PNNetworkIssuesCategory | A subscribe event experienced connection issues when running. |
PNReconnectedCategory | SDK was able to reconnect to pubnub. |
PNConnectedCategory | SDK is able to connect to pubnub server and subscribe successfully. |
PNSubscriptionChangedCategory | SDK subscribed with a new mix of channels (fired every time the channel / channel group mix changed). Applicable with event engine |
PNAcknowledgmentCategory | Used API reported success with this status category. |
PNAccessDeniedCategory | Request failed because of access error (active Access Manager). status.AffectedChannels or status.AffectedChannelGroups contain list of channels and/or groups to which user with specified auth key doesn't have access. |
PNTimeoutCategory | Used API didn't receive a response from server in time. |
PNDisconnectedCategory | Client unsubscribed from specified real-time data channels. |
PNUnexpectedDisconnectCategory | Subscribe loop failed and at this moment client is disconnected from real-time data channels. This could due to the machine or device is not connected to Internet or this has been lost, your ISP (Internet Service Provider) is having to troubles or perhaps or the SDK is behind of a proxy. |
PNBadRequestCategory | Request cannot be completed as not all required values have been passed (like subscribe key , publish key ) or passed values are of unexpected data type. |
PNMalformedFilterExpressionCategory | Subscription request cannot be processed as the passed filter expression is malformed and cannot be evaluated. |
PNMalformedResponseCategory | Request received in response non-JSON data. It can be because of an error message from the proxy server (if applicable). |
PNDecryptionErrorCategory | Message Persistence API may return this status category in case if some messages can't be decrypted. |
PNTLSConnectionFailedCategory | TLS handshake issues. In most cases is because of poor network quality and packets loss and delays. |
PNRequestMessageCountExceededCategory | This status event will be fired each time the client receives more messages than the value of RequestMessageCountThreshold, set in PNConfiguration . |
PNReconnectionAttemptsExhausted | In case of network disconnect the PubNub client SDK will attempt to reconnect a finite number of times after which this status is sent and the re-connection attempts will stop. |
PNUnknownCategory | PubNub SDK returns this error for SDK exceptions or when server responds with an error. |