (secret key excluded)
  • Observe key usage
Provides access to key-related data.
Key Admin
  • All permissions of "Key Viewer"
  • Modify key
  • Create, update, delete secrets
Allows changes to key settings.
Functions Developer
  • Create, edit, delete packages and functions.
  • Manage functions for the entire account (apps and their keys).
Grants comprehensive control and customization over all account functions and packages.

This role is only required if you grant access to Functions on your account to a user with the Account Admin role.
Functions Viewer
  • View functions for the entire account (apps and their keys).
  • Provides access to view code for account-level functions.
This role is only required if you grant access to Functions on your account to a user with the Account Admin role.
Functions Operator - for an App
  • Manage modules for the entire app and its associated functions.
Facilitates control over all app functions and modules.

This role is only required if you grant access to Functions v1 on your account to a user with the App Admin role.
Functions Operator - for a Keyset
  • Start, stop, restart modules for a specific key and its associated functions.
Facilitates control over functions for a given keyset.

This role is only required if you grant access to Functions v1 on your account to a user with the Key Admin role.
Functions Developer - for an App
  • All permissions of "Functions Operator - for an App"
  • Manage functions for the entire app and its keys
Grants comprehensive control and customization over all app functions and modules.

This role is only required if you grant access to Functions v1 on your account to a user with the App Admin role.
Functions Developer - for a Keyset
  • All permissions of "Functions Operator - for a Keyset"
  • Create, edit, delete modules and functions
Grants comprehensive control and customization over keyset functions.

This role is only required if you grant access to Functions v1 on your account to a user with the Key Admin role.
Functions Viewer - for an App
  • View functions for a specific key and the entire app.
Provides access to view code for app functions.

This role is only required if you grant access to Functions v1 on your account to a user with the App Viewer role.
Functions Viewer - for Keyset
  • View code for functions associated with a specific key
Provides read-only access to functions for a given keyset.

This role is only required if you grant access to Functions v1 on your account to a user with the Key Viewer role.
PubNub Insights
  • View Insights dashboards
  • Edit dashboard settings
  • No access to app and keyset settings
Provides read-only access to Insights information. Restricted from certain areas like Functions, and Events & Actions.
BizOps Objects Operator
  • Manage users, user memberships, channels, channel memberships and presence rules for a keyset.
Restricted from other Admin Portal sections.
Illuminate Admin
  • View, create, and edit Business Objects, Dashboards and Decisions in Illuminate.
Restricted from other Admin Portal sections.
Account Owner
  • Full control over the account
  • Create, update, delete secrets
Highest level of access within the account.
Last updated on